Primitive Versus Modern: Advancing Into The Past


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Did you actually vote to have a more primitive nation and society???

Just…one more way to differentiate the political plans of Democrats versus Republicans is the direction each has for society.

1.Primitive societies are based on word of mouth, stories told from one generation to another, lack of a written language, while advanced cultures are based on the written word, on books, on documentation. Consider the fuel the Democrats are running on….”systemic racism.”

“In the introduction to his book, Feagin writes that racism is "systemic" because it is reflected in "each major part of U.S. society — the economy, politics, education, religion, the family." Systemic racism includes "the complex array of antiblack practices, the unjustly gained political-economic power of whites ... and the white racist ideologies and attitudes created to maintain ... white privilege and power."


2. But what is American society, and the advances of Western Civilization, actually based on….what is the ‘system’?

“In his 1776 pamphlet Common Sense, American founding father Thomas Paine wrote that the law itself ought to be more important and more powerful than any individual, including a king: ... I'll tell you Friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the Royal of Britain. . . in America THE LAW IS KING.”
Lesson: The Rule of Law and Why It Matters | Facing History

The American system is not primitive…it is not based on word of mouth, or stories passed from one generation to the next. It is based on written laws.

Can you find any examples to post of white privilege, or systemic racism, or any laws, regulations, statutes that are directed AGAINST blacks? Any?????????

No, you cannot.
Unless, of course, you point out the law against white people: Affirmative Action.

3. Here is the sort of ‘
proof’ that the indoctrinated offer for the claim of systemic racism, from another poster:

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

There are no such laws, and nearly all the wealth in this country is earned, not inherited.

"In the Millionaire Next Door," Stanley and Danko tell us that "most of America's millionaires are first-generation rich." They earned their money themselves. Not through inheritances or dad's teachings. "Most people who become millionaires have confidence in their own abilities. They do not spend time worrying about whether or not their parents were wealthy."
The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy
byThomas J. Stanley,
William D. Danko
" 80% of U. S. millionaires are first generation affluent. Contrary to popular belief, most people are not born into wealth. They earn their money the old fashioned way, they work for it."
Making money: The path to becoming a millionaire - by Terry Marsh - Helium
"The vast majority of today's millionaires did not inherit their money -- they're self-made."

Let's start with the two explanations for everything Biden voters post:
a. Everything you know is wrong.
b. Democrats lie about everything.
The unsupportable claims of racism, white privilege, white supremacy veer toward superstition rather than fact.
Another element of a primitive culture rather than a modern one.....where an honest media would put the charges to rest.

4. In a recent news story about a man who took his daughter from a private school because it taught the woke lies, he wrote:

“We have not had systemic racism against Blacks in this country since the civil rights reforms of the 1960s, a period of more than 50 years. To state otherwise is a flat-out misrepresentation of our country's history and adds no understanding to any of today's societal issues. If anything, longstanding and widespread policies such as affirmative action, point in precisely the opposite direction.

I object to a definition of systemic racism, apparently supported by Brearley, that any educational, professional, or societal outcome where Blacks are underrepresented is prima facie evidence of the aforementioned systemic racism, or of white supremacy and oppression. Facile and unsupported beliefs such as these are the polar opposite to the intellectual and scientific truth for which Brearley claims to stand. Furthermore, I call bullshit on Brearley's oft-stated assertion that the school welcomes and encourages the truly difficult and uncomfortable conversations regarding race and the roots of racial discrepancies.”
You Have to Read This Letter

5. And the claim that racism is evident in the 'distribution' of effects.......“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America,...."

Another superstition.

And, of course, there is no human nature proof of racial, class, and genders forming perfect rations in every human endeavor.

"If there were a contest for the most stupid idea in politics, my choice would be the assumption that people would be evenly or randomly distributed in incomes, institutions, occupations or awards, in the absence of somebody doing somebody wrong."
Thomas Sowell - The Dumbest Idea

Unable to document the charges of system racism, white privilege, or white supremacy, the primitive party, the Democrats, demands that stories, superstition, and propaganda be raised to the level of documentation and the sort of written laws on which our system is based.
When is the last time you saw a television series or a film in which any major character was depicted as working hard and succeeding financially? You never have. The people who succeed in fiction do so by cheating, lying, destroying their competitors, scheming, etc. - NEVER by hard work.

