Privatizing Ryan...Saving Himself:


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Lets see, hmmmm, the issue is economics, should we listen to an economist or a community organizer?
More lack of class demonstrated by a democrat.

Next up: play the race card.

Hope independents are taking note.
"I support the President because the next 4 years will see judges on the high court turning 80--3 of them. Whomever is in the oval will appoint 2 or 3 of their replacements more than likely. I want a center-left POTUS to make those appointments."-candycorn

Anyone that makes a statement like that has no understanding of how this nation was built, let alone an appreciation for it.
Lets see, hmmmm, the issue is economics, should we listen to an economist or a community organizer?

The same "economist" who supported bailing out GM and Wall Street? THAT economist?

Yep and the same one one who voted for The pill bill and for not being able to negotiate drug prices for Medicare Part D.

The same one who now wants to add a layer of insurance profit making into our taxpayer funded Medicare system.
"I support the President because the next 4 years will see judges on the high court turning 80--3 of them. Whomever is in the oval will appoint 2 or 3 of their replacements more than likely. I want a center-left POTUS to make those appointments."-candycorn

Anyone that makes a statement like that has no understanding of how this nation was built, let alone an appreciation for it.

It was built on immigrant labor more or less (obviously "more"). As a descendant from a former immigrant; I would argue I understand it more than most.

Extremeists on both sides of the aisle amuse me to no end. Please, keep it up. You amuse me.

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