We recently had a healthy young high school football player in our area just drop dead on the field. It was devastating to the entire community. Was it preventable.? Are we doing enough to make sure these children are protected from their exploits ? What more can be done ? National Center for Biotechnology Information >PMC Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes-NCBI I looked at all the data. It's rare, thank GOD. The kid that died in our area that died was born 2 months premature, I'm wondering if he had a congenital heart defect that wasn't detected. Maybe that's one area the correlate to death with who was born prematurely. If the data suggests that, then it only follows logically that they should be examined more thoroughly to make sure it's not a possibility of this happening to them. Just a thought. I tried to look up to see if there were any coordinated studies that look into this I couldn't find one. Anyone know out there ? Any other ideas how to curb this ?, it is on the increase.