You see stories about people who are wealthy and have done nothing to accumulate that wealth. Often wealthy characters in fiction have no visible means of support. This promotes the perception that wealth "just happens" to the fortunate few who have it, most of whom are "white."

And of course that does occur in real life, and in a country of 330 million plus, there is a lot of it, but every detailed analysis of wealth and how it is accumulated indicates that most people who are well off worked to get there.

But the germ of truth in the BLM narrative is that those who have a bit of wealth are able to "game the system" for their progeny, moving to neighborhoods with superior schools, or sending them to private schools, hiring tutors for them, coaches, and getting them into desirable academic, sports, and social programs that enhance their lives immeasurably. And this ability to pave the way for one's offspring is much less common among Black Americans; they have to make it on their own merit, or not at all.

These advantages are most of what is referred to as "white privilege," but the lack of it is not "racism," and resentment of privilege is no prescription for healing. The solution is to get those advantages for YOUR OWN kids, which is not that difficult to do. And demanding the indicia of success for Blacks, regardless of merit, is a prescription for anarchy.
If there was even one IOTA of this imaginary systemic racism, obama would NEVER have become president, period, end of story.

Quite to the contrary, this nation has absolutely bent over backwards pandering to blacks with Affirmative Action, quotas, leniency, preferential treatment, looking the other way and not calling it racist as they form groups and organizations exclusively for blacks, while no other race is afforded the same luxury.

RACE PIMPING is not only profitable for the democrat party of trash, it keeps blacks on the plantation voting dem.
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When is the last time you saw a television series or a film in which any major character was depicted as working hard and succeeding financially? You never have. The people who succeed in fiction do so by cheating, lying, destroying their competitors, scheming, etc. - NEVER by hard work.

You see stories about people who are wealthy and have done nothing to accumulate that wealth. Often wealthy characters in fiction have no visible means of support. This promotes the perception that wealth "just happens" to the fortunate few who have it, most of whom are "white."

And of course that does occur in real life, and in a country of 330 million plus, there is a lot of it, but every detailed analysis of wealth and how it is accumulated indicates that most people who are well off worked to get there.

But the germ of truth in the BLM narrative is that those who have a bit of wealth are able to "game the system" for their progeny, moving to neighborhoods with superior schools, or sending them to private schools, hiring tutors for them, coaches, and getting them into desirable academic, sports, and social programs that enhance their lives immeasurably. And this ability to pave the way for one's offspring is much less common among Black Americans; they have to make it on their own merit, or not at all.

These advantages are most of what is referred to as "white privilege," but the lack of it is not "racism," and resentment of privilege is no prescription for healing. The solution is to get those advantages for YOUR OWN kids, which is not that difficult to do. And demanding the indicia of success for Blacks, regardless of merit, is a prescription for anarchy.

I believe that you have identified the nexus or Eisenhower's reference, and the deleterious effects that Hollywood (read 'Liberals') have had on society's attitude about crime...

In the 1949 seminal film, "Knock On Any Door," starring Humphrey Bogart and John Derek, a young (handsome) perp kills a police officer, and his lawyer (Bogart) has the jury wringing their hands over the terrible childhood of the perp.

It is worth seeing, and draw you own conclusions re: the view that society should make excuses for killers, and ignore the hole that they leave in the lives of those associated with the victim.
If there was even one IOTA of this imaginary systemic racism, obama would NEVER have become president, period, end of story.

Quite to the contrary, this nation has absolutely bent over backwards pandering to blacks with Affirmative Action, quotas, leniency, preferential treatment, looking the other way and not calling it racist as they form groups and organizations exclusively for blacks, while no other race is afforded the same luxury.

RACE PIMPING is not only profitable for the democrat party of trash, it keeps blacks on the plantation voting dem.

