...prepping for January 6th, the 'War Room'.....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
There is a long and informative article in today' Washington Post about the machinations leading up to the January 6th violent assault on the Capitol of the United States.

I honestly don't know if there is a paywall for his article. If there is, sometimes you can finesse that by going to YouTube or some other re-print outlet.

Anyway, this article is informative:

Ahead of Jan. 6, Willard hotel in downtown D.C. was a Trump team ‘command center’ for effort to deny Biden the presidency


"They called it the “command center,” a set of rooms and suites in the posh Willard hotel a block from the White House where some of President Donald Trump’s most loyal lieutenants were working day and night with one goal in mind: overturning the results of the 2020 election.

The Jan. 6 rally on the Ellipse and the ensuing attack on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob would draw the world’s attention to the quest to physically block Congress from affirming Joe Biden’s victory. But the activities at the Willard that week add to an emerging picture of a less visible effort, mapped out in memos by a conservative pro-Trump legal scholar and pursued by a team of presidential advisers and lawyers seeking to pull off what they claim was a legal strategy to reinstate Trump for a second term.

They were led by Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani. Former chief White House strategist Stephen K. Bannon was an occasional presence as the effort’s senior political adviser."
"The real insurrection actually succeeded ..."

I guess we all approach the recent violence...in the streets and at the seat of the United States government ... with different priorities.

One poster frets over a retail Tobacco shop being burned by one or more vandals.

While others are rightfully concerned about a violent mob attacking the Congress of the United States of America, while shouting their intention to kill our Vice-President, and the Speaker of the House......while savagely beating the defending police, stealing government documents and computer laptops with intention to sell to Russian intelligence, and still finding time to smear their poo on the walls of the People's House.

Priorities, priorities.
There is a long and informative article in today' Washington Post about the machinations leading up to the January 6th violent assault on the Capitol of the United States.

I honestly don't know if there is a paywall for his article. If there is, sometimes you can finesse that by going to YouTube or some other re-print outlet.

Anyway, this article is informative:

Donnie reimbursed their rooms to the tune of 50 grand from his campaign fund. Nobody is gonna convince me that he didn't know EXACTLY what was going on.
The Jan 6 incident was a perfectly legal and Constitutional right of the people to assemble and petition the government. Skilled media pundits tend to omit that fact from their left wing tirades. Since the focus by the Feds seems to be on some sort of political gain we might never know about left wing infiltrators who orchestrated the violence.
"The Jan 6 incident was a perfectly legal and Constitutional right of the people to assemble and petition the government."
Sure, we agree.
And if that is all the MAGAHats did everything would be cool.

However, the good poster 'Whitehall", and anybody who can fog a mirror, knows that 'assembly' and intent to 'petition' turned into something that looked like Thunderdome.

Spraying MACE into the faces of Capitol police trying to protect the Capitol, smearing one's poo on the walls of the Capitol ain't exactly the 'assembly & petition' the framers had in mind.

I'd bet.
Sure, we agree.
And if that is all the MAGAHats did everything would be cool.

However, the good poster 'Whitehall", and anybody who can fog a mirror, knows that 'assembly' and intent to 'petition' turned into something that looked like Thunderdome.

Spraying MACE into the faces of Capitol police trying to protect the Capitol, smearing one's poo on the walls of the Capitol ain't exactly the 'assembly & petition' the framers had in mind.

I'd bet.
Thuunderdome? My point is that republicans had a perfect right to demonstrate so any research into the planning of the demonstration with the intent to blame republican politicians is a propaganda effort. Who smeared the poo in question? Who sprayed the mace? It seems strange that nobody has been charged with these specific crimes. The FBI might be led by political activists but they are no fools. They are probably aware that the violence was orchestrated by left wing activists who remain at large for political purposes. Democrats needed HUAC when Truman was polling poorly so they hauled Commies in for interrogation before a congressional committee. Things haven't changed much in the 21st century. Nobody wants to talk about Biden's agenda because he can't articulate it himself so the best defense is an offensive hearing about an incident last January. More people were killed and injured on a Hollywood set.
"Who sprayed the mace? .... the violence was orchestrated by left wing activists who remain at large for political purposes."
Here you go, good poster 'whitehall'.

Business Insider gives you a searchable database to sate your curiosity on which of those Jackass Patriots did whatever.

Now, you gotta be as impressed as my poor avatar is that, so far, they've arrested nearly 700 of your "left wing activists" who attacked the Capitol.

ps.....that would the Capitol of the United States of America, located in Washington, DC.
Not your Capitol of Cloud Cuckoo Land.

"684 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.
that would the Capitol of the United States of America, located in Washington, DC.
Right, you mean the future office of President Donald J Trump. It's coming... and every day that passes with that effing turnip in the Oval Office just makes it that much more certain. Meanwhile, enjoy your fantasies. The party thugs are panicking because they know the rules have been changed and stealing again will be fraught with serious risks. People like you are being spun up to a level of anger that will make it possible for YOU to engage in insurrection when he's re-elected. Choose well. Keep it up and we may all get to see what a REAL insurrection looks like.

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