Pray for my Katy please.

I think of Gracie every day. Not one 24 hour period goes by without me thinking of her. Like Coyote, no dog has filled the hole in my heart for her..not even Karma although I love her very much. Gracie was my soul baby.

I will spare the details of HOW she was sent off to Rainbow Bridge. Suffice it to was horror.

No more. When Karma goes...and hopefully it will be peaceful...I am done. No. More.

I used to say that....but I just cant live without a dog.
And when my little girl Addie died I never thought I'd love another dog like that.
Then came Cozmo...and then Katy.
Dogs have a way of being special,just in a different way.
Anyway...I am now getting uncomfortable posting about this. The last time I talked about it to find some peace, support and love from folks here, I was told to stfu and stop being such a downer and ruining everyone elses good time.
So I don't talk about Gracie any more. And I wish I could. So much to tell. So much I already told but could tell more that some folks never got to see. But I can't and I won't.
Nuff said.

Lots of prayers for you, hon. I may be silent, but I am still sending them.

Over and out.

They obviously weren't Dog people.
I hear hurts....:(

One of my favorite quotes...

Fragile Circle
We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own,
live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only certain immortality,
never fully understanding the necessary plan.

Irving Townsend, "The Once Again Prince," Separate Lifetime

Many hugs to you...words are inadequate :smiliehug:

Haven't heard that one but it certainly describes the spirit of Man and there pets perfectly.
I always tell myself if they lived forever I would never have had the chance to know the one's that followed.

So true...sometimes, what makes me sad is I am now 56...there are so many dogs (or breeds) I will NEVER know...but I am blessed. Every dog that has occupied space in my heart :)

Funny...the wife and I were discussing something very similar the other day.
I'll be 51 next month and realized the next set of buddies will probably be the last.
I cant bear the thought of dying and leaving my dogs without knowing their fate.
And the thought of them going to the pound is something I just cant imagine.

I now have 4 dogs...ranging from 4, 5, 8 and 13. I know I will have another puppy (planned from Cowboy's semen) within the next year...but I have to think what will happen with them if something happens to me? I can not imagine ever not having a pet - dog or cat, but I do need to prepare. My aunt is 84...she mourned the loss of her last dog but was also clearly lonely. I told her I'd back up what ever dog she got, so if something happened, she would not need to worry. She ended up adopting an older min pin whom she adores and who makes her life a bit more complete. The rescue backs her, and so will I - our pets help make our lives more full, and in return, we make their lives the best we can. :)

Unfortunately the wife and I have no family members to take them in if we were to pass other than my Niece.
My Niece is still far too young to bring up those kind of things but considering she'll get everything we own when we go and she's a great kid she'd probably do it. I of course will have to see if she's a dedicated dog person first but I have a feeling she will be.
If it comes to it we'll set up a trust for em.

That's the thing to do. You can also reach out to friends or rescues for help - set it up in advance :)
We don't even have a niece, HWGA. I won't do that to another dog. We are too old now. Yes, it will be lonely without one, but it would be selfish to do it. I'd rather be lonely than do that to any future furkids.
I think of Gracie every day. Not one 24 hour period goes by without me thinking of her. Like Coyote, no dog has filled the hole in my heart for her..not even Karma although I love her very much. Gracie was my soul baby.

I will spare the details of HOW she was sent off to Rainbow Bridge. Suffice it to was horror.

No more. When Karma goes...and hopefully it will be peaceful...I am done. No. More.

Please...don't say no more Gracie...your heart is big...

I still hurt so much from Cowboy's passing, but I'm beginning to think, a year later, that maybe there will be a puppy in my future (a Cowboy son)....I can not imagine llife without a furry four footed companion....

The odd thing with Cowboy's passing, I actually questioned myself - could I go through this again? My heart still weighs's still hard to think of adding another and going through it again. Odd, in all myu many years of having pets - this is the first I've felt it to be so so heavy. But I don't want to not have that companionship. So I'll fight saying "never again"...
We were posting at the same time, Coyote. I can't do another dog. Can't. My heart is broken and will never mend. Gracie is gone.
And when I go...she will be waiting for me. I am here now because Karma needs me. I refuse to get ill or die, and she wind up at the pound. So here I stay.

Anyway....I just upset myself.

