President Biden 2020

Seriously, I'm really curious who Joe will pick for VP.

Probably someone with a good sense of humor.

The only way Biden wouldn't win would be because of voter suppression by the gop.

That is their only chance and they know it, and therefore they will do everything they possibly can to suppress the vote.

Unfortunately for them, it didn't work out so well in Wisconsin. Even though the gop scum were able to get the SCOTUS to deny Democratic Gov. Tony Evers' bid to postpone the election due to the pandemic, the people of Wisconsin said fuck you and risked their health to come out and vote anyway.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign on Monday, appearing on a livestream with his former rival for the Democratic nomination to stress the importance of defeating President Donald Trump.

“I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse,” Sanders, who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, told Biden.

Bernie Officially Endorses Biden For President

Yep, I agree with Bernie! We must unite to defeat Trump! Go Joe!
Wow. It's pretty sad that you think Biden has a snowball's chance in hell.

I kinda feel sorry for you.

He's not "President Biden." He's a broken-down, worn-out old man who can't seem to string together a complete sentence.

His handlers should be charged with elder-abuse.
Which is exactly why Biden should not be attacked. Why would you want him replaced?
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign on Monday, appearing on a livestream with his former rival for the Democratic nomination to stress the importance of defeating President Donald Trump.

“I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse,” Sanders, who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, told Biden.

Bernie Officially Endorses Biden For President

Yep, I agree with Bernie! We must unite to defeat Trump! Go Joe!
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign on Monday, appearing on a livestream with his former rival for the Democratic nomination to stress the importance of defeating President Donald Trump.

“I’m asking every Democrat, I’m asking every independent, I’m asking a lot of Republicans, to come together in this campaign to support your candidacy, which I endorse,” Sanders, who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race last week, told Biden.

Bernie Officially Endorses Biden For President

Yep, I agree with Bernie! We must unite to defeat Trump! Go Joe!
Wow. It's pretty sad that you think Biden has a snowball's chance in hell.

I kinda feel sorry for you.

I don’t know how anyone can get excited about Sniffy for potus, other than those who hate Donnie. Sniffy won’t do anything that the 1% doesn’t approve of first. Really not much difference between him and Don, though he has dementia and will have complete support from most of the MSM.

It looks a lot like a repeat of 2016. Why bother voting? It’s all a set up.
Dems will get millions of illegitimate votes as they do every presidential year, but even they can't cheat enough to get Biden the win. Maybe the media will just simply report that he won regardless.
Could the stupid Moon Bats come up with a more corrupt, stupid and clueless candidate than Joe Biden? Probably but they have a real gem there.

We told the stupid Moon Bats that Crooked Hillary was a terrible candidate but they didn't listen and look where it got them.

As bad as Crooked Hillary was Joe Biden is worse. He was part of that failed Negro's administration that increased poverty, decreased family income, ran up debt, weakened the military, increased taxes and had dismal economic growth. Who in the hell would want that asshole as President?

I wonder what dizzy dingbat the shithead will pick for his VP? One of the low IQ Negro hos? Debbie Downer? The Nazi from Michigan? Some Beaner?

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