Problem With the Black Community

A poor unemployed male marrying a poor unemployed female and raising their children does not pull the children out of poverty.

Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Well I think you are kidding yourself when you say you don't think fatherlessness is a problem in America.

The absence of fathers from the lives of children has drawn the attention of many respected world leaders, as well. For example, Pope Francis has spoken about the problem of men whose obsession with their work, their hobbies, their marital problems or other pastimes causes them to “forget even the family, neglecting their children … not playing with (them), and not spending time with (them).”

Fathers’ parenting failures and absences have significant social costs as well as long-term inter-generational consequences. As Pope Francis has warned, many of “[t]he transgressions of children and adolescents can be attributed to this neglect, to missing examples and authoritative guides in their daily life, the lack of closeness and love on the part of fathers.”

Yet fatherless in the U.S. remains at historic highs. According to a U.S. Census Bureau chart found on The Heritage Foundation's, over forty percent (40%) of all children born in American in 2010 were born to unwed mothers. That means that from their birth, nearly half of all children are legally fatherless – with no father committed to them or to their families. For African-American children, the tragedy is even greater: 72.8 percent (72.8%) of Black children are born out of marriage.

The problem reduces but does not disappear as the child grows. Tragically, over one-quarter of all American children under age eighteen live with a single parent. Another U.S. Census Bureau chart on The Heritage Foundation's shows that most of them – 23.6 percent (23.6%) of all American children – are living with their mother only. Only 68.9 percent (68.9%) of American children under age eighteen are living with both of their parents.

The relationship between fatherlessness and adolescent anti-social behavior and family structure has long been known. The respected Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner, in his book “Rebuilding the Nest: A New Commitment to the American Family,” reported that even after controlling for such factors as low income, “children growing up in single-parent households are at a greater risk for experiencing a variety of behavioral and educational problems, including … criminal acts.”

The Plague of Fatherlessness
Then blacks need to show up and vote for a black guy, EVERY TWO YEARS!!! That's what Jill Stein and Gary Johnson did. They ran as libertarians and green party. It didn't matter if they didn't stand a chance, as long as they got enough votes nationally then they got more money and more power.

So then I would advise blacks to stop voting Democratic. Just run a black guy and call it the BLM party and if all the blacks nationwide vote for this person, he or she will get a lot more money power and influence. Then you'll see both parties trying to cater to this brother or sister.

Like a Ralph Nader or Ross Perot. Blacks need a black candidate to fuck with the two parties.

A "black candidate" would no longer be historic. Blacks did not vote for Obama in high turnout because Obama was black, but rather, because he was Democrat and there had never been a black president . If he were a republican he would not have gotten more than 20% of the black vote (which debunks the claim that blacks voted for him because he is black). Now that we have had a black president, there is no reason to turn out any more so than if the candidate was white. Detroit has Mike Duggan as mayor. He will probably win the next Democratic Primary over Coleman Young Jr....who is black and the son of Detroit's first and most popular black mayor. Its not about color of the candidate....but the color of the impact of the policies. Mike Duggan will get the majority of the black vote because they will associate the optics of the downtown turnaround and a solvent city government with the white mayor (its a false causation....however). Black Detroit just want things to get better......I know because I am an ex Detroiter.

The same thing is true nationally. We have always had to vote for white candidates so voting for whites is no big deal. We just want someone to address our issues in the degree that we experience them.

Detroiters did vote for skin color up until Mike Duggan. They ALMOST voted out Kwami in his second run but because he was black and played the race card they gave him a second term. Kwami used race to rally support so did Coleman Young. Coleman young was constantly playing the race card. Now before you say it I agree with you that he was fighting for Detroiters and against the racist white suburbs. But they also played the race card a lot. IMO.

I didn't know you were a former Detroiter. Me too! know this how? If black people vote based upon skin color.....then it would not matter if the black person running is democrat or republican, they would get the same percentage of the black vote. Is that what you see happening?. Do blacks support Ben Carson? Does than not debunk your claims?

Black people vote their interest......PERIOD. If a white person can represent black interest and address them they will get more of the black vote than a black candidate like Ben Carson. If Ben Carson ran against Mike Duggan.......Ben Carson would lose and not only is he black......but he is an ex Detroiter too.

IM2 is right. You don't know much about the black reality.

This is all part of how whites assess a double standard on us.

I give poor whites the exact same advice. The problem with the black community is poverty. I don't give blacks who are not in poverty any advice. So no double standard.