Here's to Katy! :beer:

After consideration I'll have to find a way to ensure my last dogs happiness before I die.
I'm like Coyote,the idea of not having a four legged friend is almost unbearable. They bring so much to your life and you find the same enjoyment in giving them the same.

He has the same massive underbite as Cozmo did! :lol:
I guess it all depends on your personal views and if you have the funds to make the proper arrangements. Personally, I would really love to have a dog, but I've experienced a lot of death and I don't know if I could handle losing a dog . . . or a cat or anyone close to me. The only reason why I have my rabbit is because I found him outside my door. He didn't really give me a choice there. :lol:
I think of Gracie every day. Not one 24 hour period goes by without me thinking of her. Like Coyote, no dog has filled the hole in my heart for her..not even Karma although I love her very much. Gracie was my soul baby.

I will spare the details of HOW she was sent off to Rainbow Bridge. Suffice it to was horror.

No more. When Karma goes...and hopefully it will be peaceful...I am done. No. More.

Please...don't say no more Gracie...your heart is big...

I still hurt so much from Cowboy's passing, but I'm beginning to think, a year later, that maybe there will be a puppy in my future (a Cowboy son)....I can not imagine llife without a furry four footed companion....

The odd thing with Cowboy's passing, I actually questioned myself - could I go through this again? My heart still weighs's still hard to think of adding another and going through it again. Odd, in all myu many years of having pets - this is the first I've felt it to be so so heavy. But I don't want to not have that companionship. So I'll fight saying "never again"...
We were posting at the same time, Coyote. I can't do another dog. Can't. My heart is broken and will never mend. Gracie is gone.
And when I go...she will be waiting for me. I am here now because Karma needs me. I refuse to get ill or die, and she wind up at the pound. So here I stay.

Anyway....I just upset myself.

Here's to Katy! :beer:

After consideration I'll have to find a way to ensure my last dogs happiness before I die.
I'm like Coyote,the idea of not having a four legged friend is almost unbearable. They bring so much to your life and you find the same enjoyment in giving them the same.

We don't even have a niece, HWGA. I won't do that to another dog. We are too old now. Yes, it will be lonely without one, but it would be selfish to do it. I'd rather be lonely than do that to any future furkids.

I understand. That their well being after you're gone means so much says a whole lot about you. All good.
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We don't even have a niece, HWGA. I won't do that to another dog. We are too old now. Yes, it will be lonely without one, but it would be selfish to do it. I'd rather be lonely than do that to any future furkids.

One thing to think about Gracie...I'll say the same thing I said to my aunt... if you have a loved one you can trust to back you up, or a decent rescue or might be worth it to take the risk. I adopt out to older people, as long as the fit is right....our rescue backs our placements, no matter how many years. I hate to think of people, enduring lonlyness when there might be a way to remedy it, with a solution that helps all :)
Haven't heard that one but it certainly describes the spirit of Man and there pets perfectly.
I always tell myself if they lived forever I would never have had the chance to know the one's that followed.

So true...sometimes, what makes me sad is I am now 56...there are so many dogs (or breeds) I will NEVER know...but I am blessed. Every dog that has occupied space in my heart :)

Funny...the wife and I were discussing something very similar the other day.
I'll be 51 next month and realized the next set of buddies will probably be the last.
I cant bear the thought of dying and leaving my dogs without knowing their fate.
And the thought of them going to the pound is something I just cant imagine.

I now have 4 dogs...ranging from 4, 5, 8 and 13. I know I will have another puppy (planned from Cowboy's semen) within the next year...but I have to think what will happen with them if something happens to me? I can not imagine ever not having a pet - dog or cat, but I do need to prepare. My aunt is 84...she mourned the loss of her last dog but was also clearly lonely. I told her I'd back up what ever dog she got, so if something happened, she would not need to worry. She ended up adopting an older min pin whom she adores and who makes her life a bit more complete. The rescue backs her, and so will I - our pets help make our lives more full, and in return, we make their lives the best we can. :)

Unfortunately the wife and I have no family members to take them in if we were to pass other than my Niece.
My Niece is still far too young to bring up those kind of things but considering she'll get everything we own when we go and she's a great kid she'd probably do it. I of course will have to see if she's a dedicated dog person first but I have a feeling she will be.
If it comes to it we'll set up a trust for em.

