Prediction: November Electoral Vote - Clinton 429 - Trump 109

The far right did a last hurrah and went with what they think is an anti-PC candidate in Comrade Trump (are they wrong about that).

Red Donald and his supporters have finally found the bottom of common decency, descended below that, and have been repudiated since the conventions.

This is hers to lose now. Comrade Trump can do nothing on his own to win it.
Why is it so difficult for some to understand that, as lousy a candidate as Hillary is, she is still preferable to the alternative for a majority of us?

There are very few people claiming that she is angel; but her opponent is repulsive and it's an insult to many that he's even an option.

So there is your answer to your constant "why would you vote for Hillary" question once and for all.

The GOP was handed this election on a silver platter, but it was too busy losing its marbles to notice.

Seriously Mac, who is claiming she is an angel. I’ve held from the beginning she is a flawed candidate but the positives far outweigh the negatives.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.
If Trump loses Utah, it will probably be because of Evan McMullin acting as a spoiler.
Why is it so difficult for some to understand that, as lousy a candidate as Hillary is, she is still preferable to the alternative for a majority of us?

There are very few people claiming that she is angel; but her opponent is repulsive and it's an insult to many that he's even an option.

So there is your answer to your constant "why would you vote for Hillary" question once and for all.

The GOP was handed this election on a silver platter, but it was too busy losing its marbles to notice.
The far right was finally given the chance it has been whining for many years, and it predictably the snowflakes flubbed it.

Of course they did.

Vote Gary Johnson.

which of the republican primary candidates do you think would be doing better against her?
why do you think the GOP primary voters overwhelmingly picked Trump?

It could happen

Trump has a lot more fucking up to do

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?

I don't

That is why I despise Trump

sorry, but that makes no sense. you don't want HRC to be president but you will help her get there because you despise Trump?

Do you piss into the wind and then wonder why your shoes are wet?

BTW, a large majority of republican primary voters picked Trump.

A larger percentage of Republicans and the majority of Republican leadership do not want him to be President

Bullshit, do you think they want Hillary?

It is true that he scares the establishment pukes in both parties, as well as the corrupt bankers and arab nations that support them, and that is a good thing for America.

He scares most Americans because, as he admits, he is unpredictable. He is also an egomaniac. If he had been in power and that fella down in Venezuela had called him the names he called Bush II and Obama, I could imagine Trump invading Venezuela based on it.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.
If Trump loses Utah, it will probably be because of Evan McMullin acting as a spoiler.
That along with growing interest in Gary Johnson there hurts not only Trump but also Mia Love's re-election efforts.
Why is it so difficult for some to understand that, as lousy a candidate as Hillary is, she is still preferable to the alternative for a majority of us?

There are very few people claiming that she is angel; but her opponent is repulsive and it's an insult to many that he's even an option.

So there is your answer to your constant "why would you vote for Hillary" question once and for all.

The GOP was handed this election on a silver platter, but it was too busy losing its marbles to notice.
The far right was finally given the chance it has been whining for many years, and it predictably the snowflakes flubbed it.

Of course they did.

Vote Gary Johnson.

which of the republican primary candidates do you think would be doing better against her?
why do you think the GOP primary voters overwhelmingly picked Trump?
They picked Trump because they are a bunch of morons. The field was very weak though, Rubio and Kasich were the only two who would be able to beat Hillary.

that's your opinion and you are free to state it. I disagree on all points.

calling your fellow americans morons, only verifies that you are a moron who is incapable of comprehending that americans are tired of being lied to by establishment assholes from both parties.
Nah, establishment candidates received a greater number of votes in the primary than anti-establishment candidates did. And an establishment candidate is about to crush the remaining anti-establishment candidate.

we shall see. If the country puts that lying corrupt old bitch in the white house, then it deserves what happens to it.

You are wrong about the numbers of votes, Trump received more convention votes than all of the other candidates combined, that's why he is the nominee.

