President Trump Makes A Case For Why McCain Should Retire ... Of Be Re-Called

He has not broken his promise.
So the VIDEOS of him repeatedly declaring the ACA had to be repealed and him vowing he would vote to repeal it ... and then him repeatedly not doing so is NOT him breaking his word / promise?!

Yeah...alrighty then....
Can you clarify this word-salad for me? I have no idea what you're trying to say.

Please...anybody "going to law school" should be able to decipher plain English....have Coyote explain it to you.


I'll take that as a admission that you don't even know what you were trying to say.
Ya...I'm a bit lost on it too :lol:

Doc cries out for help, Coyote comes a runnin.
Can you clarify this word-salad for me? I have no idea what you're trying to say.

Please...anybody "going to law school" should be able to decipher plain English....have Coyote explain it to you.


I'll take that as a admission that you don't even know what you were trying to say.
Ya...I'm a bit lost on it too :lol:

Doc cries out for help, Coyote comes a runnin.
Errr...i think it was you thst evoked me :)
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Hahahahah....This is so fucking funny.......The LIAR is Trump.

LISTEN and WEEP, you fucking dumbass.

Donald Trump Endorses Universal Healthcare, "The Government's Gonna Pay For It"

He has not broken his promise.
So the VIDEOS of him repeatedly declaring the ACA had to be repealed and him vowing he would vote to repeal it ... and then him repeatedly not doing so is NOT him breaking his word / promise?!

Yeah...alrighty then....
His refusal to vote for it is based on the way they are trying to ram it through iutside of the normal legislative procedure and in a serously irresponsible manner. Its not even a clean repeal. Its a gutting of medicaid and taking money from blu states to give to the red states. If it was an honest repeal you would hsve had Rand Pauls vote.
There is a difference between McCain not keeping his word and Trump not being able to enact his promises. You can be sure if it were solely up to Trump, many of his campaign promises would have already had been in place: tax reduction, the wall being built, a change in immigration standards etc. On those in which he could make the decision, he did so in most cases. Including the failed Paris Accord, which was just a global welfare deal in which American taxpayers were footing the bill, and TPP. Unfortunately, he requires support from others to pass things.

In regards to healthcare, Trump was not elected because of his deep understanding of health care, he was told by all of the GOP that they just need him to win and they will do their job to repeal and replace. Trump in turn told them, "put a Bill on my desk and I will sign it". See the difference?

There are plenty of things I can disagree with in regards to how Trump delivers a message. I have come to this conclusion though as a relatively logical person; and it's a simple lesson my now passed Father In Law said when speaking about someone we knew, "he's been this way all his life, he's not going to change now".

So ultimately I accept how Trump operates moreso than most people who think he is going to somehow become a weak kneed, plastic politician who smiles and nods to his global donors. Folks, it's not going to happen in all likelihood.

It was far more than that. Trump said he said he had a plan that people would love. Still waiting for it. Trump clearly had no plan and did not help in the least. There is no difference.

What people expect is someone who can talk tough when necessary but bring people together when needed. Trump clearly is a divider. His comments on the NFL is a good example. You say he won't change. He has been a liberal Democrat all his life. That is becoming clear.
If the people at Arizona feel that McCain is no longer representing them, they are welcome to vote against him in 2022.

If he's still alive.
Or recall him now.


I know you guy, as a rule, dont have a geeat understanding of American civics, but how would that work, exactly?

There is no way to "recall" sitting members of Congress.

Impeachment isn't a "recall".

What "high crimes and misdemeanors" did McCain commit?
Taking bribes for well as conspiracy to commit treason with terrorists.

McCain Poses With Alleged Terrorists -- Proof That Involvement in Syria Is a Bad Idea | HuffPost

The photo of John McCain posing with terrorists and kidnappers in Syria encapsulates, perfectly, everything wrong with the position of McCain and others that the U.S. ought to insert itself into Syria’s civil war.

To recap the past few days, talk of arming the Syrian rebels is heating up. In the Senate, the Committee on Foreign Affairs cast a 15-3 vote to authorize arming and training the rebels — Senators Tom Udall, Chris Murphy, and Rand Paul being the three courageous dissenters. Then, the Russians announced the shipment of advanced air defense missiles to the government of Bashar al-Assad. The European Union reacted in kind, voting to allow the arming of the opposing rebels.

It was revealed this morning that McCain, during his personal mission to Syria to meet with rebels, appeared in photos with Mohammed Nour and Abu Ibrahim, two members of the Sunni “Northern Storm” brigade, which kidnapped 11 Lebanese Shia pilgrims, who were on their way back to Lebanon, from Iran. The group is still holding nine of the hostages.

This should give everyone pause when it comes to ramping up support for the rebels by arming them.

McCain’s office says that the senator didn’t know who they were, and doesn’t support their terrorist acts. I don’t doubt that. But it precisely is the point. If a U.S. senator can unwittingly pose for pictures with terrorists in Syria, how can we guarantee that the arms McCain supports sending there won’t also end up in the same place McCain did — with terrorists? The simple answer is that we can’t.

What’s worse, the Sunni side of the war, which McCain wants to support with arms, is not just affiliated with these kidnappers and terrorists, but also al Qaeda-affiliated groups, and Iraqi Sunni insurgents — the very same Iraqi Sunnis who killed American troops, and the Iraqi Army. That would be the Iraqi Army that McCain thought we should spend billions of dollars and thousands of American lives to establish. In fact, Syrian rebels affiliated with al Qaeda are responsible for the killing of nine Iraqi troops. We have every reason to expect that they will continue to target the Iraqi Army when they can.​

You really are a sick puppy.
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!
McCain still wants it repealed.
He wants it done using proper procedure so that he knows what he's voting on.
It's not that hard to understand.
His refusal to vote for it is based on the way they are trying to ram it through iutside of the normal legislative procedure and in a serously irresponsible manner. opposed to how the liberals rammed their minority-supported socialist-agenda legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it while Nancy Pelosi openly declared the American people did not have a right to know what was in the edict until it had become law?

Good one... :p
President Trump Tweets Video of John McCain Promising 13 Times to Repeal Obamacare

"President Donald Trump tweeted a video on Monday of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) promising to repeal and replace Obamacare 13 times. McCain derailed Obamacare repeal twice since Trump became president.

said on Monday, “A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

The tweet contained a video in which McCain promised more than 13 times to repeal and replace Obamacare. In the video, McCain called Obamacare a “complete failure.”

The Arizona senator declared, “We don’t want to fix it. We want to replace it.”

At some point promising something then doing the complete opposite stops being 'changing your mind' and / or 'failing to keep your promise' and starts just being a simple case of 'LYING YOUR ASS OFF TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED YOU JUST SO THEY WILL KEEP ELECTING YOU'.

That point for John McCain was Loooong before he made that promise 13 times and betrayed that promise every time.

Promising something 13 times and then breaking those promises over and over is not being a 'Maverick' - It's being a 'LIAR'!

Ah, well then Rump should be "recalled" for not having a wall, not keeping out Muslims, not "bombing the shit out of ISIS" and not putting Hillary in jail.

Be sure to let us know when that happens. I'll make popcorn.
You act like Rome was built in a day.
Neither is a 1951 mile wall. certainly won't be built in a day when they don't even get started.

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