Prayers for the shaman guy Jake Angeli


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
He is a navy veteran.

Jake Angeli​

And I just wanted to say god bless him and I’m praying for this man. We’ve seen the video evidence this guy was actually praying with police officers who let him around the building. This guy is a political prisoner. And I remember in the past when we didn’t have the full information I made a mistake by saying that this guy was nuts

Thanks to Tucker Carlson and common sense. I think a lot of us have seen the light and the vast vast majority of those in prison because of January 6 are political prisoners. They are in prison but not the BLM rioters who actually use violence and brutality

. It’s clear that this man is a political prisoner. And then you guys like Benjamin Crump a blm lawyer he’s a criminal he’s a con man he has no moral integrity whatsoever. Maybe Nancy Pelosi should have to go to jail for two years. Maybe AOC should have to go to jail for two years for how they denigrated people like the shaman guy and other January 6 protesters peaceful protesters.
He is a navy veteran. And I just wanted to say god bless him and I’m praying for this man. We’ve seen the video evidence this guy was actually praying with police officers who let him around the building. This guy is a political prisoner. And I remember in the past when we didn’t have the full information I made a mistake by saying that this guy was not sure whatever. It’s clear that this man is a political prisoner. And then you guys like Benjamin Crump Fiola lawyer he’s a criminal he’s a con man he has no moral integrity whatsoever. Maybe Nancy Pelosi to shoot have to go to jail for two years. Maybe AOC should have to go to jail for two years for how they denigrated people like the shaman guy another January 6 protesters peaceful protesters.

The guy is a 100% pure homosexual left wing FRAUD.

Get a clue.

He was one of the 1/6 hate hoax actors trotted in to help the false flag...
Is THIS the Charmin guy you're talkin about????

The Shaman committed no acts of violence.

What unreal clueless MORONS...

This guy was escorted INSIDE by the DC Cops. He is not a conservative Republican, but a failed actor homosexual who lives at home with his left wing princess mommy.

Q-Anon is a FRAUD. Who controls Q-Anon?

The community HATE HOAX organizer


Fox News figures repeatedly suggested the Obamas were behind dropped ...

Brother what are your thoughts on the other January 6 protesters?

How Trump was set up...

The first thing homO did was have his homo army dress up "MAGA" and go wave Confederate flags. Those people were all frauds. Trump fell for it.

Then the Community HATE HOAX Organizer created "Q-Anon" with left wing homosexual actors designed to "support Trump" and be used to set up HATE HOAXES.... like 1.6

The whole 1/6 is 100% fraud and so is Global Warming, covid "vaccine," 911, and if we don't get a clue soon, all will be gone...
How Trump was set up...

The first thing homO did was have his homo army dress up "MAGA" and go wave Confederate flags. Those people were all frauds. Trump fell for it.

Then the Community HATE HOAX Organizer created "Q-Anon" with left wing homosexual actors designed to "support Trump" and be used to set up HATE HOAXES.... like 1.6

The whole 1/6 is 100% fraud and so is Global Warming, covid "vaccine," 911, and if we don't get a clue soon, all will be gone...
Or maybe the worst republicans in America bought into a bunch of bullshit. Occam's razor.
Brother what are your thoughts on the other January 6 protesters?
The good news is that Ashli the traitor isn't roasting in Hell for eternity.

Traitors go to the frigid ninth plane, so she's freezing in Hell for eternity.

That shouldn't cheer me up so much, but I'm an imperfect person, so it does. As does the knowledge that so many other Trump cultists will suffer the same fate.

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