Professor Strips Thesis of Judith Butler Sourcing, Calls for RDS


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
More academic losses

Professor Strips Thesis of Judith Butler Sourcing, Calls for RDS – ‘Retractions and Disavowals in Scholarship’ – to Oppose BDS (INTERVIEW)

Israeli artist, playwright and professor Dahn Hiuni. Photo: Dahn Hiuni.

Israeli artist, playwright and professor

Dahn Hiuni on Tuesday said he launched a new movement called RDS –

Retractions and Disavowals in Scholarship – to encourage academics to revisit their work to excise references from scholars who have since lost credibility as public intellectuals because of their bias against Israel and support of BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanction movement, that threatens to isolate and punish Israel.

In Hiuni’s case, his attempt to remove University of California at Berkeley professor Judith Butler from his 2005 doctoral thesis at Penn State was met with resistance by the school — “though, they had probably never had such a request,” he admitted to
The Algemeiner

in an interview — so he began circulating a strongly-worded addendum via email and on the Internet, where it has
received echo from other scholars

also fed up with the anti-Israel tone from reflexively left-wing colleagues on campus.

Hiuni described RDS as “anti-BDS and pro-Israel,” in general, and included the following preface:

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What is it about her that he finds objectionable?

Her work has been frequently quoted by pro hamas, pro hezbullah, pro bds and pro antisemitism groups and in numerous papers that voice anti Israeli sentiments.

Her field is as a gender theorist but she has been out spoken against Israel, which is ironic since Israel is the only state in the middle east where homosexuality is not a crime, at least on the books.
What is it about her that he finds objectionable?

Her work has been frequently quoted by pro hamas, pro hezbullah, pro bds and pro antisemitism groups and in numerous papers that voice anti Israeli sentiments.

Her field is as a gender theorist but she has been out spoken against Israel, which is ironic since Israel is the only state in the middle east where homosexuality is not a crime, at least on the books.

OK, but I don't see how that discredits her work.
I wonder if I have this straight This HIUNI person wants his OWN thesis----
redacted a bit-----because he cited some stuff by Judith Butler in his writings?

Seems reasonable to me------He seems to see her as having so discrected
herself that he does not want his name associated with hers.... Do I
have that right? They won't let him do it? Seems to me that he should
promulgate an addendum. Its like buying a painting by Adolf Hitler -----in 1926---
and removing it from one's collection in 1933---
What is it about her that he finds objectionable?

Her work has been frequently quoted by pro hamas, pro hezbullah, pro bds and pro antisemitism groups and in numerous papers that voice anti Israeli sentiments.

Her field is as a gender theorist but she has been out spoken against Israel, which is ironic since Israel is the only state in the middle east where homosexuality is not a crime, at least on the books.

it would be nice if both sides were to engage in an actual discussion of the issues and not so much time maligning and slandering each other.

i see absolutely nothing to warrant anything you said. so what if her articles are picked up by certain groups. you will find that on all sides.

i think one thing people fail to recognize about americans who condemn israel is that our government is very supportive of israel and criticism comes with that territory. people, american people, pose very legitimate concerns about israel. if we were pouring money into lebanon or some other mideastern state and propping up their governments and policies, you would see floods of criticism against lebanon etc.

what really amazes me is that many of the arguments by her supporters defending israel is "well, XY or Z is worse." OK. i concede. israel is better than iran in regards to human rights issues. zionist supporters of israel seem content to rest on those laurels. as long as you are not the worst, you are content.

if israel were such a sterling example of democracy, liberty, equality and had such a great respect for human rights, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or culture, they would not need such zealous defenders, as they would be free from those who criticize her.
So then should Israel treat the Palestinians like the IRA treats the British?

What is it about her that he finds objectionable?

Her work has been frequently quoted by pro hamas, pro hezbullah, pro bds and pro antisemitism groups and in numerous papers that voice anti Israeli sentiments.

Her field is as a gender theorist but she has been out spoken against Israel, which is ironic since Israel is the only state in the middle east where homosexuality is not a crime, at least on the books.

it would be nice if both sides were to engage in an actual discussion of the issues and not so much time maligning and slandering each other.

i see absolutely nothing to warrant anything you said. so what if her articles are picked up by certain groups. you will find that on all sides.

i think one thing people fail to recognize about americans who condemn israel is that our government is very supportive of israel and criticism comes with that territory. people, american people, pose very legitimate concerns about israel. if we were pouring money into lebanon or some other mideastern state and propping up their governments and policies, you would see floods of criticism against lebanon etc.

what really amazes me is that many of the arguments by her supporters defending israel is "well, XY or Z is worse." OK. i concede. israel is better than iran in regards to human rights issues. zionist supporters of israel seem content to rest on those laurels. as long as you are not the worst, you are content.

if israel were such a sterling example of democracy, liberty, equality and had such a great respect for human rights, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or culture, they would not need such zealous defenders, as they would be free from those who criticize her.
What is it about her that he finds objectionable?

