President Trump: ObamaCare premiums are going up, up, up, just as I have been predicting for 2 years

"ObamaCare premiums are going up, up, up, just as I have been predicting for two years. ObamaCare is OWNED by the Democrats, and it is a disaster. But do not worry. Even though the Dems want to Obstruct, we will Repeal & Replace right after Tax Cuts!" - Trump

I imagine Trump said this at Thanksgiving Dinner, thought it was a great line and then tweeted it out
Who said this:
I’m going to repeal and replace Obamacare on DAY ONE and replace it with something better.

Did he?

Yet you don’t have the balls to hold him accountable.
My gosh, Obama said it himself.

and the orange sociopath intentionally interfered to make prices go up.

that's a-ok with you though
The price went up when on a Obama was in office.

the prices set by the ACA were based upon everyone participating in the market, as it was intended to when the rightwing HERITAGE FOUNDATION designed it. where it was properly implemented, it worked as it was supposed to. where it was intentionally sabotaged by rieghtwinguts, it did not. as to the pricing... you can thank insurance companies which have always raised prices absurdly higher than market prices were increasing. but they went up at a SLOWER rate after the passage of the ACA. I appreciate your disingenuous Obama derangement though.

what also happened was that people who couldn't previously afford insurance were able to have it.

I know you hate that.
Democrats own this failure 100%.
Ha ha ha ha
Who’s in charge of all three branches of government?
Yet you’re still blaming democrats. Didn’t your mother ever teach you the word “ accountability?”
Nothing has been done to ACA.

Stop lying.

Trump and Republicans are directly responsible for major price increases for 2018.

Health insurers are asking state regulators to approve giant rate increases for 2018 individual policies, in part because they don't yet know if the Trump administration plans to help or hurt the Affordable Care Act's health insurance exchanges.

Insurers in the three states that have published requested rates say their double-digit hikes, which exceed 50% in some cases, may climb even higher if the federal government doesn't take steps to ease their jitters over ACA repeal-and-replace efforts by funding cost-sharing reduction subsidies and enforcing the mandate that requires most people to enroll in coverage. The sky-high increases, though not final, would leave health insurance unaffordable for many Americans.

Health insurers' proposed 2018 rate hikes are early 'warning signs'

Pennsylvania insurers offering Obamacare plans will need to raise premiums an average 30.6 percent in 2018, nearly four times the increase that had been anticipated before President Donald Trump scrapped government subsidiesfive days ago.

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent

'It will not cost a dime'
'It will result in LOWER premiums'

AS PREDICTEDWHEN OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS WERE PUSHING THESE LIES, long before they rammed it into law, NON-PARTISAN experts were pointing out how it was going to result in increased premiums.

Obama and the Democrats FORCED Americans to participate / buy Obamacare or face government-inflicted monetary punishment AND paid Insurance Companies tax dollars while they were being paid by consumers, and this still could not prevent Insurance Companies from raising premiums - up to 100% in some areas, and / or prevent them from pulling out of markets altogether, leaving Americans with no insurance to purchase / insurance coverage.
Queasy still won’t hold the party and president in power accountable for failing the American people on healthcare.
Queasy is just as irresponsible as Trump is. That’s why he loves him so. Birds of a feather.
Since premiums go up constantly and have for years, that's quite the bold prediction you made. lol
It was supposed to lower premiums $2500 a year. Another Obama lie you swallowed.

You lie.
My gosh, Obama said it himself.

You lied about me, as usual.
Jknownothing admitted he doesn’t have cable or follow the news.
His head is deeply buried into all the propaganda sites on the web.
He recently got a WiFi connection in his trailer park.
My gosh, Obama said it himself.

and the orange sociopath intentionally interfered to make prices go up.

that's a-ok with you though
The price went up when on a Obama was in office.

the prices set by the ACA were based upon everyone participating in the market, as it was intended to when the rightwing HERITAGE FOUNDATION designed it. where it was properly implemented, it worked as it was supposed to. where it was intentionally sabotaged by rieghtwinguts, it did not. as to the pricing... you can thank insurance companies which have always raised prices absurdly higher than market prices were increasing. but they went up at a SLOWER rate after the passage of the ACA. I appreciate your disingenuous Obama derangement though.

what also happened was that people who couldn't previously afford insurance were able to have it.

I know you hate that.
Democrats own this failure 100%.
Ha ha ha ha
Who’s in charge of all three branches of government?
Yet you’re still blaming democrats. Didn’t your mother ever teach you the word “ accountability?”
I'm talking about Obama care.
Nothing has been done to ACA.

Stop lying.

Trump and Republicans are directly responsible for major price increases for 2018.

Health insurers are asking state regulators to approve giant rate increases for 2018 individual policies, in part because they don't yet know if the Trump administration plans to help or hurt the Affordable Care Act's health insurance exchanges.