But it certainly is successful, especially among millennials.....they buy it like it was on sale.

Did you see this?

"The Problem Is That Your Ideas Are Stupid, You Gullible Millennials. By Bill Maher.

You know the reason why advertisers in this country love the 18-34 demographic? Because it’s the most gullible.

A third of people under 35 say they’re in favor of abolishing the police. Not defunding, but doing away with a police force altogether, which is less of a policy position and more of a leg tattoo.

36% of Millennials think it might be a good idea to try Communism, but much of the world did try it. I know most of Millennials think that doesn’t count because they weren’t alive when it happened… but it did happen, and there are people around who remember it. Pining for communism is like pining for BetaMax or MySpace.

So when you say ‘you’re old, you don’t get it’, get what? Abolish the police? and the Border Patrol? and Capitalism? and cancel Lincoln?

No, “I get it”. The problem isn’t that I don’t get what you’re saying or that I’m old. The problem is that your ideas are stupid.

If you say “let’s eat in the bathroom and shit in the kitchen”, yeah, that’s a new idea, but I wouldn’t call it interior design.

You think someone 80 is hopeless because they can’t use an iPhone? Maybe the one who is hopeless is the one who can’t stop using it.

You think I’m out of it because I’m not on Twitch? Well maybe I ‘get Twitch’ but I just think people watching other people play video games is a waste of fucking time.

20% of Gen Z agree with the statement that “society would be better off if all property was owned by the public and managed by the government” and another 29% say ‘they don’t know if that’s a good idea’…

Here’s who does know — anyone who wasn’t born yesterday!”

And so ends the noble experiment in self-government.....America.
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Maybe a time machine was invented and we are now seeing "The Butterfly Effect". We are regressing in the name of moving forward.
When is the last time you saw a television series or a film in which any major character was depicted as working hard and succeeding financially? You never have. The people who succeed in fiction do so by cheating, lying, destroying their competitors, scheming, etc. - NEVER by hard work.

The Cosby Show.

But that was decades ago.
Maybe a time machine was invented and we are now seeing "The Butterfly Effect". We are regressing in the name of moving forward.

Well.....the Butterfly Effect was about the interrelationship of all things.... " Action, dedicated intention, the butter fly effect and Indra’s web – all reflecting the interdependence of all life, we are all inter-dependent on each other, it ALL matters."

But I get your point......the aims of the Democrats/Progressives will lead back to an earlier time, one of serfdom.
6. Encouraging and authorizing riots and savagery and the law of the jungle….what could be more primitive?

Evident in the Democrat agenda in the run-up to the election, the savagery of riots, the burning of our cities, assaults and chaos, all meant to use might makes right, and extortion to make citizens fearful of not acquiescing to the Left’s totalitarianism.

Here, the Biden Supporter Riot and the media lying about it.

Kamala Harris encouraging riots:

Chris Cuomo saying protests needn’t be peaceful.

“Waters calls for protesters to 'get more confrontational' if no guilty verdict is reached in Derek Chauvin trial” Waters calls for protesters to 'get more confrontational' if no guilty verdict is reached in Derek Chauvin trial

And the result of the Democrats promising savages that there would be no penalties:

Police tear gas protesters near the White House

Portland protests: Fence pulled down at federal courthouse, police declare riot

Police shooting of black man near Minneapolis sparks protests and clashes with police
Speaking of 'primitive'.....

After the bravura performance during the Democrat productions in the lead up to the 'election,' a number of Biden voters could not what they has so much practice in during the year.....

No doubt they expect the same 'get out of jail' card the Democrats gave the other savages in the riots.

The Chauvin jurors understood the ramifications of their decisions.....
7. Democrats lie about everything, so when you find them claiming to be ‘progressive,’ remember that they are regressive, fighting against prosperity, individualism, and freedom and for making citizens into subjects who must obey the new ruler, big government.

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).
The Democrats check every one of those boxes.

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

Nothing could be less progressive, or more primitive.
8. The choice model of the Democrats was the man who hated civilized society, no matter its technological advances, and benefits to mankind.