Did I tell you about my moms sister who got knocked up by a shit head in high school? No one did that back in the 60's. She humiliated my grandfather. Today what she did was no big deal. And she didn't do a good job raising them. So her daughter did it too. She didn't do a good job raising him. And he got some slut pregnant and we are trying to break the cycle by giving her the same advice I'm giving blacks living in poverty. What's the problem?

They did that n the 60's and before. The problem is that what you say is not the cause of things in the black community..
A poor unemployed male marrying a poor unemployed female and raising their children does not pull the children out of poverty.

Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Yes we do.
I kind of detect some resentment from you in regards to black voter turnout. I am not sure that you want blacks to turnout more for their benefit....OR FOR YOURS! Your interest as a liberal is threatened if blacks don't come out in strong numbers, because the democrats are not viable without the black vote. Its akin to a team sport like basketball. If you want to win and other starters are slacking off.......the person on the team trying to win will get pissed off by their lack of effort. That is how you come across. You are the player that wants the democrats to win, but you do not see blacks as doing their part to get the victory.....and hence you are pissed off at them.

The black players are not playing their hardest because their interest do not get paid the same. There is an old saying "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free"? Blacks are not going to vote for republicans for the most part. Any novice political strategist would realize this. Hence, the Democrats do not offer blacks anything other than protection from Republicans.

We are not voting for something, in a vote for democrats, as much as we are voting against the republicans getting into office. However, blacks have realized that Democrats have shifted more to the right the last 50 years. Blacks are solidly left of center while democrats have moved more towards to the center......then you wonder why blacks do not show up to vote? This is a representative republic. Politicians are voted in to represent the interest of the people who voted. What democrats see as "black interest" is simply keeping out the republicans, while offering specific policies for other interest groups under the democratic umbrella. Here is the conundrum. Democrats cannot attract the white swing voters/independents if the party caters to much to black interest and rhetoric. Thus, the party has moved away from black interest in order to attract more white voters and then giving blacks "protection" from republicans instead of specific policies aimed out our interest and needs. Then you wonder why blacks are not turning out. Yes....blacks turned out for Obama because it was historic and it implicitly gave blacks hope that finally the party would address our interest....TOO. It did not happen though.....because he had to overcompensate away from black interest or whites would not have voted for him like they were.

All that being said, just how do you suppose black people complete your list? Things on that list requires social engineering and in order to have social engineering you need CONTROL of laws, the Media, the Schools etc. Society is socially engineered by creating laws and giving tax incentives and creating media programming to reflect a vision and direction for society. Blacks as 13% of the population cannot control laws, the media or the schools through the political process and we certainly do not have the money to buy the influence. Whites are the only demographic that has the numbers and dollars to shape laws, the media and schools and socially engineer the society based upon their interest and needs. Blacks do not have that ability. You can go to any black church on Sunday and hear the preacher telling blacks to step up and be fathers, stop the violence, etc, etc. Preaching it is not powerful enough to make it happen. It has to be socially engineered through laws, taxes and the media....which blacks do not have control over.

You made excellent points. This "list" is full of holes, but sealybobo won't shut up.

For example brother Ta Nehesi Coates pointed out several years ago that married black couples are having less kids. Not that blacks are just purposefully having kids out of wedlock. If married blacks had more children the issue of illegitimacy would not exist. After all this is the argument, that the majority of black children are born illegitimate. So then if the number of kids to married couples increased, the rate of children born illegitimately would decrease. So how are we going to force married black couples to have more children?

This is one of the many holes in the argument made here by sealybobo. Yet he continues thinking he has some message we need to hear. He doesn't.

Your post hit the nail on the head relative to why blacks vote democratic and why we don't always turn out to vote. That's another hole in his argument. Thank you.

No....thank YOU! It always amazes me how people who do not live in the community and who cannot empathize.....think that they know more about what our community needs and what are community hears than people living it. Most black people that are 30 or more years old was raised being told that we had to work twice as hard as whites to get the same things as whites. We were not told to not work hard, to have children out of wedlock, to not take school seriously, etc, etc. Obviously there are forces out of are the rate of white out of wedlock births has actually risen faster over the last 50 years than it has for blacks. The ship that we are in socially, morally and economically, called America, is sinking. Blacks are getting soaked a lot more because the legacy of racism, plus current racism, has us disproportionately on the lower deck. We are not in control of the ship.......yet he thinks we should be able to control our fate without the ability to control the ship. Whites have not figured it out either......or there rate of having kids out of wedlock would not have increased exponentially. While they are comforted by looking down at us......THEY ARE SINKING TOO. However, I guess as long as we as black people drown first.....they are satisfied because they come out superior by dying

Or black people who are not married could stop having so many kids?

