Pray away the gay with Mittens.........

Hey.......he did contribute to this, knowing full well what the organization was about.

He's also stated he wants to bring back DADT and kick all the openly serving gays out.

Nope, he's gonna have a hard row to hoe.

So you think a Gay was going to vote for any Republican?

Btw, where did you get the idea that Romney hated Gays? Aren't you just assuming that?

Someone who hates Gays hangs your friends in the Muslim community.

You just don't seem to understand what praying for someone is all about.
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I'm not sure if drinking Gatorade and calling their friends dude is going to cure homos.

But if they will practice walking like John Wayne 4 or 5 times per day.

With in a month their lisp will disappear and their wrist's will become stronger.

And they will be dating women and buying power tools for home repair.

Guaranteed to work 100% of the time. :cool:

[ame=]Walking like John Wayne - YouTube[/ame]
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Drinking Gatorade and calling someone "dude" doesn't make you straight.

I've known a gay person or two who DID drink Gatorade, and called people "dude", but they were trying to stay hidden. that logic, would drinking tea and calling everyone "darling" make a person gay?


I'm from the land of Stephen and Chris. FABULOUS!!!! I am down with Rough Trade. I love Carol.

Frankie goes Hollywood, Culture Club, Flock of Seagull to me are background music.

Pray away the gay was such bullshit. I'm wondering if anyone on the LGBT side will admit it was a complete set up.

First thing that happens is a lot of young men and women really do turn to other places other than LGBT alternatives.

They think they aren't "right" so to speak. So they go to these places hoping to find solace but all they can get is love and understanding and put forth on a different road to people who can help them for their own inner self.

Not condemned but sent to the right places. It thrills me that good children can still can come to Christ after they have discovered themselves.

We'll get there one day from here. I swear we will.

But now it's stuck in my head. My fave for dancing. Hey David's saved me in TO. God bless them all.




Actually, being gay has more to do with brain structure than choice, Swiss scientists have proven this with brain MRI's. it possible to pray someone into a new brain structure?
Looks like Romney has more problems...........

Wayne Besen of Truth Wins Out appeared on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show on Thursday night to discuss how former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney indirectly helped fund so-called “pray away the gay” therapy.

The Tyler Charitable Foundation, set up and funded by the Romneys, donated $10,000 in 2006 to the Massachusetts Family Institute, which promotes the ex-gay therapy. The charity also donated $25,000 to the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which opposes same sex marriage and has compared LGBT activists to the terrorist group al Qaeda.

Besen noted that one of the ex-gay organizations promoted by the Massachusetts Family Institute claims that gay men can become more masculine “by drinking Gatorade and calling their friends ‘dude.’”

“There is nothing scientific about these groups,” he said. “They’re rejected by every respected medical and mental health organization in the world.”

“Basically anybody with credibility rejects attempts to change sexual orientation.”

Romney charity money went to ‘pray away the gay’ group | The Raw Story


So he donated to a group that specifically focuses on 'fixing' gay people?


Actually, the Mass Family Institute focuses on:

Human Sexuality
Internet Safety
Marriage and Family
Parental Rights and Education
Religious Freedom
Statutory Rape
Transgender Rights

Massachusetts Family Institute | Dedicated to Strengthening the Family

Partisan morons accept the media bullshit from Madcow and the like. Intelligent posters do a few minutes of investigations.
Hey.......he did contribute to this, knowing full well what the organization was about.

He's also stated he wants to bring back DADT and kick all the openly serving gays out.

Nope, he's gonna have a hard row to hoe.

link or you're full of shit

i give money to lots of charities and i don't know each and evry program they support

why would i?

Hey.......he did contribute to this, knowing full well what the organization was about.

He's also stated he wants to bring back DADT and kick all the openly serving gays out.

Nope, he's gonna have a hard row to hoe.

link or you're full of shit

i give money to lots of charities and i don't know each and evry program they support

why would i?


