President Trump holds "overwhelming" lead in Iowa...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008

No wonder Casey DeSantis is advocating importing caucusers from around the country.

Unfortunately for the JV candidates...only Iowa residents with proper ID verification are permitted to caucus.

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No wonder Casey DeSantis is advocating importing caucusers from around the country.

Unfortunately for the JV candidates...only Iowa residents with proper ID verification are permitted to caucus.

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I read, almost half of all Iowa Republicans don’t think Trump is the answer.
I read, almost half of all Iowa Republicans don’t think Trump is the answer.
Yeah. . we can see that by looking at the polls just posted in the OP.

Here is the problem, none of them agree on an alternative.

. . and? A greater percentage think he IS the answer.

Only two things look to stop him at this point. A jail cell. . . or a bullet.
I read, almost half of all Iowa Republicans don’t think Trump is the answer.
And a majority believe he is.

After all the bullshit, the fake indictments, the political motivated impeachments, the kangaroo court J6 committee, the rending of garments and gnashing of teeth the democrat propaganda machine formerly known as the mainstream media has thrown out there...the ludicrous claims of dictatorship and executions of enemy's a miracle President Trump has shouldered though all that and remained on top.

I expect to hear anyday that when Trump is re-elected, the Earth will fly directly into the sun.

That's how desperately idiotic the opposition has become.
Yeah. . we can see that by looking at the polls just posted in the OP.

Here is the problem, none of them agree on an alternative.

. . and? A greater percentage think he IS the answer.

Only two things look to stop him at this point. A jail cell. . . or a bullet.
I don't even think a jail cell will stop him.

And a bullet would ignite a conflagration that could not possibly be contained.
I don't even think a jail cell will stop him.

An a bullet would ignite a conflagration that could not possibly be contained.
The party elites that run the GOP and write the convention rules, might indeed rig the process clearly against him, should he be in prison during the convention.

I am not as certain as you are, if he should be in prison come convention time.

. . . there are substantial polls which show, he would lose significant support if he can't do his rallies.

We would see. . .
The party elites that run the GOP and write the convention rules, might indeed rig the process clearly against him, should he be in prison during the convention.

I am not as certain as you are, if he should be in prison come convention time.

. . . there are substantial polls which show, he would lose significant support if he can't do his rallies.

We would see. . .
I suspect they understand at this point that if Trump wins the's Trump or the party is destroyed.

I'm good with that either way.

But like Ferfal Aguirre said... the system isn't there to protect exists solely to protect itself.

When the existential crisis is at the threshold...I'm betting they will choose survival of the party (and more importantly their power structure) over all other considerations.
They see the writing on the wall.

President Trump is going to be the nominee.

And the Potato-in-Chief doesn't stand a chance.

All that effort to destroy President Trump wasted.

It's glorious.
"With 35 days until the Iowa caucuses, former President Trump has expanded his lead to 51% first-choice support among likely caucusgoers, according to a poll out Monday morning.

Why it matters: Trump's lead is the biggest recorded this close to a competitive Republican caucus in the poll's history, per NBC News, which conducted the survey with the Des Moines Register and Mediacom."


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