Like I said, no matter how much this idiot gets shown that his assertions are not the way things are, he just keeps repeating them.

Worry about whites having kids who aren't married and shut the fuck up. You have been shown that those rates are growing faster than anyone else.

I don't understand how a group of people who have so many problems can ignore those problems then think they can lecture everyone else.

That's because my assertions aren't completely wrong. AKIP basically told me that the black community already knows what they need to work on and they are working on it best they can. I may disagree that this is the best they can but I at least can respect his response. And I agree. I just wish the message was pushed harder. PSA's on TV and shit. Billboards when you are driving down 96 or the Lodge.

Your fucking response was that there isn't a problem. So either you are in denial or not being intellectually honest here.

No, my response is that what YOU say is not the problem. Our problem is the lack of economic development, That's is a problem and we need to work on it. All you want is to hear somebody agree with your bullshit. Your message does not need to be pushed and you opinion on how we aren't working hard enough AKIP has strongly disagreed with. And as you can see, he really doesn't agree with your assessment. Now do not try that dumb ass white boy tactic of this black guy agrees with me so I am right and you aren't bullshit. You assertions ARE completely wrong and that's the way it is.
A poor unemployed male marrying a poor unemployed female and raising their children does not pull the children out of poverty.

Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Yes we do.

And that just means we have another fool who is completely wrong about the things that cause the problems in the black community. Besides rich people have kids out of wedlock so then your assessment dies right here,
A poor unemployed male marrying a poor unemployed female and raising their children does not pull the children out of poverty.

Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Well I think you are kidding yourself when you say you don't think fatherlessness is a problem in America.

The absence of fathers from the lives of children has drawn the attention of many respected world leaders, as well. For example, Pope Francis has spoken about the problem of men whose obsession with their work, their hobbies, their marital problems or other pastimes causes them to “forget even the family, neglecting their children … not playing with (them), and not spending time with (them).”

Fathers’ parenting failures and absences have significant social costs as well as long-term inter-generational consequences. As Pope Francis has warned, many of “[t]he transgressions of children and adolescents can be attributed to this neglect, to missing examples and authoritative guides in their daily life, the lack of closeness and love on the part of fathers.”

Yet fatherless in the U.S. remains at historic highs. According to a U.S. Census Bureau chart found on The Heritage Foundation's, over forty percent (40%) of all children born in American in 2010 were born to unwed mothers. That means that from their birth, nearly half of all children are legally fatherless – with no father committed to them or to their families. For African-American children, the tragedy is even greater: 72.8 percent (72.8%) of Black children are born out of marriage.

The problem reduces but does not disappear as the child grows. Tragically, over one-quarter of all American children under age eighteen live with a single parent. Another U.S. Census Bureau chart on The Heritage Foundation's shows that most of them – 23.6 percent (23.6%) of all American children – are living with their mother only. Only 68.9 percent (68.9%) of American children under age eighteen are living with both of their parents.

The relationship between fatherlessness and adolescent anti-social behavior and family structure has long been known. The respected Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner, in his book “Rebuilding the Nest: A New Commitment to the American Family,” reported that even after controlling for such factors as low income, “children growing up in single-parent households are at a greater risk for experiencing a variety of behavioral and educational problems, including … criminal acts.”

The Plague of Fatherlessness

Let me give another example how marriage boosts your income further.

Single person asks for a raise. Boss will say no because he knows that the single person has to work. The boss might say yes but it his highly unlikely.

Married person asks for a raise. Boss will say yes because he has no idea how much money that employee's spouse has. The married employee might quit if the boss denies the raise. The boss might say no. It can happen. Let's work with the assumption that the boss says, "No".

Single person asks for a raise. Boss says, "No". The single person quits and finds another job. The single person has to get a job quick.

Married person asks for a raise. Boss says, "No". The married person quits and lives on their spouses income for a while. The married person isn't in a hurry to take a job. The married person can wait for a high paying job.

This process can be repeatedly every 5-10 years for each spouse. The potential of a married couple is more than double the potential of a single person. The married person can negotiate so much more effectively than a single person.
A poor unemployed male marrying a poor unemployed female and raising their children does not pull the children out of poverty.

Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Yes we do.

