Professional Obamacare-Hater Stephen Moore Can't Find A Single Fact To Support His Case


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Obamacare has increased enrollment in its health care exchanges to more than 11 million, and the conservative response to the law’s demonstrable success at carrying out its goals has been fascinating to behold. Measured by volume, the right-wing backlash has diminished severely, as great roaring waves of furious anger have given way to irregular ripples of discontent. But measured by its content, very little has changed. Conservatives are talking much less than they used to about Obamacare, but they are saying more or less the same things, treating the law as a costly and obvious failure. What’s most striking is how oblivious most of them remain not only to measures of the law’s success, but even to the broad parameters of its objectives.

To take a typical example, here is Stephen Moore, chief economist at the Heritage Foundation, making his case, such as it is, that Obamacare has failed to meet its cost targets. Perhaps the most revealing aspect of Moore’s column is the fact that, five years after its passage, the chief economist of the most influential conservative think tank in the United States lacks even a passing familiarity with its fiscal objectives.

Obamacare has two fiscal goals. The first is to pay for its expanded coverage with a combination of spending cuts and higher taxes, so that the net effect is to reduce the deficit. The second, and more ambitious, goal is to change the incentives of the health-care system to gradually bring down health-care inflation (a goal health-care wonks have called “bending the curve”). Moore’s column, which I am excerpting in its entirety, makes clear he does not understand either target. Moore begins by defining Obamacare’s goal as reducing the deficit:

If there were a contest for the biggest lie in Washington over the past 30 years, it would be hard to compete with President Obama's boast that he would put 30 million more Americans on Medicaid and Obamacare subsidies, and this would reduce the budget deficit. That's got to be right up there with President Clinton declaring, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."​

A new Congressional Budget Office report has blown the lid off the Obama whopper fib.

Keep in mind what Moore is claiming here. Obama promised that the ACA would reduce the deficit, and according to Moore, the Congressional Budget Office has a new report showing this promise was false. If true, this would be enormous news. In fact, no such finding exists. CBO originally estimated that Obamacare would reduce the deficit. It correspondingly estimated for the next several years that repealing the law would increase the deficit. CBO stopped issuing cost estimates of the overall law. It did, however,report that its estimate of the law’s gross costs — the spending on coverage — has been falling, rather than rising. Indeed, the federal government is now projected to spend less on health care than it was projected to spend before Obamacare was passed:

Much More: Obamacare-Hater Can't Find Single True Fact -- NYMag

Stephen Moore has always struck me as someone who fudges facts. This seems to be another example.
You can't bend the cost curve down as long as employer-sponsored health insurance exists.

It's a huge labor union boondoggle that needs to go. Instead, ObamaCare more deeply entrenched it with the employer mandate.
ObamaCare will be a colossal failure, and this will lead to the People crying out for single payer healthcare.
ObamaCare will be a colossal failure, and this will lead to the People crying out for single payer healthcare.

Single Payer (aka government controlled) is a far left wet dream.

That was the goal of Obamacare to pave the way to government controlled single payer healthcare.

The best single payer healthcare is from me to my doctor and no other involvement.
ObamaCare will be a colossal failure, and this will lead to the People crying out for single payer healthcare.

Single Payer (aka government controlled) is a far left wet dream.

That was the goal of Obamacare to pave the way to government controlled single payer healthcare.

The best single payer healthcare is from me to my doctor and no other involvement.
The Right abdicated the health care issue decades ago. And when it did, it was a foregone conclusion from that day forward that single payer healthcare would become a reality in America in our lifetimes.

The Right wing leadership's whining and screaming is theater for the rubes. In all these decades, they never put a comprehensive alternative plan on the table, and six years after ObamaCare was up for debate, they STILL haven't.

The Right sold us all down the river of the Left's wet dream.
It's easier to whine about the other guy's legislation than it is to create and pass legislation of your own. Crying and wailing and renting one's clothes over ObamaCare on the Capitol steps makes for great retard theater for the rubes to parrot.




ObamaCare will be a colossal failure, and this will lead to the People crying out for single payer healthcare.

Single Payer (aka government controlled) is a far left wet dream.

That was the goal of Obamacare to pave the way to government controlled single payer healthcare.

The best single payer healthcare is from me to my doctor and no other involvement.

So if you should have traumatic illness such as cancer or heart disease, you're good to go when the first bill arrives and it's $80,000, right? And that's just the first bill.
Why were 14 million people (9 million children) all qualifying for Medicaid not covered yet they were counted as "uninsured"?
Why were 14 million people (9 million children) all qualifying for Medicaid not covered yet they were counted as "uninsured"?