Her work has been frequently quoted by pro hamas, pro hezbullah, pro bds and pro antisemitism groups and in numerous papers that voice anti Israeli sentiments.

Her field is as a gender theorist but she has been out spoken against Israel, which is ironic since Israel is the only state in the middle east where homosexuality is not a crime, at least on the books.

it would be nice if both sides were to engage in an actual discussion of the issues and not so much time maligning and slandering each other.

i see absolutely nothing to warrant anything you said. so what if her articles are picked up by certain groups. you will find that on all sides.

i think one thing people fail to recognize about americans who condemn israel is that our government is very supportive of israel and criticism comes with that territory. people, american people, pose very legitimate concerns about israel. if we were pouring money into lebanon or some other mideastern state and propping up their governments and policies, you would see floods of criticism against lebanon etc.

what really amazes me is that many of the arguments by her supporters defending israel is "well, XY or Z is worse." OK. i concede. israel is better than iran in regards to human rights issues. zionist supporters of israel seem content to rest on those laurels. as long as you are not the worst, you are content.

if israel were such a sterling example of democracy, liberty, equality and had such a great respect for human rights, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or culture, they would not need such zealous defenders, as they would be free from those who criticize her.

You want to analyze every quote, speech and paper she has written on the arab/israeli issue, outside of her field of expertise you are free to dig them up. She is quoted by groups like hamas and hezbullah though she has not expertise in the issues. She is outspoken and opinionated but as for being referenced in theses or scholarly papers there is reason to withhold credentials on matters of the middle east.
Rabid-antisemites are not objective scholars and should not be used as references or in bibliographies as such.
Let her stick to her own field of lesbian studies if she wants to be quoted as an expert.
Her work has been frequently quoted by pro hamas, pro hezbullah, pro bds and pro antisemitism groups and in numerous papers that voice anti Israeli sentiments.

Her field is as a gender theorist but she has been out spoken against Israel, which is ironic since Israel is the only state in the middle east where homosexuality is not a crime, at least on the books.

it would be nice if both sides were to engage in an actual discussion of the issues and not so much time maligning and slandering each other.

i see absolutely nothing to warrant anything you said. so what if her articles are picked up by certain groups. you will find that on all sides.

i think one thing people fail to recognize about americans who condemn israel is that our government is very supportive of israel and criticism comes with that territory. people, american people, pose very legitimate concerns about israel. if we were pouring money into lebanon or some other mideastern state and propping up their governments and policies, you would see floods of criticism against lebanon etc.

what really amazes me is that many of the arguments by her supporters defending israel is "well, XY or Z is worse." OK. i concede. israel is better than iran in regards to human rights issues. zionist supporters of israel seem content to rest on those laurels. as long as you are not the worst, you are content.

if israel were such a sterling example of democracy, liberty, equality and had such a great respect for human rights, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or culture, they would not need such zealous defenders, as they would be free from those who criticize her.

You want to analyze every quote, speech and paper she has written on the arab/israeli issue, outside of her field of expertise you are free to dig them up. She is quoted by groups like hamas and hezbullah though she has not expertise in the issues. She is outspoken and opinionated but as for being referenced in theses or scholarly papers there is reason to withhold credentials on matters of the middle east.
Rabid-antisemites are not objective scholars and should not be used as references or in bibliographies as such.
Let her stick to her own field of lesbian studies if she wants to be quoted as an expert.

outside of her field of expertise

Do you believe that if someone is proficient in one field that they cannot know anything else?
it would be nice if both sides were to engage in an actual discussion of the issues and not so much time maligning and slandering each other.

i see absolutely nothing to warrant anything you said. so what if her articles are picked up by certain groups. you will find that on all sides.

i think one thing people fail to recognize about americans who condemn israel is that our government is very supportive of israel and criticism comes with that territory. people, american people, pose very legitimate concerns about israel. if we were pouring money into lebanon or some other mideastern state and propping up their governments and policies, you would see floods of criticism against lebanon etc.

what really amazes me is that many of the arguments by her supporters defending israel is "well, XY or Z is worse." OK. i concede. israel is better than iran in regards to human rights issues. zionist supporters of israel seem content to rest on those laurels. as long as you are not the worst, you are content.

if israel were such a sterling example of democracy, liberty, equality and had such a great respect for human rights, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or culture, they would not need such zealous defenders, as they would be free from those who criticize her.