And that just means we have another fool who is completely wrong about the things that cause the problems in the black community. Besides rich people have kids out of wedlock so then your assessment dies right here,

It happens. Some people are wrong. Some people are right. It happens everywhere. Get used to it.
A "black candidate" would no longer be historic. Blacks did not vote for Obama in high turnout because Obama was black, but rather, because he was Democrat and there had never been a black president . If he were a republican he would not have gotten more than 20% of the black vote (which debunks the claim that blacks voted for him because he is black). Now that we have had a black president, there is no reason to turn out any more so than if the candidate was white. Detroit has Mike Duggan as mayor. He will probably win the next Democratic Primary over Coleman Young Jr....who is black and the son of Detroit's first and most popular black mayor. Its not about color of the candidate....but the color of the impact of the policies. Mike Duggan will get the majority of the black vote because they will associate the optics of the downtown turnaround and a solvent city government with the white mayor (its a false causation....however). Black Detroit just want things to get better......I know because I am an ex Detroiter.

The same thing is true nationally. We have always had to vote for white candidates so voting for whites is no big deal. We just want someone to address our issues in the degree that we experience them.

Detroiters did vote for skin color up until Mike Duggan. They ALMOST voted out Kwami in his second run but because he was black and played the race card they gave him a second term. Kwami used race to rally support so did Coleman Young. Coleman young was constantly playing the race card. Now before you say it I agree with you that he was fighting for Detroiters and against the racist white suburbs. But they also played the race card a lot. IMO.

I didn't know you were a former Detroiter. Me too! know this how? If black people vote based upon skin color.....then it would not matter if the black person running is democrat or republican, they would get the same percentage of the black vote. Is that what you see happening?. Do blacks support Ben Carson? Does than not debunk your claims?

Black people vote their interest......PERIOD. If a white person can represent black interest and address them they will get more of the black vote than a black candidate like Ben Carson. If Ben Carson ran against Mike Duggan.......Ben Carson would lose and not only is he black......but he is an ex Detroiter too.

IM2 is right. You don't know much about the black reality.

This is all part of how whites assess a double standard on us.

I give poor whites the exact same advice. The problem with the black community is poverty. I don't give blacks who are not in poverty any advice. So no double standard.

Did I tell you about my moms sister who got knocked up by a shit head in high school? No one did that back in the 60's. She humiliated my grandfather. Today what she did was no big deal. And she didn't do a good job raising them. So her daughter did it too. She didn't do a good job raising him. And he got some slut pregnant and we are trying to break the cycle by giving her the same advice I'm giving blacks living in poverty. What's the problem?

They did that n the 60's and before. The problem is that what you say is not the cause of things in the black community..
I know. I just saw something that showed me black men are just as good if not better dads than whites and hispanics. So even though I think fatherlessness is a big problem, I'm not going to say it's THE problem with the black community because that's a problem in every community. So that doesn't explain why the black community is worse off. I think you guys are right that the white racism has way more to do with everything than blacks being lazy or criminals. What woke me up was the druggy they fired this week at work. Why didn't they hire the nice black lady they interviewed? Instead they hired the fat drug addict white girl. And no one is saying, "boy that's the last time we hire a honkey". Hard to tell black people they should be doing better when the ones that are trying have to deal with that.

I told you I'm only trying to wrap my brain around this and figure it out. I'll go back to arguing with you and not against you very soon. You and AKIP have convinced me I'm wrong.

But I still think you guys need to vote. Did you see my post earlier about picking one black candidate and running him every 4 years for POTUS? If blacks did this don't you think it would help? Then the black party would gain a lot more power, money and influence just like the Green party is doing. Same thing the tea party and libertarians are doing.

Do you know Jill Stein and the Green Party got millions of dollars because of how many votes she got in the 2016 election?

Green Party’s Jill Stein gets a financial boost, thanks to taxpayers

The federal fund — with $315 million now sitting in reserve — has gone largely untouched in the 2016 race, which still has 103 candidates reporting some level of financial activity, according to the Federal Election Commission.

The public financing law was passed during the Watergate era as a way to minimize the influence of moneyed interests in politics and give lesser-known candidates a fair shake, funded through a $3 voluntary checkoff on individual federal income tax returns. Candidates who agreed to limit their outside funding and met other requirements were eligible for tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer financing.