That's the thing to do. You can also reach out to friends or rescues for help - set it up in advance :)

Rescue would be my last choice,the people who run them are definitely dog lovers but seeing the Boxers in the kennels that we couldnt take home just tears you up. Hell,I want to bring em all home.
If it wasn't for our HOA I probably would have but they only allow two.:lol:
So true...sometimes, what makes me sad is I am now 56...there are so many dogs (or breeds) I will NEVER know...but I am blessed. Every dog that has occupied space in my heart :)

Funny...the wife and I were discussing something very similar the other day.
I'll be 51 next month and realized the next set of buddies will probably be the last.
I cant bear the thought of dying and leaving my dogs without knowing their fate.
And the thought of them going to the pound is something I just cant imagine.

I now have 4 dogs...ranging from 4, 5, 8 and 13. I know I will have another puppy (planned from Cowboy's semen) within the next year...but I have to think what will happen with them if something happens to me? I can not imagine ever not having a pet - dog or cat, but I do need to prepare. My aunt is 84...she mourned the loss of her last dog but was also clearly lonely. I told her I'd back up what ever dog she got, so if something happened, she would not need to worry. She ended up adopting an older min pin whom she adores and who makes her life a bit more complete. The rescue backs her, and so will I - our pets help make our lives more full, and in return, we make their lives the best we can. :)

Unfortunately the wife and I have no family members to take them in if we were to pass other than my Niece.
My Niece is still far too young to bring up those kind of things but considering she'll get everything we own when we go and she's a great kid she'd probably do it. I of course will have to see if she's a dedicated dog person first but I have a feeling she will be.
If it comes to it we'll set up a trust for em.

That's the thing to do. You can also reach out to friends or rescues for help - set it up in advance :)

Rescue would be my last choice,the people who run them are definitely dog lovers but seeing the Boxers in the kennels that we couldnt take home just tears you up. Hell,I want to bring em all home.
If it wasn't for our HOA I probably would have but they only allow two.:lol:

Rescues vary - I'm with Australian Shepherd Rescue (ARPH) and all our dogs are in foster homes (and yes...sigh...I'm a failed foster ;) )

I can't imagine not having a 4 footed companion..:)
Funny...the wife and I were discussing something very similar the other day.
I'll be 51 next month and realized the next set of buddies will probably be the last.
I cant bear the thought of dying and leaving my dogs without knowing their fate.
And the thought of them going to the pound is something I just cant imagine.

I now have 4 dogs...ranging from 4, 5, 8 and 13. I know I will have another puppy (planned from Cowboy's semen) within the next year...but I have to think what will happen with them if something happens to me? I can not imagine ever not having a pet - dog or cat, but I do need to prepare. My aunt is 84...she mourned the loss of her last dog but was also clearly lonely. I told her I'd back up what ever dog she got, so if something happened, she would not need to worry. She ended up adopting an older min pin whom she adores and who makes her life a bit more complete. The rescue backs her, and so will I - our pets help make our lives more full, and in return, we make their lives the best we can. :)

Unfortunately the wife and I have no family members to take them in if we were to pass other than my Niece.
My Niece is still far too young to bring up those kind of things but considering she'll get everything we own when we go and she's a great kid she'd probably do it. I of course will have to see if she's a dedicated dog person first but I have a feeling she will be.
If it comes to it we'll set up a trust for em.

That's the thing to do. You can also reach out to friends or rescues for help - set it up in advance :)

Rescue would be my last choice,the people who run them are definitely dog lovers but seeing the Boxers in the kennels that we couldnt take home just tears you up. Hell,I want to bring em all home.
If it wasn't for our HOA I probably would have but they only allow two.:lol:

Rescues vary - I'm with Australian Shepherd Rescue (ARPH) and all our dogs are in foster homes (and yes...sigh...I'm a failed foster ;) )

I can't imagine not having a 4 footed companion..:)

We've worked with Boxer Rescue and considered being foster parents.
We decided against it for the same reason,we wouldnt be able to give any of em up.:lol:
The wife retires in a couple more years and we have acreage in mind so I can guarantee a whole passel of "unadoptable Boxers" :eusa_whistle: living with us.
We don't even have a niece, HWGA. I won't do that to another dog. We are too old now. Yes, it will be lonely without one, but it would be selfish to do it. I'd rather be lonely than do that to any future furkids.

