President Elect Trump’s Promises:


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
The good news is that the metrics are all very easy to measure. While “greatness” is depending on the eye of the beholder…there are far more concrete items that Mr. Trump stated that provide adequate yardsticks for us to use.

He said that if you make less than $50,000 as a family, you’re going to pay no federal income taxes.

“If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax,"

Under Trump, nearly half of Americans would pay no income taxes

He has a GOP Senate and House and there is no reason why he cannot implement that during week #1. If you’re still filling out a 1040 in 2017, 2018, or 2019; you’ll know he has failed.


He said that he was going to build a wall between Mexico and the United States. And that Mexico would pay for it.
"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”
The 25 Best Quotes From Donald Trump

He has a GOP Senate and House and there is no reason why he cannot implement that during his first term. If you drive to Nogales or SanDiego or Del Rio and see no wall; you’ll know he has failed.


Then there is the round up of Illegal aliens; later scaled back to be the criminal element of the illegal aliens. If you pick up a newspaper in 2017 or 2018 or 2019 and can see stories about twice and thrice deported illegals committing crimes; you’ll know he has failed.


We’ll be watching….
Just heard on the radio that on tonight’s 60 Minutes; he says he’s willing to accept a fence instead of a wall in areas of the border. Already retreating from promises…
Well we know the wall won't be in the form in which many figured it would be, but the wall will consist of many walls be it physical in some cases, and the other will be in man power, and the other will be in technology. It was a great campaign message, but reality has to kick in also.
Well we know the wall won't be in the form in which many figured it would be, but the wall will consist of many walls be it physical in some cases, and the other will be in man power, and the other will be in technology. It was a great campaign message, but reality has to kick in also.

So it will be an invisible wall?
Just heard on the radio that on tonight’s 60 Minutes; he says he’s willing to accept a fence instead of a wall in areas of the border. Already retreating from promises…
. As long as it's enforced, and our border patrol is no longer looked upon as a joke, who cares.
Well we know the wall won't be in the form in which many figured it would be, but the wall will consist of many walls be it physical in some cases, and the other will be in man power, and the other will be in technology. It was a great campaign message, but reality has to kick in also.

So it will be an invisible wall?
. Please don't show your ignorance.
Just heard on the radio that on tonight’s 60 Minutes; he says he’s willing to accept a fence instead of a wall in areas of the border. Already retreating from promises…

Did he promise the wall will cover all of the border?

It will rival the wall of China, let's be honest...

(No I don't actually think that, but it's a pleasing thought).
Just heard on the radio that on tonight’s 60 Minutes; he says he’s willing to accept a fence instead of a wall in areas of the border. Already retreating from promises…
. As long as it's enforced, and our border patrol is no longer looked upon as a joke, who cares.

So when he said “wall” you were thinking people; not a…you know….wall?
Well we know the wall won't be in the form in which many figured it would be, but the wall will consist of many walls be it physical in some cases, and the other will be in man power, and the other will be in technology. It was a great campaign message, but reality has to kick in also.

So it will be an invisible wall?

"Look, Mommy! The Emperor has no walls!"
Just heard on the radio that on tonight’s 60 Minutes; he says he’s willing to accept a fence instead of a wall in areas of the border. Already retreating from promises…
. As long as it's enforced, and our border patrol is no longer looked upon as a joke, who cares.

So when he said “wall” you were thinking people; not a…you know….wall?

I don't think you understand Trump yet... he was full of hyperbole. His campaign was designed to win, and it worked.

He will enforce the border, Mexico won't pay for the wall.
Well we know the wall won't be in the form in which many figured it would be, but the wall will consist of many walls be it physical in some cases, and the other will be in man power, and the other will be in technology. It was a great campaign message, but reality has to kick in also.

So it will be an invisible wall?
. Please don't show your ignorance.

Well you said it will be physical in some places, technological in another…. You’re the one showing your ignorance. Maybe it’s a Star Wars force field???
Just heard on the radio that on tonight’s 60 Minutes; he says he’s willing to accept a fence instead of a wall in areas of the border. Already retreating from promises…
. As long as it's enforced, and our border patrol is no longer looked upon as a joke, who cares.

So when he said “wall” you were thinking people; not a…you know….wall?

I don't think you understand Trump yet... he was full of hyperbole. His campaign was designed to win, and it worked.

I don’t think anyone will reference hyperbole (aka lies) in 4 years. If you look out and not see a wall…you’ll know he failed. It is that simple.
The good news is that the metrics are all very easy to measure. While “greatness” is depending on the eye of the beholder…there are far more concrete items that Mr. Trump stated that provide adequate yardsticks for us to use.

He said that if you make less than $50,000 as a family, you’re going to pay no federal income taxes.

“If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax,"

Under Trump, nearly half of Americans would pay no income taxes

He has a GOP Senate and House and there is no reason why he cannot implement that during week #1. If you’re still filling out a 1040 in 2017, 2018, or 2019; you’ll know he has failed.


He said that he was going to build a wall between Mexico and the United States. And that Mexico would pay for it.
"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”
The 25 Best Quotes From Donald Trump

He has a GOP Senate and House and there is no reason why he cannot implement that during his first term. If you drive to Nogales or SanDiego or Del Rio and see no wall; you’ll know he has failed.


Then there is the round up of Illegal aliens; later scaled back to be the criminal element of the illegal aliens. If you pick up a newspaper in 2017 or 2018 or 2019 and can see stories about twice and thrice deported illegals committing crimes; you’ll know he has failed.


We’ll be watching….

This is what politicians do. I remember clinton being angered about factories moving offshore. Just before he ramrodded nafta through. obama didn't like nafta, talked about renegotiating it. Till he got in office. List goes on.

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