Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval

Neil Austen

Gold Member
Jun 5, 2019
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
If the economy goes into a decent recovery by the time the vote rolls around you will see those polls go crazy. If the stock market recovers a large amount of its past value before the vote Dems will be voting for anyone but Biden.
So trying to predict anything other then a rise in child and spousal abuse while on lockdown. More people dying for preventable causes because of the lockdown. Higher alcoholism or depression during lockdown is useless.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

80'000 die in the US during a bad flu season so whats your point?
People are pissed because they want to get back to work but dems like you are fighting that all the way in an attempt to crash the economy so it will lesson the chance of Trump being re elected.
24 hours a day of fake news.. its actually approval numbers are 80-90%

The reason I don’t trust Polls is because you never get to talk to the data manager.. give me a name of a Data manager and I will find comments of trump derangement syndrome
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

IF--and I mean IF--you actually succeed in destroying his presidency over what was not his fault

You will hate the storm coming your way. Hate it. But you will deserve it SO richly.

As I have said, you will EXPECT us to just line up behind your president. But those days, trust me, are over.

You will hate your tactics turned on you and will cry like the thumb-sucker cowards you are.
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

You ghouls.

You don't care how much pain and suffering Americans experience as long as Orange Man Bad can be booted out of office.

You are the creepy crawlies found under rocks
The election is more than 6 months away. Things that haven't happened yet will weigh large on the results. I wouldn't sweat it if I were The Donald.

Republicans were going to run on.....
Trump may be an asshole, but look how great the economy is

Now the economy is in the dumps and Republicans have to run on......look at what a great job Trump did fighting the virus

The people aren’t buying it
Will you and others like you be on here touting Trumps accomplishments if the economy comes rushing back after it was decimated or will you fools be on to the next faux outrage?
The economy is not even close to bottoming out and it will be a long time before people are back at work.

It will not be business as usual by November, Trump can no longer run on......look how great my economy is

You ghouls.

You don't care how much pain and suffering Americans experience as long as Orange Man Bad can be booted out of office.

You are the creepy crawlies found under rocks
Two separate issues

Can Trump run on his leadership during this crisis?

The public is not thrilled so far
The pain and suffering is being caused by orange man bad. He didn't create the economy he took credit for and he won't be turning around the economy if this suddenly ended tomorrow. His handling of this crisis is his grade and he has failed. Enjoy these last few months of trump nut cases.
Bush saw his approval drop from the mid 50s to below 30 percent because of a collapsed economy.

It led to a huge Obama victory.

Can Trump survive a similar drop?
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.
poll thread # 388,039 = DUMBSHIT/babble crap
there it is again--the very DUMB analogy with the Vietnam War
only 9 million served in Nam--with most of those not on frontlines MR Genius, dividing 9 million by 58,000 is MORE than dividing 300,000,000 by 50,000
The pain and suffering is being caused by orange man bad. He didn't create the economy he took credit for and he won't be turning around the economy if this suddenly ended tomorrow. His handling of this crisis is his grade and he has failed. Enjoy these last few months of trump nut cases.
LOVIN the people are less than pathetic
Trump's bump goes bust: Polls point to rising disapproval as voters sour on U.S. president's pandemic response

Are even the uneducated backwater hicks that comprise Trump supporters waking up? Do they finally see what everyone with even an ounce of I.Q. can see that Trump is not only extremely incompetent, but because of the position they put him in, EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. 54000 Americans dead. Let me repeat: FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND DEAD AMERICANS! Dead bodies piling up being buried in mass graves on American territory. In a few more days America will experience more deaths than experienced throughout the Vietnam War. Get that through your thick skulls when you protest against common sense of stay at home orders.

Your common sense and clear argument is sure to bring the supporters of Donald Trump out and attack you, the same biddable fools who are demanding their state government send them to the slaughter since they like a dimwitted teenager believe it can't happen to them.
RCP poll had Hillary up by more than ten points in the fall of 2016 so it seems that "real clear politics ain't as clear as they claim. Notice what's missing is a poll about support for Biden

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