Rousseau….noble savage. The very definition of socialism. No private property

The modern myth of the noble savage is most commonly attributed to the 18th-century Enlightenment philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau. He believed the original “man” was free from sin, appetite or the concept of right and wrong, and that those deemed “savages” were not brutal but noble.Feb 24, 2016

I am as free as Nature first made man,
Ere the base laws of servitude began,
When wild in woods the noble savage ran.

John Dryden's The Conquest of Granada, published in 1670

But “he” became diseased and degenerated, obsessed with the things of the world.
Explainer: the myth of the Noble Savage - The Conversation


Returning society to the primitive is the plan of the Democrats.

And they have already announced the's called the Green New Deal.
9. If Democrat voters have any doubts about the claim that Democrats aim to end the advances of our society, and devolve it into the sort of primitive, agrarian society that gives up all of technology’s gifts, simply look at their policies that would end the use of air travel, internal combustion engines in automobiles, ban fossil fuels and fracking, do what Democrats do to taxes.

The 10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Green New Deal

The Green New Deal isn't just un-American, it's also completely bonkers.

  • Ban affordable energy. GND calls for the elimination of all fossil fuel energy production, the lifeblood of American industry and life, which includes not only all oil but also natural gas
  • Eliminate nuclear energy.
  • Eliminate 99 percent of cars.
  • Gut and rebuild every building in America.
  • Eliminate air travel.
  • A government-guaranteed job. …through some unspecified “massive” taxation. On the bright side, when you’re foraging for food, your savings will be worthless.
  • Free education for life. GND promises free college or trade schools for every American.
  • A salubrious diet. The GND promises the government will provide “healthy food” to every American
  • A house. The GND promises that the government will provide, “safe, affordable, adequate housing” for every American citizen.
  • Free money. The GND aims to provide, and I am not making this up, “economic security” for all who are “unable or unwilling” to work. Just to reiterate: if you’re unwilling to work, the rest of us will have your back.
  • Bonus insanity: Ban meat.
  • The 10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Green New Deal

Green New Deal the plans to move modern society back to primitive, pastoral life.

If you are a Democrat voter, that must be where you want to go.
.Pining for communism is like pining for BetaMax or MySpace.

Yeah, if BetaMax or MySpace could leave you destitute, suffering and dead. was only 100 million or so, men, women and children.

They don't of the regular posters/liars:
When I pointed out that his antecedents, the communists, slaughtered 100 million men, women and children.....he sneered at the deaths this way:

"Sure it wasn't 100 billion?"
FDR Admiration Society

FDR Admiration Society post#180
9. If Democrat voters have any doubts about the claim that Democrats aim to end the advances of our society, and devolve it into the sort of primitive, agrarian society that gives up all of technology’s gifts, simply look at their policies that would end the use of air travel, internal combustion engines in automobiles, ban fossil fuels and fracking, do what Democrats do to taxes.

The 10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Green New Deal

The Green New Deal isn't just un-American, it's also completely bonkers.

  • Ban affordable energy. GND calls for the elimination of all fossil fuel energy production, the lifeblood of American industry and life, which includes not only all oil but also natural gas
  • Eliminate nuclear energy.
  • Eliminate 99 percent of cars.
  • Gut and rebuild every building in America.
  • Eliminate air travel.
  • A government-guaranteed job. …through some unspecified “massive” taxation. On the bright side, when you’re foraging for food, your savings will be worthless.
  • Free education for life. GND promises free college or trade schools for every American.
  • A salubrious diet. The GND promises the government will provide “healthy food” to every American
  • A house. The GND promises that the government will provide, “safe, affordable, adequate housing” for every American citizen.
  • Free money. The GND aims to provide, and I am not making this up, “economic security” for all who are “unable or unwilling” to work. Just to reiterate: if you’re unwilling to work, the rest of us will have your back.
  • Bonus insanity: Ban meat.
  • The 10 Most Insane Requirements Of The Green New Deal

Green New Deal the plans to move modern society back to primitive, pastoral life.

If you are a Democrat voter, that must be where you want to go.

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