One thing to think about Gracie...I'll say the same thing I said to my aunt... if you have a loved one you can trust to back you up, or a decent rescue or might be worth it to take the risk. I adopt out to older people, as long as the fit is right....our rescue backs our placements, no matter how many years. I hate to think of people, enduring lonlyness when there might be a way to remedy it, with a solution that helps all :)
Again...we have no one. So..thank you...but no. No more. Besides..when Karma goes....I might go with her. The only thing keeping me here now is Karma.
I now have 4 dogs...ranging from 4, 5, 8 and 13. I know I will have another puppy (planned from Cowboy's semen) within the next year...but I have to think what will happen with them if something happens to me? I can not imagine ever not having a pet - dog or cat, but I do need to prepare. My aunt is 84...she mourned the loss of her last dog but was also clearly lonely. I told her I'd back up what ever dog she got, so if something happened, she would not need to worry. She ended up adopting an older min pin whom she adores and who makes her life a bit more complete. The rescue backs her, and so will I - our pets help make our lives more full, and in return, we make their lives the best we can. :)

Unfortunately the wife and I have no family members to take them in if we were to pass other than my Niece.
My Niece is still far too young to bring up those kind of things but considering she'll get everything we own when we go and she's a great kid she'd probably do it. I of course will have to see if she's a dedicated dog person first but I have a feeling she will be.
If it comes to it we'll set up a trust for em.

That's the thing to do. You can also reach out to friends or rescues for help - set it up in advance :)

Rescue would be my last choice,the people who run them are definitely dog lovers but seeing the Boxers in the kennels that we couldnt take home just tears you up. Hell,I want to bring em all home.
If it wasn't for our HOA I probably would have but they only allow two.:lol:

Rescues vary - I'm with Australian Shepherd Rescue (ARPH) and all our dogs are in foster homes (and yes...sigh...I'm a failed foster ;) )

I can't imagine not having a 4 footed companion..:)

We've worked with Boxer Rescue and considered being foster parents.
We decided against it for the same reason,we wouldnt be able to give any of em up.:lol:
The wife retires in a couple more years and we have acreage in mind so I can guarantee a whole passel of "unadoptable Boxers" :eusa_whistle: living with us.

:lol: I here you!!!

I have 3 failed fosters...though, to be honest, one was unadoptable and another could have gotten in trouble due to "handling" issues :)
We don't even have a niece, HWGA. I won't do that to another dog. We are too old now. Yes, it will be lonely without one, but it would be selfish to do it. I'd rather be lonely than do that to any future furkids.

One thing to think about Gracie...I'll say the same thing I said to my aunt... if you have a loved one you can trust to back you up, or a decent rescue or might be worth it to take the risk. I adopt out to older people, as long as the fit is right....our rescue backs our placements, no matter how many years. I hate to think of people, enduring lonlyness when there might be a way to remedy it, with a solution that helps all :)
Again...we have no one. So..thank you...but no. No more. Besides..when Karma goes....I might go with her. The only thing keeping me here now is Karma.

I think he was referring to being a foster parent for rescues.
My only problem,and maybe yours as well,is giving them up once they come into your life.
It would be fulfilling to help the Dogs and you get the satisfaction of knowing you've helped them find a good home.
I dont want to make this all about me and my woes.
There are cruel people at USMB. I spoke of my dog, was told to STFU. I spoke of my cat. I was made fun of relentlessly.
Some things should never be spoken of here.

I comfort, regardless of who it is. That is my job. That is what I like doing. Comforting. I do not expect it in return any more. So can y'all just please talk about Katy and sending her your best regards and lets just stop? It's my fault. I opened the proverbial door about Gracie. I am now firmly shutting it.
Apologies in advance.
We don't even have a niece, HWGA. I won't do that to another dog. We are too old now. Yes, it will be lonely without one, but it would be selfish to do it. I'd rather be lonely than do that to any future furkids.

One thing to think about Gracie...I'll say the same thing I said to my aunt... if you have a loved one you can trust to back you up, or a decent rescue or might be worth it to take the risk. I adopt out to older people, as long as the fit is right....our rescue backs our placements, no matter how many years. I hate to think of people, enduring lonlyness when there might be a way to remedy it, with a solution that helps all :)
Again...we have no one. So..thank you...but no. No more. Besides..when Karma goes....I might go with her. The only thing keeping me here now is Karma.

You have so much more to give Gracie...even beyond Karma...there are those who look to you for salvation, furrly, flealy and four footed!

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