President Trump may be planning a massive shakeup of the White House

Priebus does not have the experience needed to be a real good chief of staff....Ivanka could never do the job.
Oh for the love of is not aerospace engineering. It's basic administration. A fuck'n trained monkey could do that job. Stop acting like it's some earth-shattering position due to your government-worship and hate for conservatives.

Priebus is a trained monkey--who's advising the Ass Clown.

Priebus does not have the experience needed to be a real good chief of staff....Ivanka could never do the job.
Oh for the love of is not aerospace engineering. It's basic administration. A fuck'n trained monkey could do that job. Stop acting like it's some earth-shattering position due to your government-worship and hate for conservatives.
A good vs weak chief of staff can make or break a president.
No - the president makes a president. The Chief of Staff is just a glorified babysitter. He's an administrator. He coordinates information and schedules between the staff. And occasionally the president will ask for his input on something. It's the advisors and cabinet that weigh in the most on policy.
First of all genius - Glenn Beck owns The Blaze. He is not a reporter for them providing the news stories. :lmao:

Second - PolitiFarce is the one of the worst left-wing fake news sites in the world. While you can't prove a single instance of The Blaze getting a news story incorrect, I can prove the second "false statement" on your PolitiFarce list as being a 100% lie by them. Glenn Beck's comment was 100% true and here is the proof, snowflake:

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Chairman Says Jihad Against Israel A Must For All Muslims

Israel on the doorstep of a new Islamic Republic

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s Leader Says Jihad on Israel Is Every Muslim’s Duty
Uh-oh snowflake! It turns out PolitiFarce's first accusation of a Glenn Beck "lie" was also 100% truthful as well. Beck's great crime was inadvertently saying "Hamas" instead of "Hezbollah" (a very easy mistake to make while on live tv - happens all the time where people mean to say one thing similar and inadvertently say something else).

U.S. Omits Iran and Hezbollah From Terror Threat List

Oh embarrassing for you that PolitiFarce is your go to "source". Here is the Director - Aaron Sharockman - absolutely refusing any transparency (painfully obvious he is a hard core progressive who votes left-wing) before ultimately admitting that they were dead wrong on their rating of Hugh Hewitt's comment.

Hugh Hewitt Spent AN ENTIRE HOUR Spanking An Apology Out Of Liberal Fact Checker [VIDEO]
It is TREASON--for an American citizen to collude with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election.
No, really, it's not. You continue to embarrass yourself by just making shit up as you go along and hoping that people will believe you know what you're talking about. Here is an actual attorney (and a die-hard Democrat to boot) confirming that it is not "treason" as you falsely claim and that President Trump has broken no laws.
“Nobody can point me to a statute that would be violated [by the Trump-Russia collusion],” Dershowitz said. “And a prosecutor is only allowed to look for evidence of a federal crime.”
Alan Dershowitz pulverizes liberal anti-Trump Russia theories — and nearly leaves Carlson speechless
President Trump is the ultimate anti-establishment guy. He could give a shit about politics and political correctness. He's just about fixing the mess that is the federal government and getting the job done.
Bring in the killers ... Trump is considering much broader changes, including the possibility of bringing in David Urban, a prominent GOP lobbyist who was a senior adviser on the campaign, as chief of staff.
  • Friends say Urban, 53, who's credited with helping Trump win his crucial upset in Pennsylvania, brings seasoned political judgment and no personal agenda. He's a West Point graduate, has a master's in government administration from Penn, and a law degree from Temple. Urban was on Trump's plane and in his green rooms during frequent campaign stops in the Keystone State, and the two became cellphone buddies.
  • Trump met yesterday with two top officials from his campaign, Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie, about joining the crisis-communications war room he's setting up, perhaps as part of an outside-inside duet.
Jonathan Swan points out that all these moves are part of a hardening or toughening of the operation
I would say that at least on paper - David Urban is the most qualified person in the history of America to be working in Washington D.C. A West Point graduate. A Master's Degree in "Government Administration" from an Ivy League school. A law degree.

Trump's comms director leaving White House
It is TREASON--for an American citizen to collude with a Foreign Adversary to interfere into an American election.
No, really, it's not. You continue to embarrass yourself by just making shit up as you go along and hoping that people will believe you know what you're talking about. Here is an actual attorney (and a die-hard Democrat to boot) confirming that it is not "treason" as you falsely claim and that President Trump has broken no laws.
“Nobody can point me to a statute that would be violated [by the Trump-Russia collusion],” Dershowitz said. “And a prosecutor is only allowed to look for evidence of a federal crime.”
Alan Dershowitz pulverizes liberal anti-Trump Russia theories — and nearly leaves Carlson speechless

Ha.Ha. Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason. We consider cyber attacks on this country to be the 21st century act of war.

