Professor Mead, So, Is There Really NO Corruption Among The Political Elite of America ???

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
A few weeks ago, BEFORE the government officially recognized the HIV epidemic in America, I attended a meeting of Professor Lawrence Mead, "Professor of Politics and Public Policy at New York University", with the members of an elite New York club where he represented and signed his book "Burden of Freedom".

My general impression of the presentation was as if the professor had been in a deep-water research station since 1971, where he wrote his opus, without rising to the surface all these years. Moreover, he wrote not about the inhabitants of the underwater Deep Space, but about us and you ...

As I wrote earlier, I asked the professor three questions, as is customary at meetings at that and at a higher level in Europe. Professor Mead, stated that there is NO corruption in America because American, Western society is "spiritually much more
higher than the dictatorial "Eastern" society and that the laws in our country are so strict that the very possibility of corruption is extremely small. That is the case when our professor really took the cake!


Is it really so?!

As I understand it, Professor Mead has not heard about the case of the “highly moral” President Clinton, about the corruption and criminal “case of colleges” because of being at a great ocean depth for such a long time, and interruptions in communications with the surface. He has also not heard about the “case of corruption of lawmakers”. Neither me, just because the info that the FBI had started the investigation, became public only a few days ago.

That is what Annie Lowrey, the staff writer at The Atlantic writes:"... analysis of 61,998 stock trades made from 2004 to 2010, for instance, showed that politicians outperformed the market by 20 percent, with the portfolios of high-ranking Republicans beating the market by a whopping 35 percent (https : //, in reference to (

Here I will present some quotes from the professor’s book:

"...the government has typically been more honest and effective in Western nations than in non-Western ones. A central reason, again, is the principled, moralistic character of Western Culture, which deters corruption better than the less civic (!!! - A.F.) culture of non-West" (p.13).

My comment:
Bravo professor, what civilization of the East, that presented the European one philosophy, political science, mathematics, astronomy, psychology, medicine, military, and civilian technologies can we even talk about!!!

" ... the rule of law and government by consent imply that officeholders govern not solely in their own interest but as stewards of public institutions serving the whole society" (p.155).

" accountable regime is more formidable that the autocracy, simply because its citizens are now more committed to the task (the same p.).

"Moralism promotes civic behavior not only by individuals, but also by government. ... during the nineteenth century, domestic opposition to corruption ... helped drive state-building in both Britain and America - even though these were already among the best-governed countries" (p.168).

From what I read in this book and on the pages of The Atlantic, we can conclude that:

- we are still in the early nineteenth-century or the reports that:

"...Senator Richard Burr, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who sold off what looks like a large share of his personal holdings the day before Valentine's Day, picking up between $ 628,000 and $ 1.72 million in cash. Roughly a week later, the market tanked ..."

or that

"...Senator Kelly Loeffler, whose husband is the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, who began selling equities on January 24, the day of an all-Senate briefing from officials including Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Through mid-February, her household dumped dozens of stocks ...'


ALL of these are special psychological and ideological operations of Putin’s agents in our media, who are trying to disturb our peace, discredit the innocent "servants of the people" and destroy our ideal "democratic" system.

And WHAT do YOU think about it???


It is equally bad if Professor Mead is really “not up to date” on what is happening on the surface of our Planet or if he deliberately distorts our reality since he teaches students and forms a false picture of the world in their worldview...
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Good information from the Atlantic. Democrats are just as corrupt though. They just are not in power as often; lately. The more cynical angels of my nature tends to think that this is the real reason that the minority members hate being locked out of briefings; so they can't adjust their investments accordingly.

I'll put it to you this way.

Lets say there are 300M Americans who are going to get these $1,200 checks. That is $360B dollars being spent. Or a little over 16% of the $2T bailout going directly to the taxpayers. Do you think this is just the GOP wanting to stick it to the little guy? No. Democrats were right there applauding this bill. Most of the money will go to companies and corporations whose CEO's will be grateful this November.

Don't get me wrong, I'm for the bail out but I would hope it would have been closer to a 50/50 payout between businesses and people; hell 70/30 even sounds better.
Good information from the Atlantic. Democrats are just as corrupt though. They just are not in power as often; lately. The more cynical angels of my nature tends to think that this is the real reason that the minority members hate being locked out of briefings; so they can't adjust their investments accordingly.

I'll put it to you this way.

Lets say there are 300M Americans who are going to get these $1,200 checks. That is $360B dollars being spent. Or a little over 16% of the $2T bailout going directly to the taxpayers. Do you think this is just the GOP wanting to stick it to the little guy? No. Democrats were right there applauding this bill. Most of the money will go to companies and corporations whose CEO's will be grateful this November.

Don't get me wrong, I'm for the bail out but I would hope it would have been closer to a 50/50 payout between businesses and people; hell 70/30 even sounds better.

