EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon loosens access rules to secret programs, raising security leak fears


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Just another in the litany of disastrous Biden policies. Xi and Putin et al are smiling so much they better be careful.

The Pentagon has revised rules that will make it easier for political appointees and congressional staffers to gain access to the Defense Department’s most secret programs, raising concerns among security officials.

Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks issued a memorandum to senior Pentagon officials on Sept. 20 stating that filling out a counterintelligence questionnaire is no longer required to gain access to special access programs. Known as SAPs, these are the most secret activities and programs within the department.


Security officials “see this as a front-door or quasi-sanctioning method that will invite leaks, as previous measures affording proper protection of highly protected information are eliminated,” the official said.


Security experts say the less-demanding rules will make it easier for an already leaky government establishment to disclose classified information.

“This is absolutely a threat to national security,” said retired Navy Capt. James E. Fanell, a former intelligence director for the Pacific Fleet.

Capt. Fanell said the new rule appears to be part of a Biden administration effort that is “systematically destroying one of the most sensitive and effective programs in our national tool kit.”

“This decision is not only unprecedented and presents a grave threat to U.S. national security, and it should be rescinded immediately.”


Just another in the litany of disastrous Biden policies. Xi and Putin et al are smiling so much they better be careful.

The Pentagon has revised rules that will make it easier for political appointees and congressional staffers to gain access to the Defense Department’s most secret programs, raising concerns among security officials.
Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks issued a memorandum to senior Pentagon officials on Sept. 20 stating that filling out a counterintelligence questionnaire is no longer required to gain access to special access programs. Known as SAPs, these are the most secret activities and programs within the department.
Security officials “see this as a front-door or quasi-sanctioning method that will invite leaks, as previous measures affording proper protection of highly protected information are eliminated,” the official said.
Security experts say the less-demanding rules will make it easier for an already leaky government establishment to disclose classified information.
“This is absolutely a threat to national security,” said retired Navy Capt. James E. Fanell, a former intelligence director for the Pacific Fleet.
Capt. Fanell said the new rule appears to be part of a Biden administration effort that is “systematically destroying one of the most sensitive and effective programs in our national tool kit.”
“This decision is not only unprecedented and presents a grave threat to U.S. national security, and it should be rescinded immediately.”

Lol "Republicans for opacity"

obama boogie.gif
Just another in the litany of disastrous Biden policies. Xi and Putin et al are smiling so much they better be careful.

The Pentagon has revised rules that will make it easier for political appointees and congressional staffers to gain access to the Defense Department’s most secret programs, raising concerns among security officials.
Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks issued a memorandum to senior Pentagon officials on Sept. 20 stating that filling out a counterintelligence questionnaire is no longer required to gain access to special access programs. Known as SAPs, these are the most secret activities and programs within the department.
Security officials “see this as a front-door or quasi-sanctioning method that will invite leaks, as previous measures affording proper protection of highly protected information are eliminated,” the official said.
Security experts say the less-demanding rules will make it easier for an already leaky government establishment to disclose classified information.
“This is absolutely a threat to national security,” said retired Navy Capt. James E. Fanell, a former intelligence director for the Pacific Fleet.
Capt. Fanell said the new rule appears to be part of a Biden administF
1st question: why do things need to be dumbed down for top security professionals?

2nd question: Is the Pentagon experiencing a similar employee shortage as much of the nation and is having to dig from the bottom of the candidate pit? That would explain question 1.

3rd question: Wouldn't it be better to keep standards the same and train your new employees better instead of reducing the "skill" required to enter a secure password?

Dumbing down the material to accommodate those who struggle will the basics will encourage more dumbness (sorry, but it's fitting) and lead to additional reduction in standards.....just ask any teacher, any tradesperson, or anyone who has lived beyond the age of 20 who has been employed.
Just another in the litany of disastrous Biden policies. Xi and Putin et al are smiling so much they better be careful.

The Pentagon has revised rules that will make it easier for political appointees and congressional staffers to gain access to the Defense Department’s most secret programs, raising concerns among security officials.
Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks issued a memorandum to senior Pentagon officials on Sept. 20 stating that filling out a counterintelligence questionnaire is no longer required to gain access to special access programs. Known as SAPs, these are the most secret activities and programs within the department.
Security officials “see this as a front-door or quasi-sanctioning method that will invite leaks, as previous measures affording proper protection of highly protected information are eliminated,” the official said.
Security experts say the less-demanding rules will make it easier for an already leaky government establishment to disclose classified information.
“This is absolutely a threat to national security,” said retired Navy Capt. James E. Fanell, a former intelligence director for the Pacific Fleet.
Capt. Fanell said the new rule appears to be part of a Biden administration effort that is “systematically destroying one of the most sensitive and effective programs in our national tool kit.”
“This decision is not only unprecedented and presents a grave threat to U.S. national security, and it should be rescinded immediately.”

Xiden simply learned from the mistakes of Clinton…don’t hide the fact you are giving the CCP secrets…make it public
As I said. Bidung doesn't give shit one about America or Americans. Now his mouthpiece issues order like that for the Pentagon?? What a yes bitch.

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