President Trump Names Two Pro-Life Advocates as Federal Judges, Abortion Activists Go Nuts

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Roe is not protection.

Condoms and the pill and keeping your legs closed is protection.

Roe was legalizing murder for women. That is exactly what Roe is. And they don’t want to give up this invented power.

It sure doesn’t do much to protect unborn women, does it?

LIFE NEWS ^ ....Read more!

Two more of President Donald Trump’s conservative judicial nominees may be confirmed to important U.S. circuit court positions soon.

The U.S. Senate is considering Chad Readler and Eric Murphy for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals – a move that is setting off alarms for abortion activists.

The pro-abortion website Mother Jones reports Readler and Murphy both have “strong” pro-life histories in the legal system. And the Sixth Circuit could soon hear several important cases involving abortion clinic regulations.

Their nominations are “worrisome to pro-choice advocates who fear this may be the court that helps overturn Roe v. Wade,” according to the report.

Here’s more:

Chad Readler, a top Justice Department attorney who served in a personal capacity for Trump’s presidential campaign, and Eric Murphy, who was behind a series of challenges to the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive coverage policy, were both nominated in June to serve on the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.

… Readler has vigorously defended the Trump administration’s efforts to prevent undocumented young women from accessing abortion, as well as its attempt to let employers deny their employees birth control coverage. Murphy has prohibited the state of Ohio from contracting with abortion providers, and represented several organizations in challenges against the ACA’s contraceptive coverage policy.

The Sixth Circuit hears cases out of Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee. Several of those states have passed abortion clinic regulations in recent years to protect women’s health and safety; however, abortion activists have challenged them in court.

Amanda Thayer, spokesperson for the radical pro-abortion group NARAL, said their confirmations could bring about an end to Roe v. Wade.

“Ultimately the goal is to overturn, gut, or undermine Roe v. Wade and the protections that it provides women,” Thayer said. “Either way, I think it’s safe to say Readler and Murphy will be instrumental in limiting abortion rights.”

As with the U.S. Supreme Court, the makeup of lower courts is important because of the abortion industry’s challenges to pro-life legislation. When abortion activists fail to stop pro-abortion laws, they often turn to the courts to block protections for unborn babies and their mothers. But when conservative presidents appoint conservative judges, there is a greater chance of these pro-life laws being upheld and unborn babies’ rights restored.

Again, I ask, it is stupidity or what?

"Pro life" judges and justices who are CONSERVATIVE have no power to outlaw abortion. Period. Any suggestion to the contrary is bullshit.

The Conservative position is that Roe v Wade overstepped the authority of the USSC by trying to define when human life begins, for the purpose of citizenship. Justice Stewart basically said that magical moment occurs when the fetus becomes VIABLE, a moment that is gradually moving backward in the gestation period, due to advance in neonatal science.

But the POINT is, this is a decision that MUST be made by the LEGISLATURES, not by any court.

Hence, any overturn of RvW will merely send the question back to the state legislatures, where the standard will vary from state to state. If a national consensus can be accumulated on either side of the issue, maybe a Constitutional Amendment can be passed, but that is, as golfers might say, an extremely long putt.

Leftists continue to peddle nonsense on this issue,, because they perceive that it mobilizes their Base. But if the Base is motivated by misinformation, what does that tell you about Democrats?
Roe is not protection.

Condoms and the pill and keeping your legs closed is protection.

Roe was legalizing murder for women. That is exactly what Roe is. And they don’t want to give up this invented power.

It sure doesn’t do much to protect unborn women, does it?

LIFE NEWS ^ ....Read more!

Two more of President Donald Trump’s conservative judicial nominees may be confirmed to important U.S. circuit court positions soon.

The U.S. Senate is considering Chad Readler and Eric Murphy for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals – a move that is setting off alarms for abortion activists.

The pro-abortion website Mother Jones reports Readler and Murphy both have “strong” pro-life histories in the legal system. And the Sixth Circuit could soon hear several important cases involving abortion clinic regulations.

Their nominations are “worrisome to pro-choice advocates who fear this may be the court that helps overturn Roe v. Wade,” according to the report.

Here’s more:

Chad Readler, a top Justice Department attorney who served in a personal capacity for Trump’s presidential campaign, and Eric Murphy, who was behind a series of challenges to the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive coverage policy, were both nominated in June to serve on the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.

… Readler has vigorously defended the Trump administration’s efforts to prevent undocumented young women from accessing abortion, as well as its attempt to let employers deny their employees birth control coverage. Murphy has prohibited the state of Ohio from contracting with abortion providers, and represented several organizations in challenges against the ACA’s contraceptive coverage policy.

The Sixth Circuit hears cases out of Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee. Several of those states have passed abortion clinic regulations in recent years to protect women’s health and safety; however, abortion activists have challenged them in court.

Amanda Thayer, spokesperson for the radical pro-abortion group NARAL, said their confirmations could bring about an end to Roe v. Wade.

“Ultimately the goal is to overturn, gut, or undermine Roe v. Wade and the protections that it provides women,” Thayer said. “Either way, I think it’s safe to say Readler and Murphy will be instrumental in limiting abortion rights.”

As with the U.S. Supreme Court, the makeup of lower courts is important because of the abortion industry’s challenges to pro-life legislation. When abortion activists fail to stop pro-abortion laws, they often turn to the courts to block protections for unborn babies and their mothers. But when conservative presidents appoint conservative judges, there is a greater chance of these pro-life laws being upheld and unborn babies’ rights restored.


welp, if being pro-life is what they are known for, big government regulations here we come!
Again, I ask, it is stupidity or what?

"Pro life" judges and justices who are CONSERVATIVE have no power to outlaw abortion. Period. Any suggestion to the contrary is bullshit.

The Conservative position is that Roe v Wade overstepped the authority of the USSC by trying to define when human life begins, for the purpose of citizenship. Justice Stewart basically said that magical moment occurs when the fetus becomes VIABLE, a moment that is gradually moving backward in the gestation period, due to advance in neonatal science.

But the POINT is, this is a decision that MUST be made by the LEGISLATURES, not by any court.

Hence, any overturn of RvW will merely send the question back to the state legislatures, where the standard will vary from state to state. If a national consensus can be accumulated on either side of the issue, maybe a Constitutional Amendment can be passed, but that is, as golfers might say, an extremely long putt.

Leftists continue to peddle nonsense on this issue,, because they perceive that it mobilizes their Base. But if the Base is motivated by misinformation, what does that tell you about Democrats?
I won't be over turned it not ever going to be on the Docket. Simple just a Progressive talking point.
But they CAN LIMIT when an abortion is no longer an option, such as the infant is protected by law at the first sounds of a heart beat or BRAIN ACTIVITY....I believe all that occurs around the 8 week mark.....Now THAT would be as close to a pro life victory as we can currently get.
But they CAN LIMIT when an abortion is no longer an option, such as the infant is protected by law at the first sounds of a heart beat or BRAIN ACTIVITY....I believe all that occurs around the 8 week mark.....Now THAT would be as close to a pro life victory as we can currently get.

Ever since Roe, states have been quitely hemming it in.

To the point that some call it near dead.

You'll notice there are no challenges.....

Why ?

Because the left is scarred shitless to fight the battle in front of the SCOTUS. Knowing there is a good chance the original fucked up ruling will be overturned.

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