Why isn't there a Black Party?
Jill Stein: Why 5% for the Green Party is a win for America

Just 5 percent of the national vote for the Green Party Stein/Baraka ticket can be a true game-changer for American politics. It will qualify the Green Party for recognition as an official national party, and for federal funding in the 2020 presidential race proportional to the amount of votes received — at least $8 million to $10 million. It would also secure ballot access in a number of states that automatically grant ballot status if the presidential candidate receives anywhere from 1 percent to 5 percent of the vote (varying by state). It means the party can leap over the undemocratic barriers to ballot access for independent parties in many states, and help us lay the groundwork for a truly competitive challenge to the two-party system and the corporate rule it perpetuates.

Black people can get 5% of the vote.
A poor unemployed male marrying a poor unemployed female and raising their children does not pull the children out of poverty.

Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Yes we do.

And that just means we have another fool who is completely wrong about the things that cause the problems in the black community. Besides rich people have kids out of wedlock so then your assessment dies right here,

Can't hurt to try and help. I'm going to get off from my high paying job in 15 minutes and go play on the lake.

To be honest, I don't give a fuck. If you guys are happy I'm happy. And if you say you're doing the best you can then I'm going to tell my racist white friends that you are doing the best you can. I tried to help but honestly

A poor unemployed male marrying a poor unemployed female and raising their children does not pull the children out of poverty.

Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Well I think you are kidding yourself when you say you don't think fatherlessness is a problem in America.

The absence of fathers from the lives of children has drawn the attention of many respected world leaders, as well. For example, Pope Francis has spoken about the problem of men whose obsession with their work, their hobbies, their marital problems or other pastimes causes them to “forget even the family, neglecting their children … not playing with (them), and not spending time with (them).”

Fathers’ parenting failures and absences have significant social costs as well as long-term inter-generational consequences. As Pope Francis has warned, many of “[t]he transgressions of children and adolescents can be attributed to this neglect, to missing examples and authoritative guides in their daily life, the lack of closeness and love on the part of fathers.”

Yet fatherless in the U.S. remains at historic highs. According to a U.S. Census Bureau chart found on The Heritage Foundation's, over forty percent (40%) of all children born in American in 2010 were born to unwed mothers. That means that from their birth, nearly half of all children are legally fatherless – with no father committed to them or to their families. For African-American children, the tragedy is even greater: 72.8 percent (72.8%) of Black children are born out of marriage.

The problem reduces but does not disappear as the child grows. Tragically, over one-quarter of all American children under age eighteen live with a single parent. Another U.S. Census Bureau chart on The Heritage Foundation's shows that most of them – 23.6 percent (23.6%) of all American children – are living with their mother only. Only 68.9 percent (68.9%) of American children under age eighteen are living with both of their parents.

The relationship between fatherlessness and adolescent anti-social behavior and family structure has long been known. The respected Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner, in his book “Rebuilding the Nest: A New Commitment to the American Family,” reported that even after controlling for such factors as low income, “children growing up in single-parent households are at a greater risk for experiencing a variety of behavioral and educational problems, including … criminal acts.”

The Plague of Fatherlessness

Let me give another example how marriage boosts your income further.

Single person asks for a raise. Boss will say no because he knows that the single person has to work. The boss might say yes but it his highly unlikely.

Married person asks for a raise. Boss will say yes because he has no idea how much money that employee's spouse has. The married employee might quit if the boss denies the raise. The boss might say no. It can happen. Let's work with the assumption that the boss says, "No".

Single person asks for a raise. Boss says, "No". The single person quits and finds another job. The single person has to get a job quick.

Married person asks for a raise. Boss says, "No". The married person quits and lives on their spouses income for a while. The married person isn't in a hurry to take a job. The married person can wait for a high paying job.

This process can be repeatedly every 5-10 years for each spouse. The potential of a married couple is more than double the potential of a single person. The married person can negotiate so much more effectively than a single person.

Everyone at work knows my home and car are paid off. I bet that affects how big my raises are. Those sons of bitches.
The other thing you are arguing is that it isn't their fault. I can agree somewhat with that but show me any person no matter what color they are and I can help them succeed and achieve in life. If I were their father and they took my advice, they'd be fine. Take the little baby who was just born in the hood to a poor single mom. She's on welfare and the father isn't around. To me this is the hardest situation for an American to be in. The schools suck, the parents of their friends suck, high crime, no social programs, no sports, no afterschool activities, no one telling them to do their homework. So what does this person have to do to succeed? You're saying there is nothing they should do that they are doomed to fail. That the deck is stacked against them. So you have victim mentality. Well what can whitey do for this kid? Better schools, safer neighborhoods, hire their mom so she can afford to raise a child, etc. I agree with all that. But what if they government doesn't do any of those things. You still have to worry about your kid. So my advice would be move? Make sure your kid is one of the kids who are actually studying and taking school seriously? Be more strict? I know its not an easy fix but it is fixable.

