Precisely what are you mods encouraging here?

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1st post
Now you changed what I wrote and purposely did so for no apparent reason to start a fight!

Grow up and be a man for once you childish brat!

Quit being a suckup. That's not what men do.

And quit pming me.

Didn't you get the hint the last half dozen times I never responded to em?
They can't be trusted to police each other. On other boards, yes. But not this bunch. You've been around here long enough to have witnessed that phenomenon time and time again, tommy. Come on, man. Have to be realistic about it.

Moderators are NOT supposed to "police" each other that is the job of Administrator and or Forum Owner.
5th post
I don't care about the poster.

I just wanna know which mod chose to leave the threat but delete the post(s) in response that were perfectly within the rules.

As I said, that mod needs to go. Because if you let em get away with it, they'll do it again.

Keep you panties out of knots. Report is time stamped about 7:48 Central time. Mod staff is running LEAN right now. We have one out with LONG term health issues and another just rightfully retired. And the FIELD of possible new recruits is getting slimmer and slimmer as the tribal wars ratchet up and draw every CRANK who's been booted from other social media.

Anyone interested in doing the job -- contact me. People skills, patience, and knowledge of what DISCUSSION ought to be is required. OH -- and less than a couple warnings a year would be good also.

I will fix this..
I have talked about some of it in the PM system with Mods the not going to do it in public and certainly not doing it anymore as the problem is beyond the Mod team who are being let down.

You should understand that the Moderators here are not getting adequete support being too few in number lacking an Administrator chief to run the place with owners who are mostly hands off absentee people.

I have moderated forums before and currently Moderator on two science blogs one is Watts Up With That?

Moderator team works best with an active Administrator/Owner who tries to keep the rules simple and the moderation decisions consistent with the stated rules.
All that went out the window with the daffy-assed "zones" regime that got crammed down in '13, by an Admin who is no longer around and has no power to enforce any of it....."Moderation" has been a chaotic crapshoot ever since then.
Natural Citizen Keeping you informed of what I've checked. Here's a summary.

No they're not after you get what you need which is to get shot

22 Post clean-up at 6:37

That's false because we said so and if you want to push it, you will be met with lethal force.
Because as I said, we're not choosing national operational competency and work experience over rights.
REPORTED AT 7:48 Not part of the clean-up.

Didn't check for other "death threats" or more cleaning just LEAVING IT CLOSED like it SHOULD have been somewhere around page 3. Dont need the 25th brawl thread on abortion anyways.

There was SUBSTANTIAL effort to clean it up. Seems shit started again after a heroic effort to keep this turdish thread alive. IMO -- either 3 or 4 people should have thread-banned or the thread closed earlier -- but, the clean earlier clean-up caught MOST of the "threats".

[EDITED] My bad. There WAS a thread ban around 6:40PM. And moderation DID act in good faith in trying to keep the thread open -- which is the preferred outcome...

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Have a bit of patience folks -- cleaning up bar brawls takes time and patience and ACCURACY as time allows. All that recorded mod work probably took 35 to 50 minutes including the paperwork. If you'd PREFER algorithms, CENSORSHIP and unwritten rules and punishments like the HIGH TECH places offer -- just say the word and you'll never see or HEAR a moderator ever again at USMB.
All that went out the window with the daffy-assed "zones" regime that got crammed down in '13, by an Admin who is no longer around and has no power to enforce any of it....."Moderation" has been a chaotic crapshoot ever since then.

Moderation is MORE stable and sane than it was PREVIOUS to 2013. And you were there in those days when the mod room WAS constant chaos. THe board was like 25 different Badlands forums and moderation was arbitrary as hell. Only a lot of yelling and fighting in the mod held it together.

I know. All the mod room notes are archived. I've read thru most of the history. Members would probably pay to read them. LOL...

You just dont like the fact that people have to HONOR topics and remember what they are. And without that -- every thread would end up the same way by page 2. NOW -- they might make it page 3 before it's flamed to death. :auiqs.jpg:
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