Private Haven For Wealthy In Florida Gets PPP Funds

We all know this organization doesn't need the money but they got it anyway.

This is just one of the many organizations that fed at the trough even though they don't need the money while those who do, got shut out. Which caused the new bill to be written and passed this past week. It wouldn't have been needed if these greedy already filthy rich people would be happy with what they already have and stop taking from those who honestly need it.

Did you even watch your own video?
Do you think that black lady running the shrimp shack is rich?
No doubt $2 million bucks would ease her troubles

It's not like thats all for her,that for all the small businesses on the island.
And you can bet none of them actually live on the island.
its not Gilligan's Island

small businesses on the island are supposed to go to banks for assistance, which is how the federal dollars are supposed to be distributed

not through Mr Howell at the yacht club

It coming in the form of a gov stimulus package like all the others.
I dont agree

you mentioned small businesses and we know that they get their money from banks

giving money to New York City snowbirds is not what most Americans had in mind

Dude...they're small business owners who cant even afford to live on the island.
They sell products to the rich.
Small business‘ go to the SBA and banks for government assistance

I find it hard to belive that rich people cant afford to buy snow cones because of the Chinese disease

What does being rich have to do with it? They're not getting the money,the small business owner is.
And where would the rich buy these snowcones if all the small businesses are gone?
There's no difference between the islands small businesses and those located in Walla Walla Washington.
We have a disconnect here

as I keep repeating to you, small businesses get relief money from the SBA and government backed loans from banks

Not through the local yacht club

Did I miss something in the article?
Did the local yacht club pay them?
You missed the tenor of my response

what does an island stuffed with rich people need a federal bailout for?

the answer is they dont
We all know this organization doesn't need the money but they got it anyway.

This is just one of the many organizations that fed at the trough even though they don't need the money while those who do, got shut out. Which caused the new bill to be written and passed this past week. It wouldn't have been needed if these greedy already filthy rich people would be happy with what they already have and stop taking from those who honestly need it.

Did you even watch your own video?
Do you think that black lady running the shrimp shack is rich?
No doubt $2 million bucks would ease her troubles

It's not like thats all for her,that for all the small businesses on the island.
And you can bet none of them actually live on the island.
its not Gilligan's Island

small businesses on the island are supposed to go to banks for assistance, which is how the federal dollars are supposed to be distributed

not through Mr Howell at the yacht club

It coming in the form of a gov stimulus package like all the others.
I dont agree

you mentioned small businesses and we know that they get their money from banks

giving money to New York City snowbirds is not what most Americans had in mind

Dude...they're small business owners who cant even afford to live on the island.
They sell products to the rich.
Small business‘ go to the SBA and banks for government assistance

I find it hard to belive that rich people cant afford to buy snow cones because of the Chinese disease

What does being rich have to do with it? They're not getting the money,the small business owner is.
And where would the rich buy these snowcones if all the small businesses are gone?
There's no difference between the islands small businesses and those located in Walla Walla Washington.
We have a disconnect here

as I keep repeating to you, small businesses get relief money from the SBA and government backed loans from banks

Not through the local yacht club

Did I miss something in the article?
Did the local yacht club pay them?
You missed the tenor of my response

what does an island stuffed with rich people need a federal bailout for?

the answer is they dont

The rich people arent getting a bailout.
We all know this organization doesn't need the money but they got it anyway.

This is just one of the many organizations that fed at the trough even though they don't need the money while those who do, got shut out. Which caused the new bill to be written and passed this past week. It wouldn't have been needed if these greedy already filthy rich people would be happy with what they already have and stop taking from those who honestly need it.

Did you even watch your own video?
Do you think that black lady running the shrimp shack is rich?
No doubt $2 million bucks would ease her troubles

It's not like thats all for her,that for all the small businesses on the island.
And you can bet none of them actually live on the island.
its not Gilligan's Island

small businesses on the island are supposed to go to banks for assistance, which is how the federal dollars are supposed to be distributed

not through Mr Howell at the yacht club

It coming in the form of a gov stimulus package like all the others.
I dont agree

you mentioned small businesses and we know that they get their money from banks

giving money to New York City snowbirds is not what most Americans had in mind

Dude...they're small business owners who cant even afford to live on the island.
They sell products to the rich.
Small business‘ go to the SBA and banks for government assistance

I find it hard to belive that rich people cant afford to buy snow cones because of the Chinese disease

What does being rich have to do with it? They're not getting the money,the small business owner is.
And where would the rich buy these snowcones if all the small businesses are gone?
There's no difference between the islands small businesses and those located in Walla Walla Washington.
We have a disconnect here

as I keep repeating to you, small businesses get relief money from the SBA and government backed loans from banks

Not through the local yacht club

Did I miss something in the article?
Did the local yacht club pay them?
You missed the tenor of my response

what does an island stuffed with rich people need a federal bailout for?

the answer is they dont

The rich people arent getting a bailout.
Arent they?