Sanders ------------- no one knows how many he received since the whole dem primary was rigged for the hildebeast.
which of the republican primary candidates do you think would be doing better against her?
why do you think the GOP primary voters overwhelmingly picked Trump?
The majority of GOP primary voters voted for someone other than Trump. However, the GOP lost it's collective mind and had 17 candidates running. Beyond fucking stupid by any measure.

sure, he beat 16 other candidates, by a wide margin. Do you understand how the primary system works? If it was only Jebby and Trump, Trump would have won by a huge margin.
Of course I do. And Trump recieved more votes than any other GOP candidate, but he did not recieve a majority of the GOP votes. Hillary recieved a majority of the Democratic votes. And she will receive a majority of the votes of the American citizens on 8Nov16.

come on, two verses seventeen. stop looking stupid.

That means nothing. Clinton has full support among Dems. Trump does not.
Trump winning over the other 17 says more about the voters than it does the candidates

great dem strategy, tell the voters they are stupid. Go for it.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.
If Trump loses Utah, it will probably be because of Evan McMullin acting as a spoiler.
That along with growing interest in Gary Johnson there hurts not only Trump but also Mia Love's re-election efforts.

now that's some funny shit. you think the hildebeast is going to win Louisiana? wont even be close.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.
If Trump loses Utah, it will probably be because of Evan McMullin acting as a spoiler.
That along with growing interest in Gary Johnson there hurts not only Trump but also Mia Love's re-election efforts.

most of Johnson voters are Sanders potheads that want free pot to go with their foodstamps. Johnson will pull voters from Hillary, not Trump.

Mia Love's chances have nothing to do with the presidential election.

where do you get your loony theories.?
Why is it so difficult for some to understand that, as lousy a candidate as Hillary is, she is still preferable to the alternative for a majority of us?

There are very few people claiming that she is angel; but her opponent is repulsive and it's an insult to many that he's even an option.

So there is your answer to your constant "why would you vote for Hillary" question once and for all.

The GOP was handed this election on a silver platter, but it was too busy losing its marbles to notice.
The far right was finally given the chance it has been whining for many years, and it predictably the snowflakes flubbed it.

Of course they did.

Vote Gary Johnson.

which of the republican primary candidates do you think would be doing better against her?
why do you think the GOP primary voters overwhelmingly picked Trump?

Any of them.

so you think Rand Paul would beat Hillary? what are you smoking?
The far right was finally given the chance it has been whining for many years, and it predictably the snowflakes flubbed it.

Of course they did.

Vote Gary Johnson.

which of the republican primary candidates do you think would be doing better against her?
why do you think the GOP primary voters overwhelmingly picked Trump?
They picked Trump because they are a bunch of morons. The field was very weak though, Rubio and Kasich were the only two who would be able to beat Hillary.

that's your opinion and you are free to state it. I disagree on all points.

calling your fellow americans morons, only verifies that you are a moron who is incapable of comprehending that americans are tired of being lied to by establishment assholes from both parties.
Nah, establishment candidates received a greater number of votes in the primary than anti-establishment candidates did. And an establishment candidate is about to crush the remaining anti-establishment candidate.

we shall see. If the country puts that lying corrupt old bitch in the white house, then it deserves what happens to it.

You are wrong about the numbers of votes, Trump received more convention votes than all of the other candidates combined, that's why he is the nominee.

Sanders ------------- no one knows how many he received since the whole dem primary was rigged for the hildebeast.
Actually, you said "why do you think the GOP primary voters overwhelmingly picked Trump?", you didn't say "convention votes".

Actual totals:

Total GOP Primary Votes Cast: 31,169,714
Trump 14,014,420
Not Trump 17,155,294

Source: Results of the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
which of the republican primary candidates do you think would be doing better against her?
why do you think the GOP primary voters overwhelmingly picked Trump?
They picked Trump because they are a bunch of morons. The field was very weak though, Rubio and Kasich were the only two who would be able to beat Hillary.

that's your opinion and you are free to state it. I disagree on all points.

calling your fellow americans morons, only verifies that you are a moron who is incapable of comprehending that americans are tired of being lied to by establishment assholes from both parties.
Nah, establishment candidates received a greater number of votes in the primary than anti-establishment candidates did. And an establishment candidate is about to crush the remaining anti-establishment candidate.

we shall see. If the country puts that lying corrupt old bitch in the white house, then it deserves what happens to it.

You are wrong about the numbers of votes, Trump received more convention votes than all of the other candidates combined, that's why he is the nominee.