I argue this on the basis of being black and my experience of what white racism does to you. You can't help anyone succeed in life if you don't know what the cause of the problem is. I have helped people. I am not saying their is nothing they can do, I am saying that racism is a problem and I show them how to fight the things that hurt them internally because of racism and how to battle through those feelings created by white racism. You can't do that because you don't have a clue that such things happen.

You know nothing about me son. The fact is that the deck is stacked against us but that we can beat the stack. Your dumb ass has assumed things because I don't see your idiotic opinions as a solution. You are the one talking abut giving up. Move, that's your solution. You're poor and you have no money but if you just move everything I going to be better. And I say we don't have to move but we do have to fight whoever we must fight and make demands to whoever we must make demands to until they do what is right. Now just exactly who is the one with the victim mentality dumb ass?

You have zero clue of the black family when you start taking all that shit you talk. What is so irritating about you is that you won't shut the fuck up when you have been shown that you are talking a bunch of bullshit. Don't tell us what we need to do white boy, work on your own people. Work harder to end white racism. Work harder to stop mass shootings. Work harder to stop sexually abusing your children. Work harder to stop opioids, meth and prescription drug addictions. Work harder to end white controlled organized crime. Work harder to stop white men from robbing peoples retirement accounts, creating ponzi schemes and other financial scams which rob people of billions annually. You whites need to work harder to do these things, because you haven't worked hard enough, I fact you have done no work at all, yet you think you can tell somebody else how they aren't working hard enough in your opinion. Work harder to reduce your own illegitimate birth rates that are actually growing faster than ours and has been for several decades. Work harder to reduce crime in white communities because it's higher that ours and you guys have not worked on it for years. Work Harder to stop whites from bringing drugs and guns into non white communities and selling them. You want to talk about working harder? You do these things and we'll take care of what we need to do.
A poor unemployed male marrying a poor unemployed female and raising their children does not pull the children out of poverty.

Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Yes we do.

And that just means we have another fool who is completely wrong about the things that cause the problems in the black community. Besides rich people have kids out of wedlock so then your assessment dies right here,

Can't hurt to try and help. I'm going to get off from my high paying job in 15 minutes and go play on the lake.

To be honest, I don't give a fuck. If you guys are happy I'm happy. And if you say you're doing the best you can then I'm going to tell my racist white friends that you are doing the best you can. I tried to help but honestly

You done nothing to help. You've run your mouth speaking a bunch of bullshit. And exactly what is you going to tell your white friends going to do?

OBTW, I own my home and car too.
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A poor unemployed male marrying a poor unemployed female and raising their children does not pull the children out of poverty.

Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Well I think you are kidding yourself when you say you don't think fatherlessness is a problem in America.

The absence of fathers from the lives of children has drawn the attention of many respected world leaders, as well. For example, Pope Francis has spoken about the problem of men whose obsession with their work, their hobbies, their marital problems or other pastimes causes them to “forget even the family, neglecting their children … not playing with (them), and not spending time with (them).”

Fathers’ parenting failures and absences have significant social costs as well as long-term inter-generational consequences. As Pope Francis has warned, many of “[t]he transgressions of children and adolescents can be attributed to this neglect, to missing examples and authoritative guides in their daily life, the lack of closeness and love on the part of fathers.”

Yet fatherless in the U.S. remains at historic highs. According to a U.S. Census Bureau chart found on The Heritage Foundation's, over forty percent (40%) of all children born in American in 2010 were born to unwed mothers. That means that from their birth, nearly half of all children are legally fatherless – with no father committed to them or to their families. For African-American children, the tragedy is even greater: 72.8 percent (72.8%) of Black children are born out of marriage.

The problem reduces but does not disappear as the child grows. Tragically, over one-quarter of all American children under age eighteen live with a single parent. Another U.S. Census Bureau chart on The Heritage Foundation's shows that most of them – 23.6 percent (23.6%) of all American children – are living with their mother only. Only 68.9 percent (68.9%) of American children under age eighteen are living with both of their parents.

The relationship between fatherlessness and adolescent anti-social behavior and family structure has long been known. The respected Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner, in his book “Rebuilding the Nest: A New Commitment to the American Family,” reported that even after controlling for such factors as low income, “children growing up in single-parent households are at a greater risk for experiencing a variety of behavioral and educational problems, including … criminal acts.”

