President Trump savages Mexico at immigration roundtable

Illegals have raped and killed thousands of Americans. 4 of these animals just held a 15 year old girl captive for 4 days in a motel and raped her repeatedly, are you bunch of bleeding hearts getting the message yet? An illegal broke into a home and raped a 6 year old American girl in her own bed, her father walked in on this shit. Cry me a freaking river that Trump said something harsh about illegals. :eusa_hand:
"Mexico does nothing for us, they do nothing for us. Mexico talks, but they do nothing for us, especially at the border." Then, with NAFTA talks at critical juncture, throws in: "Certainly don’t help us much on trade."

also "We're taking people out of the country — you wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals." He says the U.S. has "the dumbest laws on immigration in the world."
Holy Jesus. What are we gonna do with this guy?

What has Mexico done for US?
They protect our southern border

They violate our southern border millions of times a year.

YOu are a fool.
Trump: Undocumented Americans are animals but totally trust Kim Jong Un who guts his family members
Of course, that's not what he said. What he said is that some of the illegals are are very undesirable people.

No he said the Mexicans are not sending their best people. They’re sending murderers, rapists and drug dealers, and some are good people. Not “most” or “many”, just some.
No he said the Mexicans are not sending their best people. They’re sending murderers, rapists and drug dealers, and some are good people. Not “most” or “many”, just some.

Finally a President that speaks the truth, and put countries that are harming us on notice, instead of speaking in PC speech. The brainwashed liberal/progressives are so concerned with Virtue Signaling to make themselves FEEL better that they are willing to put our nation at more Risk.
The President of the United States has no regard for human lives, families, or people. If you had ANY hope that decency still lived in this Administration, then shred it. Shred it right now. There is no decency.
You got all of this from the President deporting illegals?

every human life is precious and priceless

Oh, but you are for abortion. Gotcha!
Yeah but....abortion.....Tell us what the GOP led three branches of government have done to get rid of legal abortion.
Illegals have raped and killed thousands of Americans. 4 of these animals just held a 15 year old girl captive for 4 days in a motel and raped her repeatedly, are you bunch of bleeding hearts getting the message yet? An illegal broke into a home and raped a 6 year old American girl in her own bed, her father walked in on this shit. Cry me a freaking river that Trump said something harsh about illegals. :eusa_hand:
Males, I's almost always males doing that kind of, illegal...all nationalities.
"Doesn’t matter. Even MS-13 gang members are HUMAN. Not animals." - Rep Brad Sherman

Democrats side with MS-13!
I can totally understand why Democrats are so angry with Trump's insults against brutal gang members, considering their own behavior over the past two years.
Mexico's biggest 'contributions' to the United States are illegal drugs from the Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS-13, Violent Illegals, Un-Educated/Skilled illegals..

They have little control of their own country in regards to criminals (Drug Lords, MS-13, Human Traffickers, etc...). Their military has escorted Drug traffickers across the border into the Us. they have facilitated the migration of thousands (millions?) of illegals from other nations crossing through Mexico to illegally come to the US. They have openly aided these illegals as well as their own crossing into the US. US dollars sent back to Mexico from Illegals living / working in the US is one of Mexico's leading sources of income, not counting the free cash given to them in the name of 'foreign aid'.
But what I love is that the left gets to virtue signal and feel all warm and fuzzy, like they are helping these people. A porous, open border funds drug cartels that are literally committing genocide in Mexico. A report yesterday estimated drug cartels profited to the tune of $500,000,000 a year off human trafficking. Increasing border security and enforcing immigration laws reduces the funds to murderous drug cartels, forces corporations to raise wages--and to be honest both parties are all for it.
"This is EXACTLY why people don't trust the media. Trump was very obviously talking about MS-13 when he referred to them as "animals." So crazy that he called a gang that carry out vicious machete attacks, execution-style gunshots, gang rape, and human trafficking "animals."'
No he said the Mexicans are not sending their best people. They’re sending murderers, rapists and drug dealers, and some are good people. Not “most” or “many”, just some.

Finally a President that speaks the truth, and put countries that are harming us on notice, instead of speaking in PC speech. The brainwashed liberal/progressives are so concerned with Virtue Signaling to make themselves FEEL better that they are willing to put our nation at more Risk.

You lost me when you said “a President who speaks the truth” because the overriding negative character trait of this President is that he lies.

Trump lies endlessly. He’s not telling you the truth about illegal immigrants coming from Mexico either. He’s not telling you that Illegal border crossings have been steadily declining since 2008, and that when he took office, there were 700,000 fewer illegal Mexican immigrants in the US that there were in 2008 - in part because of the recession, but also because Barrack Obama aggressively deported illegals.

Trump's immigration lies are endless. He’s not telling you the truth. He’s providing a scapegoat for you. It’s not your fault you can’t get a job. The illegals are stealing your jobs. The illegals are causing crime. The illegals are stealing tax dollars.

While there may be some germs of truths in these lies, they distract you from the facts. They distract you from the fact that employers are not being charged, fined or punished for hiring illegals. Or that illegals pay withholding taxes they can’t recover, or the degree to which the US economy relies on wages paid to illegals to suppress wages on low income jobs.

There are real issues for American workers - like wage stagnation, lack of benefits, inhuman work hours, and reliance of corporate employers on wage supplements like food stamps and earned income credits to low wage workers to keep wages low at the expense of middle class tax payers that should be dealt with. But it doesn’t happen.

But these issues are complex, and they require complex solutions. So much easier to sell the gullible that it’s because illegals are stealing your jobs. Build that wall.

Trump doesn’t speak truth. Far from it. He proposes building a wall to stop illegal immigration from the south but doesn’t even mention people overstaying their visas. Building a wall won’t change anything.
"Mexico does nothing for us, they do nothing for us. Mexico talks, but they do nothing for us, especially at the border." Then, with NAFTA talks at critical juncture, throws in: "Certainly don’t help us much on trade."

also "We're taking people out of the country — you wouldn't believe how bad these people are. These aren't people. These are animals." He says the U.S. has "the dumbest laws on immigration in the world."
Holy Jesus. What are we gonna do with this guy?

What has Mexico done for US?
They protect our southern border

They violate our southern border millions of times a year.

YOu are a fool.
In 200 years our borders have never been invaded.
That is because we have peaceful neighbors to our north and south.

Europe cannot make that claim

Thank you Mexico and Canada
People who want to kill you are animals. People who want to rape you are animals. People who want to rob you are animals. This is not hard, folks. Unless apparently you are Democrats or the news media.
"Trump's vile attacks against immigrants are as dumb as they are racist and xenophobic. The truth is new immigrants strengthen our communities, contribute to the economy and pay billions in taxes. We must not allow Trump's bigotry to go unchallenged" - Unhinged Robert Reich

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