Many states, like Texas, did not extend Medicaid after the ACA law was passed. So these people will end up going to the ER for every single health care issue from a rash to a heart attack, and who do you think pays that bill? You do. We all do through increased costs passed on by the hospitals who by law have to treat them.
Why were 14 million people (9 million children) all qualifying for Medicaid not covered yet they were counted as "uninsured"?

Many states, like Texas, did not extend Medicaid after the ACA law was passed. So these people will end up going to the ER for every single health care issue from a rash to a heart attack, and who do you think pays that bill? You do. We all do through increased costs passed on by the hospitals who by law have to treat them.

NO that was NOT true!
FACTS here are the FACTS BEFORE ACA was passed!
14 million Medicaid eligible Americans were counted erroneously as "uninsured"!

The Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) estimates that about 9 million of these individuals actually were enrolled in Medicaid during the year, but were categorized as uninsured in the Census survey. In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledgesthat the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).”
Among uninsured individuals eligible for public programs, but not enrolled during the year: 89 percent were in working families, 41 percent were children under the age of 18 who could be enrolled in Medicaid and/or SCHIP, and 44 percent were Hispanic."

AGAIN all before ACA! So tell me how efficient Obamacare will be when they couldn't even tell 14 million people they were eligible for
Why were 14 million people (9 million children) all qualifying for Medicaid not covered yet they were counted as "uninsured"?

Many states, like Texas, did not extend Medicaid after the ACA law was passed. So these people will end up going to the ER for every single health care issue from a rash to a heart attack, and who do you think pays that bill? You do. We all do through increased costs passed on by the hospitals who by law have to treat them.

NO that was NOT true!
FACTS here are the FACTS BEFORE ACA was passed!
14 million Medicaid eligible Americans were counted erroneously as "uninsured"!

The Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) estimates that about 9 million of these individuals actually were enrolled in Medicaid during the year, but were categorized as uninsured in the Census survey. In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledgesthat the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).”
Among uninsured individuals eligible for public programs, but not enrolled during the year: 89 percent were in working families, 41 percent were children under the age of 18 who could be enrolled in Medicaid and/or SCHIP, and 44 percent were Hispanic."

AGAIN all before ACA! So tell me how efficient Obamacare will be when they couldn't even tell 14 million people they were eligible for

One look at the BCBS logo and I know that's bullshit.
ObamaCare will be a colossal failure, and this will lead to the People crying out for single payer healthcare.

Single Payer (aka government controlled) is a far left wet dream.

That was the goal of Obamacare to pave the way to government controlled single payer healthcare.

The best single payer healthcare is from me to my doctor and no other involvement.

So if you should have traumatic illness such as cancer or heart disease, you're good to go when the first bill arrives and it's $80,000, right? And that's just the first bill.

Well, come Kosh. Tell us how you can write checks for up to $1M over several years of a catastrophic illness. I'm waiting.
Why were 14 million people (9 million children) all qualifying for Medicaid not covered yet they were counted as "uninsured"?

Many states, like Texas, did not extend Medicaid after the ACA law was passed. So these people will end up going to the ER for every single health care issue from a rash to a heart attack, and who do you think pays that bill? You do. We all do through increased costs passed on by the hospitals who by law have to treat them.

NOW you obviously NEVER NEVER heard of EMTALA have you? A 1986 ACT that said any hospital taking Medicare payments must see the uninsured.
SO guess what??? Hospitals in some cases OVERCHARGE Medicare 6,000% just to make up the cost of seeing these uninsured!
How stupid! Continually snowballing the costs of health care for EVERYONE....
Solution is very very simple.
Tax lawyers 10% just as ACA taxes tanning salons 10% because tanning causes cancer. Well lawyers according to 90% of doctors surveyed CAUSE $850 billion a year in wasted health care payments all out of fear of lawsuits!
Take the $27 billion a year and pay the $5,000 premium for each of the 4 million that truly WANT, and NEED health insurance.
WATCH then health care costs plummet. Watch the insurance premiums plummet.
AND those hospitals that see the uninsured will send ALL uninsured services to the insurance company that received the $5,000 premium.
As a result hospitals won't be able to mark up sometimes 6,000% for those unreimbursed.
Simple quick easy solution! Tax the wealthy ambulance chasing lawyers! Why are YOU NOT IN FAVOR OF THAT???

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