Insurers in the three states that have published requested rates say their double-digit hikes, which exceed 50% in some cases, may climb even higher if the federal government doesn't take steps to ease their jitters over ACA repeal-and-replace efforts by funding cost-sharing reduction subsidies and enforcing the mandate that requires most people to enroll in coverage. The sky-high increases, though not final, would leave health insurance unaffordable for many Americans.

Health insurers' proposed 2018 rate hikes are early 'warning signs'

Pennsylvania insurers offering Obamacare plans will need to raise premiums an average 30.6 percent in 2018, nearly four times the increase that had been anticipated before President Donald Trump scrapped government subsidiesfive days ago.

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent

'It will not cost a dime'
'It will result in LOWER premiums'

AS PREDICTEDWHEN OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS WERE PUSHING THESE LIES, long before they rammed it into law, NON-PARTISAN experts were pointing out how it was going to result in increased premiums.

Obama and the Democrats FORCED Americans to participate / buy Obamacare or face government-inflicted monetary punishment AND paid Insurance Companies tax dollars while they were being paid by consumers, and this still could not prevent Insurance Companies from raising premiums - up to 100% in some areas, and / or prevent them from pulling out of markets altogether, leaving Americans with no insurance to purchase / insurance coverage.
Queasy still won’t hold the party and president in power accountable for failing the American people on healthcare.
Queasy is just as irresponsible as Trump is. That’s why he loves him so. Birds of a feather.

Our dark shadow government is the reason for the hold up. Hopefully, we will alleviate that problem next election. And it is a bipartisan effort. Mitch McConnell has spent 30 million dollars trying to get Moore out of the race.
Pelosi welcomed George Soros to the podium at the "Resistance Club" weekend to outline subversion tactics.

I don't give a shit what side you are on, COLLUDING with the man spending billions to take our country down should be considered treason. He IS the enemy, and because of McCains and Pelosis, Kasichs Obamas, Clintons and Bush 1 and 2's, he is winning.
Birds of a feather and all...
Obama was reelected after LYING his ass off, then got wiped out in 2014 after his lies became obvious. Keep your plan and doctor, save $2,500 a year on health insurance ring a bell? Obama and Dem's :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

So it's now on Trump and the GOP for failing to repeal the ACA, right?

Hell no, Dem's are blocking repeal and replace so Dem's still own 100% of Obamacare choke on it.

lolol, Democrats blocked the repeal and replace that only needed 50 out of 52 Republican Senators to vote for it?

You're fucking retarded.

Every last Dem voted no, they obviously prefer Obamacare so as I said choke on it. Here's to Obamacare burning the Dem party to the ground :eusa_dance: Trump holds all the cards, as Obamacare continues to do damage all he need to is point the finger at Dem's.

You're not bright at all - on some level you must know that. Maybe you need to find a new message board, one you can discuss issues you are capable of comprehending.

Translation, you lost the debate and deflected to insults pretty common among liberals.
So it's now on Trump and the GOP for failing to repeal the ACA, right?

Hell no, Dem's are blocking repeal and replace so Dem's still own 100% of Obamacare choke on it.

lolol, Democrats blocked the repeal and replace that only needed 50 out of 52 Republican Senators to vote for it?

You're fucking retarded.

Every last Dem voted no, they obviously prefer Obamacare so as I said choke on it. Here's to Obamacare burning the Dem party to the ground :eusa_dance: Trump holds all the cards, as Obamacare continues to do damage all he need to is point the finger at Dem's.

You're not bright at all - on some level you must know that. Maybe you need to find a new message board, one you can discuss issues you are capable of comprehending.

Translation, you lost the debate and deflected to insults pretty common among liberals.

I spoke the truth. Don't try to translate for me, and don't pretend insults are limited to me. I debate with both sides, only liars, assholes and fools get my wrath, and they are mostly fools like you.
Nothing has been done to ACA.

Stop lying.

Trump and Republicans are directly responsible for major price increases for 2018.

Health insurers are asking state regulators to approve giant rate increases for 2018 individual policies, in part because they don't yet know if the Trump administration plans to help or hurt the Affordable Care Act's health insurance exchanges.

Insurers in the three states that have published requested rates say their double-digit hikes, which exceed 50% in some cases, may climb even higher if the federal government doesn't take steps to ease their jitters over ACA repeal-and-replace efforts by funding cost-sharing reduction subsidies and enforcing the mandate that requires most people to enroll in coverage. The sky-high increases, though not final, would leave health insurance unaffordable for many Americans.

Health insurers' proposed 2018 rate hikes are early 'warning signs'

Pennsylvania insurers offering Obamacare plans will need to raise premiums an average 30.6 percent in 2018, nearly four times the increase that had been anticipated before President Donald Trump scrapped government subsidiesfive days ago.

Pa. insurance department says Obamacare rates to rise 30.6 percent
I'm sure you're not bright enough to figure this one out, but as long as it's called "Obamacare", it's on Obama. That was simple yet genius of the GOP, second only to putting off Garland and getting in Gorsuch. Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of winning.

:rolleyes: Thanks meathead. Your screen name doesn’t lie.

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