You want to analyze every quote, speech and paper she has written on the arab/israeli issue, outside of her field of expertise you are free to dig them up. She is quoted by groups like hamas and hezbullah though she has not expertise in the issues. She is outspoken and opinionated but as for being referenced in theses or scholarly papers there is reason to withhold credentials on matters of the middle east.
Rabid-antisemites are not objective scholars and should not be used as references or in bibliographies as such.
Let her stick to her own field of lesbian studies if she wants to be quoted as an expert.

outside of her field of expertise

Do you believe that if someone is proficient in one field that they cannot know anything else?

Not at all, but if they are so ignorant of the field then they should keep quiet. I would not say that I am qualified to write a thesis on quantum mechanics, but I could write one on RF engineering
Her work has been frequently quoted by pro hamas, pro hezbullah, pro bds and pro antisemitism groups and in numerous papers that voice anti Israeli sentiments.

Her field is as a gender theorist but she has been out spoken against Israel, which is ironic since Israel is the only state in the middle east where homosexuality is not a crime, at least on the books.

it would be nice if both sides were to engage in an actual discussion of the issues and not so much time maligning and slandering each other.

i see absolutely nothing to warrant anything you said. so what if her articles are picked up by certain groups. you will find that on all sides.

i think one thing people fail to recognize about americans who condemn israel is that our government is very supportive of israel and criticism comes with that territory. people, american people, pose very legitimate concerns about israel. if we were pouring money into lebanon or some other mideastern state and propping up their governments and policies, you would see floods of criticism against lebanon etc.

what really amazes me is that many of the arguments by her supporters defending israel is "well, XY or Z is worse." OK. i concede. israel is better than iran in regards to human rights issues. zionist supporters of israel seem content to rest on those laurels. as long as you are not the worst, you are content.

if israel were such a sterling example of democracy, liberty, equality and had such a great respect for human rights, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or culture, they would not need such zealous defenders, as they would be free from those who criticize her.

You want to analyze every quote, speech and paper she has written on the arab/israeli issue, outside of her field of expertise you are free to dig them up. She is quoted by groups like hamas and hezbullah though she has not expertise in the issues. She is outspoken and opinionated but as for being referenced in theses or scholarly papers there is reason to withhold credentials on matters of the middle east.
Rabid-antisemites are not objective scholars and should not be used as references or in bibliographies as such.
Let her stick to her own field of lesbian studies if she wants to be quoted as an expert.

there is no need to become so shrill.

i find it strange that you would call a jewish woman, many of whose maternal ancestors were killed in the holocaust, an antisemite.

furthermore you are criticizing her for her opinions on israel and her support of BDS because she lacks "expertise" in the field, and yet you cite someone whos epertise consists of being an artst and playright, and from a notorious propaganda site, no less.

i think judith butler's advocacy for the rights of gay and disenfranchised people probably better parallels the situation in palestine and lends more validity to her opinion about political/social issues than the validity of that of some comical playright shooting from the hip.
it would be nice if both sides were to engage in an actual discussion of the issues and not so much time maligning and slandering each other.

i see absolutely nothing to warrant anything you said. so what if her articles are picked up by certain groups. you will find that on all sides.

i think one thing people fail to recognize about americans who condemn israel is that our government is very supportive of israel and criticism comes with that territory. people, american people, pose very legitimate concerns about israel. if we were pouring money into lebanon or some other mideastern state and propping up their governments and policies, you would see floods of criticism against lebanon etc.

what really amazes me is that many of the arguments by her supporters defending israel is "well, XY or Z is worse." OK. i concede. israel is better than iran in regards to human rights issues. zionist supporters of israel seem content to rest on those laurels. as long as you are not the worst, you are content.

if israel were such a sterling example of democracy, liberty, equality and had such a great respect for human rights, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or culture, they would not need such zealous defenders, as they would be free from those who criticize her.

You want to analyze every quote, speech and paper she has written on the arab/israeli issue, outside of her field of expertise you are free to dig them up. She is quoted by groups like hamas and hezbullah though she has not expertise in the issues. She is outspoken and opinionated but as for being referenced in theses or scholarly papers there is reason to withhold credentials on matters of the middle east.
Rabid-antisemites are not objective scholars and should not be used as references or in bibliographies as such.
Let her stick to her own field of lesbian studies if she wants to be quoted as an expert.

there is no need to become so shrill.

i find it strange that you would call a jewish woman, many of whose maternal ancestors were killed in the holocaust, an antisemite.

furthermore you are criticizing her for her opinions on israel and her support of BDS because she lacks "expertise" in the field, and yet you cite someone whos epertise consists of being an artst and playright, and from a notorious propaganda site, no less.

i think judith butler's advocacy for the rights of gay and disenfranchised people probably better parallels the situation in palestine and lends more validity to her opinion about political/social issues than the validity of that of some comical playright shooting from the hip.

