President Nero


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
130,000 plus dead Americans and countless sick in hospitals and Trump is on a golf course and driving a golf cart like a school boy.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs.

Biden should have this video run everyday from now to Election Day.

130,000 plus dead Americans and countless sick in hospitals and Trump is on a golf course and driving a golf cart like a school boy.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs.

Biden should have this video run everyday from now to Election Day.

The problem isn't's Democrat Mayors and Governors screwing everything up.
Hey Moron......I hate to break it to you, but this is America. It's a free country. If your mayor is a communist, Trump can't force him or her to do her friggen job. That's the primary problem. Dipshits like you voting for any butt-reaming shitforbrains asshole just because they're a Democrat, a woman, or black. You don't give a shit if they're incompetent dickwads. You vote for them for the wrong reasons.....and then turn around and blame the shitshow they cause on Trump.
130,000 plus dead Americans and countless sick in hospitals and Trump is on a golf course and driving a golf cart like a school boy.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs.

Biden should have this video run everyday from now to Election Day.

The problem isn't's Democrat Mayors and Governors screwing everything up.
Hey Moron......I hate to break it to you, but this is America. It's a free country. If your mayor is a communist, Trump can't force him or her to do her friggen job. That's the primary problem. Dipshits like you voting for any butt-reaming shitforbrains asshole just because they're a Democrat, a woman, or black. You don't give a shit if they're incompetent dickwads. You vote for them for the wrong reasons.....and then turn around and blame the shitshow they cause on Trump.

What planet do you live on, Mud. Covid is out of control in red states. Those states that followed Trump’s advice are spiraling out of control. Can you say Florida and Texas.
130,000 plus dead Americans and countless sick in hospitals and Trump is on a golf course and driving a golf cart like a school boy.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs.

Biden should have this video run everyday from now to Election Day.

The problem isn't's Democrat Mayors and Governors screwing everything up.
Hey Moron......I hate to break it to you, but this is America. It's a free country. If your mayor is a communist, Trump can't force him or her to do her friggen job. That's the primary problem. Dipshits like you voting for any butt-reaming shitforbrains asshole just because they're a Democrat, a woman, or black. You don't give a shit if they're incompetent dickwads. You vote for them for the wrong reasons.....and then turn around and blame the shitshow they cause on Trump.

lol - got all that misplaced anger outa yer system, lenny?
130,000 plus dead Americans and countless sick in hospitals and Trump is on a golf course and driving a golf cart like a school boy.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs.

Biden should have this video run everyday from now to Election Day.

The problem isn't's Democrat Mayors and Governors screwing everything up.
Hey Moron......I hate to break it to you, but this is America. It's a free country. If your mayor is a communist, Trump can't force him or her to do her friggen job. That's the primary problem. Dipshits like you voting for any butt-reaming shitforbrains asshole just because they're a Democrat, a woman, or black. You don't give a shit if they're incompetent dickwads. You vote for them for the wrong reasons.....and then turn around and blame the shitshow they cause on Trump.

What planet do you live on, Mud. Covid is out of control in red states. Those states that followed Trump’s advice are spiraling out of control. Can you say Florida and Texas.

& AZ.
130,000 plus dead Americans and countless sick in hospitals and Trump is on a golf course and driving a golf cart like a school boy.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs.

Biden should have this video run everyday from now to Election Day.

The problem isn't's Democrat Mayors and Governors screwing everything up.
Hey Moron......I hate to break it to you, but this is America. It's a free country. If your mayor is a communist, Trump can't force him or her to do her friggen job. That's the primary problem. Dipshits like you voting for any butt-reaming shitforbrains asshole just because they're a Democrat, a woman, or black. You don't give a shit if they're incompetent dickwads. You vote for them for the wrong reasons.....and then turn around and blame the shitshow they cause on Trump.

What planet do you live on, Mud. Covid is out of control in red states. Those states that followed Trump’s advice are spiraling out of control. Can you say Florida and Texas.

COVID-19 isn't out of control anywhere.
The death-rate has cratered.
The left seems to think that positive tests is an epidemic....even when the people tested aren't sick.
The problem is that fuckwad Democrats are encouraging people to protest in our streets causing an increase in positive tests.
We told them not to allow everyone to riot and loot, but they went ahead and did it anyway.
When they were closing the beaches, closing down churches, and shutting down restaurants, they were encouraging assholes to gather together in mass to protest the death of a life-long criminal.
130,000 plus dead Americans and countless sick in hospitals and Trump is on a golf course and driving a golf cart like a school boy.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs.

Biden should have this video run everyday from now to Election Day.

The problem isn't's Democrat Mayors and Governors screwing everything up.
Hey Moron......I hate to break it to you, but this is America. It's a free country. If your mayor is a communist, Trump can't force him or her to do her friggen job. That's the primary problem. Dipshits like you voting for any butt-reaming shitforbrains asshole just because they're a Democrat, a woman, or black. You don't give a shit if they're incompetent dickwads. You vote for them for the wrong reasons.....and then turn around and blame the shitshow they cause on Trump.

What planet do you live on, Mud. Covid is out of control in red states. Those states that followed Trump’s advice are spiraling out of control. Can you say Florida and Texas.

COVID-19 isn't out of control anywhere.
The death-rate has cratered.
The left seems to think that positive tests is an epidemic....even when the people tested aren't sick.
The problem is that fuckwad Democrats are encouraging people to protest in our streets causing an increase in positive tests.
We told them not to allow everyone to riot and loot, but they went ahead and did it anyway.
When they were closing the beaches, closing down churches, and shutting down restaurants, they were encouraging assholes to gather together in mass to protest the death of a life-long criminal.