The Plague of Fatherlessness

Let me give another example how marriage boosts your income further.

Single person asks for a raise. Boss will say no because he knows that the single person has to work. The boss might say yes but it his highly unlikely.

Married person asks for a raise. Boss will say yes because he has no idea how much money that employee's spouse has. The married employee might quit if the boss denies the raise. The boss might say no. It can happen. Let's work with the assumption that the boss says, "No".

Single person asks for a raise. Boss says, "No". The single person quits and finds another job. The single person has to get a job quick.

Married person asks for a raise. Boss says, "No". The married person quits and lives on their spouses income for a while. The married person isn't in a hurry to take a job. The married person can wait for a high paying job.

This process can be repeatedly every 5-10 years for each spouse. The potential of a married couple is more than double the potential of a single person. The married person can negotiate so much more effectively than a single person.

A poor unemployed male marrying a poor unemployed female and raising their children does not pull the children out of poverty.

Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Yes we do.

And that just means we have another fool who is completely wrong about the things that cause the problems in the black community. Besides rich people have kids out of wedlock so then your assessment dies right here,

It happens. Some people are wrong. Some people are right. It happens everywhere. Get used to it.

Yep and you are wrong and I am right. Get used to it.
Detroiters did vote for skin color up until Mike Duggan. They ALMOST voted out Kwami in his second run but because he was black and played the race card they gave him a second term. Kwami used race to rally support so did Coleman Young. Coleman young was constantly playing the race card. Now before you say it I agree with you that he was fighting for Detroiters and against the racist white suburbs. But they also played the race card a lot. IMO.

I didn't know you were a former Detroiter. Me too! know this how? If black people vote based upon skin color.....then it would not matter if the black person running is democrat or republican, they would get the same percentage of the black vote. Is that what you see happening?. Do blacks support Ben Carson? Does than not debunk your claims?

Black people vote their interest......PERIOD. If a white person can represent black interest and address them they will get more of the black vote than a black candidate like Ben Carson. If Ben Carson ran against Mike Duggan.......Ben Carson would lose and not only is he black......but he is an ex Detroiter too.

IM2 is right. You don't know much about the black reality.

This is all part of how whites assess a double standard on us.

I give poor whites the exact same advice. The problem with the black community is poverty. I don't give blacks who are not in poverty any advice. So no double standard.

Did I tell you about my moms sister who got knocked up by a shit head in high school? No one did that back in the 60's. She humiliated my grandfather. Today what she did was no big deal. And she didn't do a good job raising them. So her daughter did it too. She didn't do a good job raising him. And he got some slut pregnant and we are trying to break the cycle by giving her the same advice I'm giving blacks living in poverty. What's the problem?

They did that n the 60's and before. The problem is that what you say is not the cause of things in the black community..
I know. I just saw something that showed me black men are just as good if not better dads than whites and hispanics. So even though I think fatherlessness is a big problem, I'm not going to say it's THE problem with the black community because that's a problem in every community. So that doesn't explain why the black community is worse off. I think you guys are right that the white racism has way more to do with everything than blacks being lazy or criminals. What woke me up was the druggy they fired this week at work. Why didn't they hire the nice black lady they interviewed? Instead they hired the fat drug addict white girl. And no one is saying, "boy that's the last time we hire a honkey". Hard to tell black people they should be doing better when the ones that are trying have to deal with that.

I told you I'm only trying to wrap my brain around this and figure it out. I'll go back to arguing with you and not against you very soon. You and AKIP have convinced me I'm wrong.

But I still think you guys need to vote. Did you see my post earlier about picking one black candidate and running him every 4 years for POTUS? If blacks did this don't you think it would help? Then the black party would gain a lot more power, money and influence just like the Green party is doing. Same thing the tea party and libertarians are doing.

Do you know Jill Stein and the Green Party got millions of dollars because of how many votes she got in the 2016 election?

Green Party’s Jill Stein gets a financial boost, thanks to taxpayers

The federal fund — with $315 million now sitting in reserve — has gone largely untouched in the 2016 race, which still has 103 candidates reporting some level of financial activity, according to the Federal Election Commission.

The public financing law was passed during the Watergate era as a way to minimize the influence of moneyed interests in politics and give lesser-known candidates a fair shake, funded through a $3 voluntary checkoff on individual federal income tax returns. Candidates who agreed to limit their outside funding and met other requirements were eligible for tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer financing.

Why isn't there a Black Party?

What you need to do is just shut up and listen. Whites don't vote. Go lecture them.
Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Yes we do.

