President Pelosi in the future?

Chris Wallace, on Fox News, said earlier today that there's a possibility of a Pelosi presidency. If the election cannot be resolved before the end of Trump's term when Pence and Trump must leave office, according to TDS-infected Wallace, then that leaves the door open to Pelosi assuming the presidency until the election can be properly rigged... I mean counted.
Yeah, were Trump infected with Romneyian levels of suck up and stupidity, he'd probably give into Pelosi's hostage demands for a federalizing of local and state elections mandating forced mailing of millions and millions of unrequested ballots to addresses on badly outdated voter lists. This could result in an an election so snarled that Congress cannot determine who won the election by inauguration day, which would mean, not a Pelosi Presidency, but Pelosi assuming the powers of the presidency until the House can figure out won the Presidency, or the Senate can figure out who won the Vice Presidency, at which point, they would be sworn in. Pelosi would have to resign from the Speakership and the House in order to assume the powers.

It's such a long shot, and Trump's not going to appease her mindless demented tantrums, so, I'm not worried about it.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

House Republicans, if they had Trump's balls, would greet Demented Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

This crazed whack-job, dying to wrap her bony fingers around the nuclear button, declared, on the House Floor, that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state.” After what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America, they should push back.
Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition.
President Trump will be reelected and the Republicans will control both Houses of Congress after the November 3rd Election. It's time for Republicans and supporters of President Trump to act confident instead of acting like pathetic beaten dogs!
A never-Trumper comes to his senses.

I Was Wrong About Trump. He Didn’t Destroy the GOP, He Saved It.

The intervening years since Trump won the White House have done nothing to inspire a renewed confidence in our political and expert class. The coronavirus no doubt represents challenges for Trump’s reelection, as it would for any incumbent. But Democrats in Congress and in governor’s mansions across the country have not exactly covered themselves in glory during the pandemic. Nor have they inspired confidence by their inaction in the face of widespread rioting and urban unrest in recent months. Amid the chaos, they appear weak and confused, afraid of the mob and the virus alike, oftentimes unable to articulate a vision even for re-opening schools.
Biden inspires no confidence. He now leads a party riven by internal tensions and contradictions, a coalition that will not likely hold together in defeat, and will certainly crumble in victory. His presidency would be dominated by Harris and bullied by the ascendant left wing of the Democratic Party. His pitch to America, such that it is, seems to be more of a plea that at least he isn’t Trump, he’s just a kindly old man who will be decent and do whatever his advisors tell him to do.
None of this is to say that Trump is a shoe-in come November. But win or lose, he has done something for the GOP that Biden cannot do for Democratic Party: he has helped clarify what the Republican Party is about and whose interests it serves, and by taking on the GOP establishment, he has done much to save the party from itself.

Nobody wants a party run by the John Kasichs and Jeff Flakes.


Flashback: Bernie Bro James T. Hodgkinson, Attempted Assassin Of Steve Scalise, Already Being Erased From History. And additional examples of leftist violence and eliminationist rhetoric at the link.

UPDATE: Flashback: Pelosi Worried About Angry Health Care Rhetoric. She’s not worried that angry rhetoric will lead to violence as such. She just wants the violence to be against the right people.

Democrats need to remove her as Speaker, she is clearly unhinged.
Chris Wallace, on Fox News, said earlier today that there's a possibility of a Pelosi presidency. If the election cannot be resolved before the end of Trump's term when Pence and Trump must leave office, according to TDS-infected Wallace, then that leaves the door open to Pelosi assuming the presidency until the election can be properly rigged... I mean counted.
Yeah, were Trump infected with Romneyian levels of suck up and stupidity, he'd probably give into Pelosi's hostage demands for a federalizing of local and state elections mandating forced mailing of millions and millions of unrequested ballots to addresses on badly outdated voter lists. This could result in an an election so snarled that Congress cannot determine who won the election by inauguration day, which would mean, not a Pelosi Presidency, but Pelosi assuming the powers of the presidency until the House can figure out won the Presidency, or the Senate can figure out who won the Vice Presidency, at which point, they would be sworn in. Pelosi would have to resign from the Speakership and the House in order to assume the powers.

It's such a long shot, and Trump's not going to appease her mindless demented tantrums, so, I'm not worried about it.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

IF REPUBLICANS HAD GONADS: They would greet Nancy Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

They cannot simply give her a pass on her declaration that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state,” not after what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America.

Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition. What is she laying the predicate for should her party regain control of both branches? Blood politics?

Asking for a friend.

House Republicans, if they had Trump's balls, would greet Demented Pelosi the next time she appears on the floor of the House of Representatives with the chant “Apologize! Apologize!” and then walk out in unison when she refuses.

This crazed whack-job, dying to wrap her bony fingers around the nuclear button, declared, on the House Floor, that Trump and Republicans in Congress are “enemies of the state.” After what happened to Steve Scalise and others on June 14, 2017, and with radical left-wingers rioting in the streets of America, they should push back.
Words have specific meaning and consequences. Pelosi knows Democrats could control both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue come January 2021. Her declaration makes clear it is not only Trump Derangement Syndrome but obsessive hatred of all opposition.
President Trump will be reelected and the Republicans will control both Houses of Congress after the November 3rd Election. It's time for Republicans and supporters of President Trump to act confident instead of acting like pathetic beaten dogs!
A never-Trumper comes to his senses.

I Was Wrong About Trump. He Didn’t Destroy the GOP, He Saved It.

The intervening years since Trump won the White House have done nothing to inspire a renewed confidence in our political and expert class. The coronavirus no doubt represents challenges for Trump’s reelection, as it would for any incumbent. But Democrats in Congress and in governor’s mansions across the country have not exactly covered themselves in glory during the pandemic. Nor have they inspired confidence by their inaction in the face of widespread rioting and urban unrest in recent months. Amid the chaos, they appear weak and confused, afraid of the mob and the virus alike, oftentimes unable to articulate a vision even for re-opening schools.
Biden inspires no confidence. He now leads a party riven by internal tensions and contradictions, a coalition that will not likely hold together in defeat, and will certainly crumble in victory. His presidency would be dominated by Harris and bullied by the ascendant left wing of the Democratic Party. His pitch to America, such that it is, seems to be more of a plea that at least he isn’t Trump, he’s just a kindly old man who will be decent and do whatever his advisors tell him to do.
None of this is to say that Trump is a shoe-in come November. But win or lose, he has done something for the GOP that Biden cannot do for Democratic Party: he has helped clarify what the Republican Party is about and whose interests it serves, and by taking on the GOP establishment, he has done much to save the party from itself.

Nobody wants a party run by the John Kasichs and Jeff Flakes.
At least RINO Neocon Never Trumpers John Kasich and Jeff Flake have left the Republican Party for the Communist Democratic Party. :smoke: Hopefully sometime soon Mitt Romney and Mike Lee will cross over to the Communist Democratic Party also.;)
nanzi likes to have a war with the English language and lose, every time she's trotted out to spew a talking point or two..... it's difficult to watch that stuttering fuck without cringing....
By the way, the president pro tempore of the senate on Jan 20 will most likely be a Democrat as well, so Republicans shouldn't pin any hopes on that.

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