President Joe Biden is the first president since FDR

NOT to lose at least one Senator of his party in his first mid-term election.

Sleepy Joe is on track to be the BEST President of the 21st century.

Yoooooo Joe!!!!
You're setting the bar really low aren't you?
he sure stuck a flag in your ass didnt he?......
He was my 5th favorite Dem running but he sure has delivered. I’m impressed with how he has navigated the economy, delivered on his legislative agenda, and has been scandal free. Credit where it is due.
NOT to lose at least one Senator of his party in his first mid-term election.

Sleepy Joe is on track to be the BEST President of the 21st century.

Yoooooo Joe!!!!
That catastrophic outcome has nothing to do with Biden's leadership which is horrible from top to bottom. It all falls on the heads of an insurmountable group of left-wing idiots who will gleefully follow him over the cliff. Joe Biden is on track to destroy this country. The 4 or 5 million already across our southern border will be followed in the next two years by another 4 or 5 million. Those 9 or 10 million along with the horde of illegals already hear will be awarded citizenship. At that point, every current illegal will petition for their family members to join them in the land of milk and honey. Before we know it the DEMONRATS will have added about 50 million new left-wing voters to the rolls. The DIMONRATS will have succeeded in instituting a one-party rule. We are doomed. FJB
That catastrophic outcome has nothing to do with Biden's leadership which is horrible from top to bottom. It all falls on the heads of an insurmountable group of left-wing idiots who will gleefully follow him over the cliff. Joe Biden is on track to destroy this country. The 4 or 5 million already across our southern border will be followed in the next two years by another 4 or 5 million. Those 9 or 10 million along with the horde of illegals already hear will be awarded citizenship. At that point, every current illegal will petition for their family members to join them in the land of milk and honey. Before we know it the DEMONRATS will have added about 50 million new left-wing voters to the rolls. The DIMONRATS will have succeeded in instituting a one-party rule. We are doomed. FJB
Seems fine to me. Let’s me suggest an alternate theory. You’re nuts.
The economy is a shambles. The guy doesn't know what day it is.
The economy is BOOMING and the Fed is trying to slow it down. Joe took over from a treasonous POS that wants to destroy the US Constitution. He is doing a great job. The repub party is still bowing to the LOSER. You guys are doing a great job to destroy your party.
It must really suck for the GOP to be more unpopular than Biden.
But they aren’t…Biden like the Mexicrat Party is only popular in America’s super shitholes full of free shit begging foreingers, faggots, weirdos and criminals and even then they need social media, media and academia to act as Dem affiliates ….if half of Loon York and half of Mexifornia didn’t exist either would Biden or the Mexicrat Party…sucks for you huh?

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