Presentations in Georgia Continue

Sedition charges need to be filed against everyone involved in this snipe hunt.
Something I'm hoping the new AG will be looking at. And probably the reason so
many people in the Trump orbit are looking for advanced pardons.
10,000 dead people voted, 2,600 Felons Voted, 42,000 voters had their ballots counted twice, 96,000 absentee ballots with no return address that could be confirmed were counted. All of that is illegal.

That is 150,000 votes that need to be thrown out.

The margin of victory for Joseph Stealing is only 12,000 in Georgia.

Joe Cheated, you applaud his cheating. Joe lies, you lie, The DemNazi Party lies, cheats and steals.

Georgia needs a new election or they need to appoint Electors who will vote their conscience to counter the election fraud. These are just a few of the Sworn Affidavits, so they are FACTS under penalty of Law.

Don't you have a goat to sacrifice to Satan? Maybe two might make someone believe you.
There you have it all. It was a pleasing conference.

One super hard left rigger had a meltdown. Expect it to continue as more evidence of rigging is uncovered.
Never Mind. I found her concluding statement. Which was a well argued and logical take on the situation. It wasn't a meltdown in the least.
There was also a conference in Nevada the same day.

We will see what happens, at least it's clear that the stuff needs to be investigated. Especially the elephant in the room, the SIGNATURES. I believe they almost certainly cheated, just because it seems easy enough, the laws were removed, and the stakes were very high. Still not a huge fan of the bombastic claims such as the voting machines swapping votes or election workers being so dumb that they pick up illegal votes from under the table under video surveillance.
Definitive winner presentation. If they don't correct this it's civil war.

The Secretary of State made a total fool of himself. He didn't see that tape coming, I wonder if he is in on the sham.
Your loser lost by over 7 MILLION VOTES.

Move On , Loser.
There was also a conference in Nevada the same day.

We will see what happens, at least it's clear that the stuff needs to be investigated. Especially the elephant in the room, the SIGNATURES. I believe they almost certainly cheated, just because it seems easy enough, the laws were removed, and the stakes were very high. Still not a huge fan of the bombastic claims such as the voting machines swapping votes or election workers being so dumb that they pick up illegal votes from under the table under video surveillance.

Move On, loser.

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