The association is responsible for maintaining the 216 acres of grounds and beaches, plus the common areas and swimming pools and 18 tennis courts for the island's 800 families. Ana Tinsly, a spokesperson for public services union SEIU Florida, said earlier this week that she was not aware of any layoffs, according to The Miami Herald.

I seriously doubt that the richest zip code in America is going to let its island go to shit unless the federal government steps in
We all know this organization doesn't need the money but they got it anyway.

This is just one of the many organizations that fed at the trough even though they don't need the money while those who do, got shut out. Which caused the new bill to be written and passed this past week. It wouldn't have been needed if these greedy already filthy rich people would be happy with what they already have and stop taking from those who honestly need it.

Did you even watch your own video?
Do you think that black lady running the shrimp shack is rich?
No doubt $2 million bucks would ease her troubles

It's not like thats all for her,that for all the small businesses on the island.
And you can bet none of them actually live on the island.
its not Gilligan's Island

small businesses on the island are supposed to go to banks for assistance, which is how the federal dollars are supposed to be distributed

not through Mr Howell at the yacht club

It coming in the form of a gov stimulus package like all the others.
I dont agree

you mentioned small businesses and we know that they get their money from banks

giving money to New York City snowbirds is not what most Americans had in mind

Dude...they're small business owners who cant even afford to live on the island.
They sell products to the rich.
Small business‘ go to the SBA and banks for government assistance

I find it hard to belive that rich people cant afford to buy snow cones because of the Chinese disease

What does being rich have to do with it? They're not getting the money,the small business owner is.
And where would the rich buy these snowcones if all the small businesses are gone?
There's no difference between the islands small businesses and those located in Walla Walla Washington.
We have a disconnect here

as I keep repeating to you, small businesses get relief money from the SBA and government backed loans from banks

Not through the local yacht club

Did I miss something in the article?
Did the local yacht club pay them?
You missed the tenor of my response

what does an island stuffed with rich people need a federal bailout for?

the answer is they dont

The rich people arent getting a bailout.
Arent they?

I live in a relatively rich neighborhood.
Does that mean my yard company and pool service company dont deserve a check?

The association is responsible for maintaining the 216 acres of grounds and beaches, plus the common areas and swimming pools and 18 tennis courts for the island's 800 families. Ana Tinsly, a spokesperson for public services union SEIU Florida, said earlier this week that she was not aware of any layoffs, according to The Miami Herald.

I seriously doubt that the richest zip code in America is going to let its island go to shit unless the federal government steps in
We all know this organization doesn't need the money but they got it anyway.

This is just one of the many organizations that fed at the trough even though they don't need the money while those who do, got shut out. Which caused the new bill to be written and passed this past week. It wouldn't have been needed if these greedy already filthy rich people would be happy with what they already have and stop taking from those who honestly need it.

That pork belly sammich shop chain is a fraud to...on many different levels ..they should of already been out of biz.

The poor and the middle classes always get fucked

My girl calls not even a half hour ago ...she got sidelined from her job for 3 weeks
The last week she worked 3 days ..she was happy to go back
this week she got another half week

So she puts in her unemployment like I told her to....milk it but dont lie
And what does it tell her .....? shes not getting a payment cause she actually made more than her state government cheese slice

That's the message she said she got..
now she hasn't taken in a friggin dime for a mONTH except for the money I gave her and her pittance 1200 stimulus..she was stressing it ...until I gave her money and her stimulus showed it was the next day or day after ..

I wrote about her drama on a couple of the stimulus and unemployed threads

I laughed ...I said sugar sweetie it's the asshole government ...who go by a set of rules written by out of touch weenies and deranged leftards ...most who never did an honest days work in thier entire lives .
You cant count on government burrecracies for shit ...especially the middle class and and the poor. You guys are boned

Now If she collected for a month and worked she would of been ahead of the game .....the gdamned government were the ones who sidelined her and 26 million other taxpayers in the first place ...

With government bureaucracies it's always lose lose

Now the state of Tennessee is in control of that extra 600 fed money cough pelosi...I'm sure theyll put what should of been hers to good use ...........ppfffttt

She doesnt really need it now cause I'm her big daddy but still

You count on government're fucked or screwed every time
Red state blue state it dont matter ...burn the fucking bureaucracies to the ground America

I thank the Lord every day I got a few bucks

Eviscerate the proletariat! lol globo homo inc a fat community college degree bureaucrats are working on it ...Indeed

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