If you find something of value in what she says, goody. I find much of what she says regarding the middle east hateful and misinformed. Too Berkley.
Many from the holocaust lost faith and are secularists. Not all jews believe in the Israeli state, but find it better to be absorbed but what every country they live in than struggle for some ideal for the jewish people.
Jews are as varied as the rest of the world. Some barely know they are jewish, or care.
You want to analyze every quote, speech and paper she has written on the arab/israeli issue, outside of her field of expertise you are free to dig them up. She is quoted by groups like hamas and hezbullah though she has not expertise in the issues. She is outspoken and opinionated but as for being referenced in theses or scholarly papers there is reason to withhold credentials on matters of the middle east.
Rabid-antisemites are not objective scholars and should not be used as references or in bibliographies as such.
Let her stick to her own field of lesbian studies if she wants to be quoted as an expert.

there is no need to become so shrill.

i find it strange that you would call a jewish woman, many of whose maternal ancestors were killed in the holocaust, an antisemite.

furthermore you are criticizing her for her opinions on israel and her support of BDS because she lacks "expertise" in the field, and yet you cite someone whos epertise consists of being an artst and playright, and from a notorious propaganda site, no less.

i think judith butler's advocacy for the rights of gay and disenfranchised people probably better parallels the situation in palestine and lends more validity to her opinion about political/social issues than the validity of that of some comical playright shooting from the hip.

If you find something of value in what she says, goody. I find much of what she says regarding the middle east hateful and misinformed. Too Berkley.
Many from the holocaust lost faith and are secularists. Not all jews believe in the Israeli state, but find it better to be absorbed but what every country they live in than struggle for some ideal for the jewish people.
Jews are as varied as the rest of the world. Some barely know they are jewish, or care.

I find much of what she says regarding the middle east hateful and misinformed.

Do you have some examples?
there is no need to become so shrill.

i find it strange that you would call a jewish woman, many of whose maternal ancestors were killed in the holocaust, an antisemite.

furthermore you are criticizing her for her opinions on israel and her support of BDS because she lacks "expertise" in the field, and yet you cite someone whos epertise consists of being an artst and playright, and from a notorious propaganda site, no less.

i think judith butler's advocacy for the rights of gay and disenfranchised people probably better parallels the situation in palestine and lends more validity to her opinion about political/social issues than the validity of that of some comical playright shooting from the hip.

If you find something of value in what she says, goody. I find much of what she says regarding the middle east hateful and misinformed. Too Berkley.
Many from the holocaust lost faith and are secularists. Not all jews believe in the Israeli state, but find it better to be absorbed but what every country they live in than struggle for some ideal for the jewish people.
Jews are as varied as the rest of the world. Some barely know they are jewish, or care.

I find much of what she says regarding the middle east hateful and misinformed.

Do you have some examples?

Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism, Judith Butler
buy yourself a copy if your are that interested. I would guess it's at least $30, but you might have to get it though a college bookstore if the regular does not have it.

My objection is more how her views are used by terrorist group and anti-semites against Israel, rather than objecting to her. I don't find her credible as an expert in the middle east, just highly opinionated, based in part of misinformation, with access to a mic. I don't believe she did credible scholarly research to come to her conclusions.
I'm not a fan of berkley rhetoric.
If you find something of value in what she says, goody. I find much of what she says regarding the middle east hateful and misinformed. Too Berkley.
Many from the holocaust lost faith and are secularists. Not all jews believe in the Israeli state, but find it better to be absorbed but what every country they live in than struggle for some ideal for the jewish people.
Jews are as varied as the rest of the world. Some barely know they are jewish, or care.

I find much of what she says regarding the middle east hateful and misinformed.

Do you have some examples?

Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism, Judith Butler
buy yourself a copy if your are that interested. I would guess it's at least $30, but you might have to get it though a college bookstore if the regular does not have it.

My objection is more how her views are used by terrorist group and anti-semites against Israel, rather than objecting to her. I don't find her credible as an expert in the middle east, just highly opinionated, based in part of misinformation, with access to a mic. I don't believe she did credible scholarly research to come to her conclusions.
I'm not a fan of berkley rhetoric.

No examples, though.

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