Prediction: Obama will resign partly because of Benghazi and he's bored!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama will resign when impeachment proceedings begin in the House similar to what happened to Nixon...

"In July 1973, as evidence mounted against the president's staff, including testimony provided by former staff members in an investigation conducted by the Senate Watergate Committee, it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.[3][4] Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the break-in.[2][5] After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have Petraeus "supposedly resigning" because of an affair! GEEZ this is a first!
No one's resigned due to 4 murdered people!
No one's resigned due to FALSE story line.."i.e. the video made them do it!!!"
So far only one going to jail has been the video maker and that's for supposedly probation violation.

Also we've been told the Presidency is TOO EASY for Obama. This messiah can walk and chew gum at the same time we've been told.

The only problem is Obama is bored now! Campaigning, organizing that's ALL he knows how to do!
Running the country...nah... that's others job!

He’s bored because he’s just too damn talented to do what other people do.

Obama friend Valerie Jarrett: “I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. … He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually

Valerie Jarrett:

“But that’s not who he is anymore.” Obama’s old enthusiasm for the job is simply gone.
Liberals fret: Is Obama bored? Does he even want a second term? |

SO my prediction and mark my words..
Obama will be the subject of IMPEACHMENT starting NOW in the house and building to after 2014 when the SENATE is controlled by GOP!

Right now 53 Democrats run the Senate versus 45 GOP! BUT!!!
" 10 seats that are most likely to flip in 2014. The top nine are all currently held by Democrats, and the 10th is Kentucky."
Senate Democrats face a very tough 2014 map

So in 2014 AFTER two more years of OBAMANATION!!!
Senate and HOUSE firmly GOP control.
A) Impeachment proceedings culminate with Senate just as they did in Nixon!
B)Obama bored will resign
C) Senate/House because of Obamacare ruining health care costs.. will repeal.
D Biden by then President WON"T sign..
E) Impeachment of Biden!
F) GOP House Speaker takes over as President!

This is the scenario and Las Vegas is making book AS WE SPEAK!!!
SO GOP DON"T go achangin!!! Don't listen to the pundits about "compromising" principles!

After 2 more years of Obama by that time UNEMPLOYMENT will be 9%!
Gas prices will CLIMB because right today Obama is shutting down Federal lands to further drilling!

"The Interior Department on Friday issued a final plan to close 1.6 million acres of federal land in the West originally slated for oil shale development.

The proposed plan would fence off a majority of the initial blueprint laid out in the final days of the George W. Bush administration. It faces a 30-day protest period and a 60-day process to ensure it is consistent with local and state policies. After that, the department would render a decision for implementation.
Interior proposal would limit commercial oil shale development on federal lands - The Hill's E2-Wire

Idiots who re-elected Obama are in for a VERY BIG SHOCK when their tax bills come due!
In for a big shock when 20+ NEW TAXES come about!
Shock for some of these idiots when their jobs are gone because employers won't be allowed to deduct health insurance premiums which is the #1 tax loophole today $131 billion!
And with the 2014 elections Obama WILL RESIGN rather then be impeached!
After all he's told us "he's a millionaire"!!!!
if your party doesnt change and start believing in facts again you will have no party
I love prediction threads from people who are batting .000 with their predictions. You put the "No" in Nostradamus.

Please proceed......
Obama will never resign.

Small people who tasted unearned and undeserved power never relinquish it willingly.

Trailer park trash or Chicago ghetto trash who lucked into the jackpot of Super Lotto never give a penny of their ill-gotten treasure to people who genuinely need help.

Morally bankrupt trash like FDR, JFK, WJC and John Edwards consider marital infidelity and adultery as a badge of honor and a resume enhancer.

People with honor resign when they realize that they slipped and erred.

Obama makes Richard Milhouse Nixon look like Mother Teresa.
One more reason Obama will be impeached and resign...
He wants to be ruler of the world! The Presidency is too small.
He has to!

Remember HE considers the UN as overseer of us ALL!
Gun control will be purview of UN.
Natural resources... UN!

So given that direction the USA is not a big enough ROLE!
First President of the World Federation - Barack H. Obama!

You idiots that don't believe that laugh!!! But as you read this the UN is voting on gun control in the USA, Internet control in the USA..

Showdown set on bid to give UN control of Internet - FRANCE 24

Gun-control advocates and the Obama administration are rushing to ... in New York on a proposed international agreement called the United Nations Arms ... have their ownership rights curtailed by a new UN treaty, the author .

Strengthen the United Nations Environment Programme. 2.2.1 Focus on Environmental Protection Issues ... Aid Agencies. 6.2.3 New Sources of Revenue and Automatic Financing ...
For those who don't remember, the first Article of Impeachment against Nixon was Lying to the American People. What a joke by today's standards.

Nixon would never have been forced to resign if the press hadn't been unrelenting in its negative coverage, stemming back to his anti-Communist activities in the 1950's. By contrast, today's press has been just as unrelenting in protecting the current President from any criticism.

