The Abomination called the "Biden Administration" Explained


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

We are forced into a new world of infantilization, where the Masses must rely on government to take care of themselves, and to right the wrongs of oppression. We are all either oppressor or oppressed, and either owe the debt of history, or are entitled to compensation for it.

The Left is evil. Biden is too stupid to understand what's going on, but the puppetmasters certainly do.

We are forced into a new world of infantilization, where the Masses must rely on government to take care of themselves, and to right the wrongs of oppression. We are all either oppressor or oppressed, and either owe the debt of history, or are entitled to compensation for it.

The Left is evil. Biden is too stupid to understand what's going on, but the puppetmasters certainly do.

True. However, it is more like the American populace, adult males in particular, have been pacified. Yes, that's it: the Great Pacification of the modern American man. A man who is domesticated, trained to relieve himself on queue, "hunt" down food at Walmart, and color only within the lines drawn by his State overlords.

To quote an anonymous poster in a You Tube comments section: "Our Founding Fathers would have been stacking bodies a year ago."

Ode to braver days bygone, extinct . . .

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