President Biden: 1st State of the Union Address

How can we increase spending like this, but reduce debt? I’d like to try that with my personal budget.
It was a good speech. I’d give him an A-. He was clear, concise and confident. He stumbled a few times, but overall very well done.
It was a good speech. I’d give him an A-. He was clear, concise and confident. He stumbled a few times, but overall very well done.
His speech writers were poor. Brandon’s delivery was mediocre at best. He earns at most the infamous gentleman’s “C.”
Well there's a nonsolution, if I ever heard one.

Hey, you, do better, thanks. Kbye

Looking for real ideas.
That's a real solution you don't want to practice. I get it.

You'd prefer to continue voting stupidly and ignorantly rather than informing yourself about who you're voting into office.

Never expected anything less from you. From a leftist.
It was a good speech. I’d give him an A-. He was clear, concise and confident. He stumbled a few times, but overall very well done.
Lay off that drink in your picture. Cause that was the most incoherent speech ever.

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