Ultimately, the idea of impeaching Obama may be deterred by the prospect of a President Biden.
I love prediction threads from people who are batting .000 with their predictions. You put the "No" in Nostradamus.

Please proceed......


The right’s track record concerning political predictions is very poor, to say the least.

SO my prediction and mark my words..
Obama will be the subject of IMPEACHMENT starting NOW in the house and building to after 2014 when the SENATE is controlled by GOP!

If you believe the president is truly ‘guilty’ of high crimes and misdemeanors, then the political make up of the Senate shouldn’t matter.

That you believe you need to wait for a republican Senate indicates you have no evidence as to the president’s ‘wrong-doing,’ and will count on partisan motivation for conviction instead.

Very telling.
if your party doesnt change and start believing in facts again you will have no party

WHAT F...king FACTS????
The biggest problem was 3 million GOPers didn't VOTE!

61,208,082 50.5% Popular Votes Obama
58,194,313 48.0% Popular Vote Romney
3,013,769 Difference being 3 million GOPers didn't VOTE!!

Because they were lazy, uninformed, didn't care who knows..
BUT it wasn't the party principles! Which MOST people ONCE they understand the basic difference between Dems and GOP is
GOP think society improves when individuals excel..
DEMS think society improves when Government has more control.

That's it! That's the fundamental principle that GOP should NOT compromise on!
Defense of country YES government job improve border controls so illegals can't come in Govt. JOB they've not been doing!

NOT the government's job to spend tax dollars:
spend $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties
- NOT paying hospitals 6,000% markups on health care services... NOT Government's best use of tax dollars!
The legacy of Jerry Falwell gave Virginia to Obama.

The legacy of Rex Humbard and Ernest Angely gave Ohio to Obama.

I hope these stay-at-home bastards are happy for not voting for a Mormon.
I love prediction threads from people who are batting .000 with their predictions. You put the "No" in Nostradamus.

Please proceed......


The right’s track record concerning political predictions is very poor, to say the least.

SO my prediction and mark my words..
Obama will be the subject of IMPEACHMENT starting NOW in the house and building to after 2014 when the SENATE is controlled by GOP!

If you believe the president is truly ‘guilty’ of high crimes and misdemeanors, then the political make up of the Senate shouldn’t matter.

That you believe you need to wait for a republican Senate indicates you have no evidence as to the president’s ‘wrong-doing,’ and will count on partisan motivation for conviction instead.

Very telling.

YOU HONESTLY think Harry-the-war-is-lost-Reid would as Senate majority present impeachment?? ARE YOU that naive??
There IS evidence of criminal behavior by Obama by covering up! This idiot went on TV and blamed a video for the deaths!
Now Petraeus resigns! Shades of Nixon..

Dwight Chapin, President Nixon’s appointments secretary, resigns his position and returns to private business
Charles Colson resigns from his position as the president’s special counsel, and returns to private practice. (later sentenced to prison!)
April 24, 1973: Nixon Asks for Resignations of Haldeman, Ehrlichman
The Nixon Administration and Watergate: Watergate Resignations and Firings

I mean Petraeus is the first... Next susan Rice.. Next Hillary. Next .... and they all will be going down!
AND THE MSM????? Where are they???
The legacy of Jerry Falwell gave Virginia to Obama.

The legacy of Rex Humbard and Ernest Angely gave Ohio to Obama.

I hope these stay-at-home bastards are happy for not voting for a Mormon.

I agree!
He's not resigning. He has no shame.

There's absolutely nothing to have shame over.


Lying and covering up a crime of omission causing the death of four Americans is the badge of honor to Democrats.

He didn't lie about anything, omission or otherwise.

And he didn't kill those folks, terrorists did.

You people are ones to talk. You practically celebrated the deaths of 3000 New Yorkers.

[ame=]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

That was absolutely disgusting.
obama isn't bored. He goes on vacation when he's bored. Isn't he going to Burma? That's how bored he is. From Benghazi to New Jersey, nothing that occurs in this county could possibly interest him enough to even be bored.
Obama will never resign.

Small people who tasted unearned and undeserved power never relinquish it willingly.

Trailer park trash or Chicago ghetto trash who lucked into the jackpot of Super Lotto never give a penny of their ill-gotten treasure to people who genuinely need help.

Morally bankrupt trash like FDR, JFK, WJC and John Edwards consider marital infidelity and adultery as a badge of honor and a resume enhancer.

People with honor resign when they realize that they slipped and erred.

Obama makes Richard Milhouse Nixon look like Mother Teresa.

As long as conservatives and Republicans continue with this type of thinking, they will continue to get their asses handed to them at the voting booth. You stupid fuckers couldn't defeat a Black president with an unemployment rate of nearly 8% and a trillion dollar per year deficit. Do you get that? You are so out of touch with the mainstream it isn't even funny. If Obama had been white, you would have lost this election by at least ten points.

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