Sanders ------------- no one knows how many he received since the whole dem primary was rigged for the hildebeast.
Actually, you said "why do you think the GOP primary voters overwhelmingly picked Trump?", you didn't say "convention votes".

Actual totals:

Total GOP Primary Votes Cast: 31,169,714
Trump 14,014,420
Not Trump 17,155,294

Source: Results of the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

correct, and when the others dropped out, their votes went to trump, just as Bernie's votes went to Hillary.

once a candidate drops out, it doesn't matter how many votes he got before dropping out.

Do you think Hillary would have gotten a majority if there were 17 dems running? of course not.
Redfish demonstrates in his posts above he has not a clue about this election, the voters, or the issues.

But . . . we knew that.

Just like his back tracking and scrambling on the fact that Red Trump the commie love got less than 50% of the primary votes, and then his people at convention broke the rules and simply did not "hear" the legal challenge for a first round ballot.

Commie Donald is illegitimate, period, as a candidate and he may not get as much as 30% of the total vote in November.
Redfish demonstrates in his posts above he has not a clue about this election, the voters, or the issues.

But . . . we knew that.

funny, I understand it much better than you ever will. Americans are fed up with lying career politicians who promise everything and deliver nothing.

Hillary may win because of idiots like you. If she does, the country loses, and will deserve what happens to it.

Since I love this country, I sincerely hope that does not happen, but I will deal with what the majority decides.
Americans are fed up with the lies of the far left and the far right and with career politicians.

HRC will win because idiots like Redfish thought they could run any unqualified candidate and win: idiots deserve their coming loss.

I hope you love this country, Redfish, and work for the good of it.

And you will abide what the the majority does decide.
Americans are fed up with the lies of the far left and the far right and with career politicians.

HRC will win because idiots like Redfish thought they could run any unqualified candidate and win: idiots deserve their coming loss.

I hope you love this country, Redfish, and work for the good of it.

And you will abide what the the majority does decide.

If trump wins, will you shut up and abide with the will of the majority?

the majority of americans think Hillary is a liar and untrustworthy, do you abide with that majority opinion?

As to unqualified candidates, your elected Obama twice, a community organizer (rabble rouser) who had zero political, international, or business experience.

while we are at it, would you care to list Hillary's accomplishments as senator, SecState, first lady, lawyer, wife, etc?

also, explain why you want the muslim Huma Abedin running our country? and why you are OK with the muslim Valerie Jarret currently running our country.
Of course I will, Redfish. Will you if it is someone else?

Yes, HRC is a liar and untrustworthy, and Trump has a worst indicator on that than HRC: aren't we in a wonderful pickle when we could have had Kasich? Because you people screwed up the party, I won't talk about HRC at all and simply vote Johnson.

Obama was elected twice by the majority: that's the end of it as far as whiners are concerned.

Redfish, you guys brought this down on yourself. Stand up and be accounted for your actions.
The latest prediction is that Trump will get zero votes and Hillary will get every vote possible. That is hard to beat.
Of course I will, Redfish. Will you if it is someone else?

Yes, HRC is a liar and untrustworthy, and Trump has a worst indicator on that than HRC: aren't we in a wonderful pickle when we could have had Kasich? Because you people screwed up the party, I won't talk about HRC at all and simply vote Johnson.

Obama was elected twice by the majority: that's the end of it as far as whiners are concerned.

Redfish, you guys brought this down on yourself. Stand up and be accounted for your actions.

I had one vote in our state primary. So putting it on me is kind of foolish. Kasich ran a crappy campaign and got beat, deal with it.

Your vote for pothead Johnson accomplishes nothing, except maybe putting the hildebeast in office if you are in a swing state.

As to Obama, he was elected because of his skin color by black pride, white guilt, and a biased lying media. His 8 years have been a disaster, he has accomplished nothing except to create racial unrest and double the national debt, and allow the free flow of unvetted illegals into our country.-----------Hillary will continue the Obama incompetence. Obama is also directly responsible for the war on cops and the rise of the terrorist organization BLM.

Worst president in history is too mild.

It continues to amaze me at the number of adult americans who are totally ignorant about how this country works and who is screwing it up.

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