Prince And A Prince


Big D

The parents of a first-grader are fuming over the book their daughter brought home from the school library: a children's story about a prince whose true love turns out to be another prince.
Michael Hartsell said he and his wife, Tonya, couldn't believe it when Prince Bertie, the leading character in "King & King," waves off a bevy of eligible princes before falling for Prince Lee.

The book ends with the princes marrying and sharing a kiss.
Originally posted by Big D
The parents of a first-grader are fuming over the book their daughter brought home from the school library: a children's story about a prince whose true love turns out to be another prince.
Michael Hartsell said he and his wife, Tonya, couldn't believe it when Prince Bertie, the leading character in "King & King," waves off a bevy of eligible princes before falling for Prince Lee.

The book ends with the princes marrying and sharing a kiss.

It would take everything that is within me to keep me from kicking some school-district asses, should my kid come home w/ a book like that. I'd likely be put in jail...which would be ironic, because the idea is to keep the homosexual-agenda AWAY from me and my family. :)
This is exactly why we need vouchers. Teachers can force kids to studying this crap and the parents have no way having a say in the matter. Im Pro Choice when it comes to Education.
If this book was approved by the school board, I pray it wasnt, the lot of them should be fired. If this was the teaacher pulling on over, the teacher needs some time to re-think the position. a long vacation should be in order. I thought the PTA over-saw the cirriculam[sp] in schools.or am I too old.
It's not part of the curriculum, just a book on a shelf in the library. But I must admit even I see a bit of a problem with having it in reach of 6 year olds. Catcher in the rye in highschool is completely fine, with the advantage of it being "literature" as opposed to a childrens book, but this is different. Of course, the free thinker in me says that if they decide to have this book in a school library they should have it in a separate section with a permission slip describing the content accurately required in order to gain access to the book. That way the parents that don't approve can keep the content from their child whilst those that do approve can allow their child to see it.
I believe that this is an attempt by the gay acctivist to, by indoctrinating at such a young age , to make it OK in the next generation to be openly gay. just my take on it.If the book is for 6 year olds its plain and simple wrong. no two ways about it. It doesnt belong in the school library. It shouldnt be anywhere near a child.
Originally posted by dmp
It would take everything that is within me to keep me from kicking some school-district asses, should my kid come home w/ a book like that. I'd likely be put in jail...which would be ironic, because the idea is to keep the homosexual-agenda AWAY from me and my family. :)
wish i could say the same there. my child isnt going to learn some educationally twisted version of homosexuality from no school. no matter who says different. and for them to have this in reach of a younger school child is unexceptable.
And yet people actually wonder why there's so much talk of constitutional amendments and such- for this very reason. There is nothing private about a homosexual lifestyle when books like this are available to a 6 year old.
I noticed all the pro homo people like Bully are hiding from this one.

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