I am very touched by your comment. By the way, it is the first. It is moderately emotional and very logical. You possess what special interest groups try to block in ordinary people - CRITICAL THINKING. And they succeeded. then you and I are ALSO in the minority.

Very deplorable numbers. And I will give you even more terrifying.
In New York -there are 800 thousand homeless people, 200 thousand of them live on the street. TWO BILLIONS of dollars is allocated for the food of those who live in shelters!
Do you know, HOW MUCH remains on their REAL food ??? Have a guess:
... 3 percent!!!
I’m a scientist, I may not be biased, but I also a citizen and I think that corruption in America, as it became after the counter-revolutionary "Big Corporate Boss Coup" that occurred after the infamous Powell Memorandum of 1971, goes beyond the party lines.

All this struggle for a chair in the White House is a struggle to gain access to the "state feeder" - the budget to ... distribute it among the "interested parties".
Good information from the Atlantic. Democrats are just as corrupt though. They just are not in power as often; lately. The more cynical angels of my nature tends to think that this is the real reason that the minority members hate being locked out of briefings; so they can't adjust their investments accordingly.

I'll put it to you this way.

Lets say there are 300M Americans who are going to get these $1,200 checks. That is $360B dollars being spent. Or a little over 16% of the $2T bailout going directly to the taxpayers. Do you think this is just the GOP wanting to stick it to the little guy? No. Democrats were right there applauding this bill. Most of the money will go to companies and corporations whose CEO's will be grateful this November.

Don't get me wrong, I'm for the bail out but I would hope it would have been closer to a 50/50 payout between businesses and people; hell 70/30 even sounds better.

'... rather than feeling better about progress in the fight against corruption over the past year, a clear majority of people in America now say that things have become worse. Nearly six in ten people now say that the level of corruption has risen in the past twelve months, up from around a third who said the same in January 2016.

A new survey by Transparency International, the US Corruption Barometer 2017, was carried out in October and November 2017. It shows that the US government and some key institutions of power still have a long way to go to win back citizens’ trust".

Your OP focuses on "insider trading" when pols know something serious before the public. Don't overlook the elephant in the room, the "populists vs globalists war". That war cuts across party lines. Is it better to move US factories overseas to take advantage of cheap labor and cut product costs, or should the government use tariffs to keep the US manufacturing sector viable?
The Never-Trumpers like Romney made a ton of money moving factories overseas. They HATE Trump.
Democrats also like getting bribed by big money donors to keep US tariffs off and even support tax breaks for moving jobs overseas. The big money MSM and Hollywood moguls also HATE Trump.
November will be an interesting choice for US voters.
Good information from the Atlantic. Democrats are just as corrupt though. They just are not in power as often; lately. The more cynical angels of my nature tends to think that this is the real reason that the minority members hate being locked out of briefings; so they can't adjust their investments accordingly.

I'll put it to you this way.

Lets say there are 300M Americans who are going to get these $1,200 checks. That is $360B dollars being spent. Or a little over 16% of the $2T bailout going directly to the taxpayers. Do you think this is just the GOP wanting to stick it to the little guy? No. Democrats were right there applauding this bill. Most of the money will go to companies and corporations whose CEO's will be grateful this November.

Don't get me wrong, I'm for the bail out but I would hope it would have been closer to a 50/50 payout between businesses and people; hell 70/30 even sounds better.

'... rather than feeling better about progress in the fight against corruption over the past year, a clear majority of people in America now say that things have become worse. Nearly six in ten people now say that the level of corruption has risen in the past twelve months, up from around a third who said the same in January 2016.

A new survey by Transparency International, the US Corruption Barometer 2017, was carried out in October and November 2017. It shows that the US government and some key institutions of power still have a long way to go to win back citizens’ trust".

Thanks for the comment. I am very glad that this time our opinions coincided. President Trump reminds me of President Nixon, who spoke stunningly to large industrialists and tore off a long-standing ovation, and after a while passed and signed laws that limited their “lawlessness” to workers.

In my election campaign, as I understand it, Mr. Trump relies on those segments of the business that would serve to manufacture in America (say, the supply of raw materials and the logistics of products), suffered from the fact that the liberals are profitably sharing this piece of cake with foreigners.

Autumn will show a lot. Including to what extent the behavior of voters will be guided by patriotic interests, and to what extent the population has gained or regained the ability to think critically, which is firmly blocked by the education system and corrupt media.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Warren’s presidential candidate wasn’t heard, perhaps because she spoke very carefully about the deepest issues of the New Economy and New Elite America, which have nothing left but the flag and the Constitution in real life. " the circle of virtue "that reigned in the country before the counter-revolutionary coup" boss revolt "between 1971 and 1979.

And Bernie Sanders was discredited by declaring him a "socialist" that poorly educated people, through the efforts of corrupt journalists and the pastor, perceive them as an "Islamic terrorist" calling to blow up America.



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