President Trump Accuses Ex-Mueller Team Member / FBI Agent Strzok of 'Treason'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Trump accuses FBI agent of 'treason'

"In an
interview with The Wall Street Journal, Trump argued that FBI agent Peter Strzok had plotted to undermine his presidency before he even came into office.

“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Clinton] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy,” Trump said in The Wall Street Journal interview. “'We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office.'”

“This is the FBI we’re talking about — that is treason,” Trump continued. “That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”

Evidence shows FBI Agent Strzok 'Obstructed Justice' and 'Tampered With Evidence' by altering the FBI's final report on the Hillary Server Investigation, changing the language of the report where it states Hillary Clinton engaged in 'gross negligence' in the criminal mishandling of TOP SECRET / SCI information (information, according to Obama at the time, so classified that its release 'would cause grave danger to our national security'.

Evidence also shows Strzok protected Hillary aides Huma Abedin and Sheryl Mills - as well as Hillary's IT Tech - by refusing to indict them for 'Lying to the FBI'.
- After joining Mueller's team, the proven criminally biased Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Strzok was instrumental in getting Flynn indicted for those same crimes. (It is rumored that this revelation / proven bias will end up getting Flynn's charges dropped.)

Evidence - his own e-mails / texts to his also criminally biased / FIRED Mueller teammate - exposes not only the criminal bias and intent within the Mueller investigation to 'bring down the President' but also exposed the crimes within the FBI, to include 'Treason' perpetrated at the highest levels - the Director of the FBI James Comey and Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe.


'Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.'

'The crime of (actively) betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government'

The President is RIGHT.

Evidence shows / proves that Strzok and his adulterous lover did not attempt to 'INCITE' anyone to 'REBEL'. They took an active role in attempting to overthrow the United States Government by seeking to 'take down' the President of the United States.

Evidence also shows / proves Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was directly involved in this PLOT / CONSPIRACY within the Federal Bureau of Investigations, as were members of the Department of Justice.

Furthermore, evidence of crimes committed by others - other Democrats, to include Mueller himself, former US Attorney Eric Holder, former US Attorney Loretta Lynch and others to include Barak Obama himself - could be tied to the overall treasonous attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President and that Mueller's Investigation IS the 'Insurance Policy' of which Deputy Director Andrew McCabe spoke.

Barak Obama certainly kept his promise to 'Transform' the United States. He transformed it into some corrupt, criminal, 3rd-world, dictator/criminal-government run nation:
- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US politicians, and even USSC justices
- Illegally used the IRS as his own personal political weapon to punish 'disloyal' Americans
- Protected Russia from punishment for their crimes here in the US
- Protected, supplied, financed, armed, helped terrorists, Drug Cartels, and Hezbollah
- 2 Un-Constitutional Wars
- Violations of Constitution / Rule of Law
- Treason: Released Taliban Leaders in a time of war to fill a campaign promise
- Treason: WARNED ISIS of the coming terrorist attack after Paris
- Treason: Administration's / FBI's conspiracy to overthrow President Trump
Trump accuses FBI agent of 'treason'

"In an
interview with The Wall Street Journal, Trump argued that FBI agent Peter Strzok had plotted to undermine his presidency before he even came into office.

“A man is tweeting to his lover that if [Clinton] loses, we’ll essentially do the insurance policy,” Trump said in The Wall Street Journal interview. “'We’ll go to phase two and we’ll get this guy out of office.'”

“This is the FBI we’re talking about — that is treason,” Trump continued. “That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”

Evidence shows FBI Agent Strzok 'Obstructed Justice' and 'Tampered With Evidence' by altering the FBI's final report on the Hillary Server Investigation, changing the language of the report where it states Hillary Clinton engaged in 'gross negligence' in the criminal mishandling of TOP SECRET / SCI information (information, according to Obama at the time, so classified that its release 'would cause grave danger to our national security'.

Evidence also shows Strzok protected Hillary aides Huma Abedin and Sheryl Mills - as well as Hillary's IT Tech - by refusing to indict them for 'Lying to the FBI'.
- After joining Mueller's team, the proven criminally biased Anti-Trump Pro-Hillary Strzok was instrumental in getting Flynn indicted for those same crimes. (It is rumored that this revelation / proven bias will end up getting Flynn's charges dropped.)

Evidence - his own e-mails / texts to his also criminally biased / FIRED Mueller teammate - exposes not only the criminal bias and intent within the Mueller investigation to 'bring down the President' but also exposed the crimes within the FBI, to include 'Treason' perpetrated at the highest levels - the Director of the FBI James Comey and Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe.


'Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.'

'The crime of (actively) betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government'

The President is RIGHT.

Evidence shows / proves that Strzok and his adulterous lover did not attempt to 'INCITE' anyone to 'REBEL'. They took an active role in attempting to overthrow the United States Government by seeking to 'take down' the President of the United States.

Evidence also shows / proves Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was directly involved in this PLOT / CONSPIRACY within the Federal Bureau of Investigations, as were members of the Department of Justice.

Furthermore, evidence of crimes committed by others - other Democrats, to include Mueller himself, former US Attorney Eric Holder, former US Attorney Loretta Lynch and others to include Barak Obama himself - could be tied to the overall treasonous attempt to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President and that Mueller's Investigation IS the 'Insurance Policy' of which Deputy Director Andrew McCabe spoke.

Barak Obama certainly kept his promise to 'Transform' the United States. He transformed it into some corrupt, criminal, 3rd-world, dictator/criminal-government run nation:
- Illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US politicians, and even USSC justices
- Illegally used the IRS as his own personal political weapon to punish 'disloyal' Americans
- Protected Russia from punishment for their crimes here in the US
- Protected, supplied, financed, armed, helped terrorists, Drug Cartels, and Hezbollah
- 2 Un-Constitutional Wars
- Violations of Constitution / Rule of Law
- Treason: Released Taliban Leaders in a time of war to fill a campaign promise
- Treason: WARNED ISIS of the coming terrorist attack after Paris
- Treason: Administration's / FBI's conspiracy to overthrow President Trump
This is good to see Trump going on the offensive.

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