Check out the list and the link to the actual charity that I provided.

This might shock you..... TheGayBikerBoy is full of shit.

Hey.......he did contribute to this, knowing full well what the organization was about.

He's also stated he wants to bring back DADT and kick all the openly serving gays out.

Nope, he's gonna have a hard row to hoe.

he did not contribute to the secondary organization.

get your facts straight.
Looks like Romney has more problems...........

Wayne Besen of Truth Wins Out appeared on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show on Thursday night to discuss how former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney indirectly helped fund so-called “pray away the gay” therapy.

The Tyler Charitable Foundation, set up and funded by the Romneys, donated $10,000 in 2006 to the Massachusetts Family Institute, which promotes the ex-gay therapy. The charity also donated $25,000 to the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, which opposes same sex marriage and has compared LGBT activists to the terrorist group al Qaeda.

Besen noted that one of the ex-gay organizations promoted by the Massachusetts Family Institute claims that gay men can become more masculine “by drinking Gatorade and calling their friends ‘dude.’”

“There is nothing scientific about these groups,” he said. “They’re rejected by every respected medical and mental health organization in the world.”

“Basically anybody with credibility rejects attempts to change sexual orientation.”

Romney charity money went to ‘pray away the gay’ group | The Raw Story


Do Not worry. You're gay will stay!
sailorboy logic:

romney gives to one charity, who then gives to another charity and romney knows full well

obama attends church for 20 years and doesn't know full well the views of his pastor, despite being close friends
I suppose somebody in his organization should have an understanding as to exactly what his contributions are funding. However the dollar amounts are small in relation to Romney's total donations so tough to point a firm finger.

I like the theory that Gatorade consumption will remove the gay!

That's because the lions share of his charitable donations is actually a tithe he's required to pay as a Mormon.........

Mormons are required to attend a Tithing Settlement with the Bishop each year. A member is questioned in a one-on-one interview with the Bishop to ensure the member is paying a full 10%. Those members who are not paying a full 10% loose their temple recommends and are prevented from entering the Temple.

Mormons who loose their temple recommends are in serious jeopardy of loosing their Celestial blessings. A Mormon who does not pay tithing cannot enter the temple. If a member cannot get into the temple, the member cannot learn the secret handshake, secret password, secret "new name" and special “sealings”. Without these, the member will be unable to pass Joseph Smith and the angels who guard the entrance to the Celestial Kingdom.

Mormons are commanded that tithing must come first before anything else. Utah has the highest rate of bankruptcies in the United States. Mormons often are told "I cannot pay my bills until I've paid my tithing." Mormons will even pay their tithing rather than give the money to a relative who is on the verge of eviction. Mormon published magazines (Ensign, New Era) constantly stress that tithing must always be paid.

Recently, Mormon Senator Orrin Hatch passed legislation that allowed members to pay a full tithe even while they were in bankruptcy court. (See S. 4044).

Mormons are told: "if a destitute family is faced with the decision of paying their tithing or eating, they should pay their tithing." (Lynn Robbins, General Conference, April 2005).

The Mormon Curtain - MORMON TITHING

Provide evidence that most of his donations only go to his church.
I'm sure Republicans will be mortified to hear Romney is against homosexuality.


He just bought priceless buzz for lunch money. The Romney campaign thanks you for spreading the word.
sailorboy logic:

romney gives to one charity, who then gives to another charity and romney knows full well

obama attends church for 20 years and doesn't know full well the views of his pastor, despite being close friends

I just wish he'd decide what he thinks... one way or another... in another thread, GayBikerBoy clearly states that Mitt's 'charitable donations' were all to the Mormon Church. Despite a plethora of evidence that that is not true.

What can we learn from this? That drugs are harmful.
All democrats who don't like the Republican candidates shouldn't vote for them. On the other hand, all those who think that obaabaa is an evil marxist shouldn't vote for him.

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