Once again what planet do you live on? Emergency Rooms are at full capacity and on the brink of getting overrun from Covid patients in red states. Pro-Trumper governors were too quick to open up and now Covid spikes are everywhere in many red states. Meanwhile in most blue states, Covid rates are falling at this time.

Nothing takes away from the fact that as Americans die and get sick Trump plays.
130,000 plus dead Americans and countless sick in hospitals and Trump is on a golf course and driving a golf cart like a school boy.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs.

Biden should have this video run everyday from now to Election Day.

The problem isn't's Democrat Mayors and Governors screwing everything up.
Hey Moron......I hate to break it to you, but this is America. It's a free country. If your mayor is a communist, Trump can't force him or her to do her friggen job. That's the primary problem. Dipshits like you voting for any butt-reaming shitforbrains asshole just because they're a Democrat, a woman, or black. You don't give a shit if they're incompetent dickwads. You vote for them for the wrong reasons.....and then turn around and blame the shitshow they cause on Trump.

What planet do you live on, Mud. Covid is out of control in red states. Those states that followed Trump’s advice are spiraling out of control. Can you say Florida and Texas.

COVID-19 isn't out of control anywhere.
The death-rate has cratered.
The left seems to think that positive tests is an epidemic....even when the people tested aren't sick.
The problem is that fuckwad Democrats are encouraging people to protest in our streets causing an increase in positive tests.
We told them not to allow everyone to riot and loot, but they went ahead and did it anyway.
When they were closing the beaches, closing down churches, and shutting down restaurants, they were encouraging assholes to gather together in mass to protest the death of a life-long criminal.

you're certifiable, lenny.
130,000 plus dead Americans and countless sick in hospitals and Trump is on a golf course and driving a golf cart like a school boy.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs.

Biden should have this video run everyday from now to Election Day.

The problem isn't's Democrat Mayors and Governors screwing everything up.
Hey Moron......I hate to break it to you, but this is America. It's a free country. If your mayor is a communist, Trump can't force him or her to do her friggen job. That's the primary problem. Dipshits like you voting for any butt-reaming shitforbrains asshole just because they're a Democrat, a woman, or black. You don't give a shit if they're incompetent dickwads. You vote for them for the wrong reasons.....and then turn around and blame the shitshow they cause on Trump.

What planet do you live on, Mud. Covid is out of control in red states. Those states that followed Trump’s advice are spiraling out of control. Can you say Florida and Texas.

KUNG FLU is out of control, but doesnt seem to be every deadly of late? Could it be that the red states have more care for the elderly than blue states like the one Governor Cujo lives in?
130,000 plus dead Americans and countless sick in hospitals and Trump is on a golf course and driving a golf cart like a school boy.Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs.

And I'm betting they are all 80% Democrats.

I had a good laugh this morning: caught some AM news and they announced FIVE-THOUSAND NEW CASES IN OUR AREA! 5,000! :surprised1:

Then went on to mumble that ONE OF THEM DIED.


Does anyone realize how statistically insignificant that is in the order of causes of death? Can you imagine if we panicked every time ONE person died?

Then they went on to say 8 were hospitalized. That INCLUDES the one that died.

That means a mere EIGHT people actually got sick enough that they had to go to the hospital. The other 4,992 either feel just fine, a little under the weather, or nothing they can't ride out in bed a few days. :laughing0301:

THIS IS A JOKE. How many "new cases" is MEANINGLESS. That entirely depends on the number of people we TEST, and we are testing more than anyone else. The high number is a GOOD thing: the more that get exposed, the sooner we develop herd immunity, and the lower the actual mortality rate.

What tells me that Coleslaw and his ilk are all BULLSHIT is that they and the leftist medias keep trying to push the NEW CASES number, as if it really meant anything, hoping it makes Trump look bad.

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That seems to be the norm. I remember Obama at a campaign rally the day after benghazi.
Why let events you cant control effect your daily schedule?
Should he sit in the Oval office and cry like a little bitch?
130,000 plus dead Americans and countless sick in hospitals and Trump is on a golf course and driving a golf cart like a school boy.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs.

Biden should have this video run everyday from now to Election Day.

The problem isn't's Democrat Mayors and Governors screwing everything up.
Hey Moron......I hate to break it to you, but this is America. It's a free country. If your mayor is a communist, Trump can't force him or her to do her friggen job. That's the primary problem. Dipshits like you voting for any butt-reaming shitforbrains asshole just because they're a Democrat, a woman, or black. You don't give a shit if they're incompetent dickwads. You vote for them for the wrong reasons.....and then turn around and blame the shitshow they cause on Trump.

What planet do you live on, Mud. Covid is out of control in red states. Those states that followed Trump’s advice are spiraling out of control. Can you say Florida and Texas.

COVID-19 isn't out of control anywhere.
The death-rate has cratered.
The left seems to think that positive tests is an epidemic....even when the people tested aren't sick.
The problem is that fuckwad Democrats are encouraging people to protest in our streets causing an increase in positive tests.
We told them not to allow everyone to riot and loot, but they went ahead and did it anyway.
When they were closing the beaches, closing down churches, and shutting down restaurants, they were encouraging assholes to gather together in mass to protest the death of a life-long criminal.

Once again what planet do you live on? Emergency Rooms are at full capacity and on the brink of getting overrun from Covid patients in red states. Pro-Trumper governors were too quick to open up and now Covid spikes are everywhere in many red states. Meanwhile in most blue states, Covid rates are falling at this time.

Nothing takes away from the fact that as Americans die and get sick Trump plays.

You're full of shit.

The reports I've seen is that hospitalizations are down. Fatalities are down, only 45 in the entire state of Florida. Cause of death highly questionable.

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