On one of Bill Maher's program a fierce Trump surrogate was interviewed and when pressed stated that it would be Treason--if evidence is found that anyone within the Trump circle colluded with Russia.

Now if Hillary Clinton would have done 1/10th of what Trump has done over the last couple of months you same people would be out in the streets, burning crosses--rioting and demanding a public hanging.


Benghazi and all the emails you can drum up doesn't hold a matchstick to TREASON.
No, really, it's not. You continue to embarrass yourself by just making shit up as you go along and hoping that people will believe you know what you're talking about. Here is an actual attorney (and a die-hard Democrat to boot) confirming that it is not "treason" as you falsely claim and that President Trump has broken no laws.
“Nobody can point me to a statute that would be violated [by the Trump-Russia collusion],” Dershowitz said. “And a prosecutor is only allowed to look for evidence of a federal crime.”
Alan Dershowitz pulverizes liberal anti-Trump Russia theories — and nearly leaves Carlson speechless
Ha.Ha. Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason.
Snowflake...I realize you're embarrassed right now (and you should be) but doubling-down on your lie out of humiliation only makes it worse. A renowned left-wing attorney is on record stating that there is no statute against "colluding" with Russia (which he didn't do anyway).

You continue to just make stuff up and it makes you look like an asshole. You have no credibility left on this board, snowflake. Nobody respects you. People don't respect a person who spreads disinformation and propaganda. Either site the exact statute or shut the fuck up. shut the fuck up.
No, really, it's not. You continue to embarrass yourself by just making shit up as you go along and hoping that people will believe you know what you're talking about. Here is an actual attorney (and a die-hard Democrat to boot) confirming that it is not "treason" as you falsely claim and that President Trump has broken no laws.
“Nobody can point me to a statute that would be violated [by the Trump-Russia collusion],” Dershowitz said. “And a prosecutor is only allowed to look for evidence of a federal crime.”
Alan Dershowitz pulverizes liberal anti-Trump Russia theories — and nearly leaves Carlson speechless
Ha.Ha. Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason.
Snowflake...I realize you're embarrassed right now (and you should be) but doubling-down on your lie out of humiliation only makes it worse. A renowned left-wing attorney is on record stating that there is no statute against "colluding" with Russia (which he didn't do anyway).

You continue to just make stuff up and it makes you look like an asshole. You have no credibility left on this board, snowflake. Nobody respects you. People don't respect a person who spreads disinformation and propaganda. Either site the exact statute or shut the fuck up. shut the fuck up.

If that were the case there wouldn't be an ongoing CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION right now--LOL

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”


So STOP with your Drama Queen partisan :bsflag:
If that were the case there wouldn't be an ongoing CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION right now
Sure there would! Dumbocrats investigate things all the time which are not crimes. It just one of many examples which illustrates their ignorance. Hell, I've seen law enforcement make actual arrests for "violating" non-existent laws.

I realize you're embarrassed right now (and you should be) but doubling-down on your lie out of humiliation only makes it worse. A renowned left-wing attorney is on record stating that there is no statute against "colluding" with Russia (which he didn't do anyway). So as I previously stated - either cite the exact statute or shut the fuck up!
If that were the case there wouldn't be an ongoing CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION right now
So then you should have no problem at all posting the exact statute that was violated along with a link to it. And yet you can't. Speaks volumes.

The left is so desperate - they will actually take to message boards to claim laws which don't even exist have been "broken". :laugh:
If that were the case there wouldn't be an ongoing CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION right now
So then you should have no problem at all posting the exact statute that was violated along with a link to it. And yet you can't. Speaks volumes.

The left is so desperate - they will actually take to message boards to claim laws which don't even exist have been "broken". :laugh:

Haha I think you can look up the statue yourself for Treason. While your at it look up the statue for hacking into public or private computers which Is a Felony. You'll note on the treason statue it includes committing "crimes" against this nation.
Why bother with daily - or even annual - briefings since those attending already are holding the stories that will be in print. The stories handed to them by George Soros & Friends.

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