And that just means we have another fool who is completely wrong about the things that cause the problems in the black community. Besides rich people have kids out of wedlock so then your assessment dies right here,

It happens. Some people are wrong. Some people are right. It happens everywhere. Get used to it.

Yep and you are wrong and I am right. Get used to it.
I just heard a story on NPR about the Detroit 60 riots. Johnson had a fact finding on what's wrong with the black community. They found the problem was whites and Johnson didn't release those findings.

Blacks were making great gains the first ten years after the civil rights the Reaganomics and sending jobs overseas set us all back. I apologize.
A poor unemployed male marrying a poor unemployed female and raising their children does not pull the children out of poverty.

Yes but a poor full time employed male marrying a poor full time employed female is not considered poverty. Minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 40 hours a week is considered full time. Between the two of them they would be earning $30,160. This is not considered poverty.

There are lots of low paying jobs where I live. Companies love hard workers willing to work for low wages. You are going to have a hard time convincing me.

I believe if a person will get married and get any job no matter how crappy it is then they are magically not living in poverty anymore. Yes. Marriage does breaks the cycle of poverty instantaneously. By the way: Nice chart.

Oh boy now we have another one.

Well I think you are kidding yourself when you say you don't think fatherlessness is a problem in America.

The absence of fathers from the lives of children has drawn the attention of many respected world leaders, as well. For example, Pope Francis has spoken about the problem of men whose obsession with their work, their hobbies, their marital problems or other pastimes causes them to “forget even the family, neglecting their children … not playing with (them), and not spending time with (them).”

Fathers’ parenting failures and absences have significant social costs as well as long-term inter-generational consequences. As Pope Francis has warned, many of “[t]he transgressions of children and adolescents can be attributed to this neglect, to missing examples and authoritative guides in their daily life, the lack of closeness and love on the part of fathers.”

Yet fatherless in the U.S. remains at historic highs. According to a U.S. Census Bureau chart found on The Heritage Foundation's, over forty percent (40%) of all children born in American in 2010 were born to unwed mothers. That means that from their birth, nearly half of all children are legally fatherless – with no father committed to them or to their families. For African-American children, the tragedy is even greater: 72.8 percent (72.8%) of Black children are born out of marriage.

The problem reduces but does not disappear as the child grows. Tragically, over one-quarter of all American children under age eighteen live with a single parent. Another U.S. Census Bureau chart on The Heritage Foundation's shows that most of them – 23.6 percent (23.6%) of all American children – are living with their mother only. Only 68.9 percent (68.9%) of American children under age eighteen are living with both of their parents.

The relationship between fatherlessness and adolescent anti-social behavior and family structure has long been known. The respected Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner, in his book “Rebuilding the Nest: A New Commitment to the American Family,” reported that even after controlling for such factors as low income, “children growing up in single-parent households are at a greater risk for experiencing a variety of behavioral and educational problems, including … criminal acts.”

The Plague of Fatherlessness

Let me give another example how marriage boosts your income further.

Single person asks for a raise. Boss will say no because he knows that the single person has to work. The boss might say yes but it his highly unlikely.

Married person asks for a raise. Boss will say yes because he has no idea how much money that employee's spouse has. The married employee might quit if the boss denies the raise. The boss might say no. It can happen. Let's work with the assumption that the boss says, "No".

Single person asks for a raise. Boss says, "No". The single person quits and finds another job. The single person has to get a job quick.

Married person asks for a raise. Boss says, "No". The married person quits and lives on their spouses income for a while. The married person isn't in a hurry to take a job. The married person can wait for a high paying job.

This process can be repeatedly every 5-10 years for each spouse. The potential of a married couple is more than double the potential of a single person. The married person can negotiate so much more effectively than a single person.

Everyone at work knows my home and car are paid off. I bet that affects how big my raises are. Those sons of bitches.

It does give you an advantage. When you ask for a raise they know you are capable of leaving.

If you already overpaid they may be glad you are leaving. Being in a strong financial position does make it easier to obtain a higher paying job. It sounds unfair but that is how the game is played.
we do have to fight whoever we must fight and make demands to whoever we must make demands

That sounds like a terrible way to approach a job interview. Bosses don't like to hire people that want to fight with them. They prefer to hire people that will kiss their ass. Trust me. It works.
Work harder to end white racism.

Whites don't have a problem with racism. Whites aren't going to lift a finger to end white racism. White people don't care about it at all. They are too self absorbed in their life of luxury to waste their time thinking about other problems.

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