'praise Allah' slogans on British buses...

But you guys got to understand something; this is not about the philosophies of the religions

This is about: religions as "institutes"

For example, the institute that put this ad on those buses.

They spent, allah knows, how much on that ad
(which btw doesnt say "donate for allah", or "donate in the name of allah", but says "praise allah")
rather than using the money for charity
which they claim is what they are doing...

Do you know why they have "subhan allah " on those buses?
Because thats a special word muslims taught by the islamic institutes that they will get good deed points called "tavab", for repeating this phrase, so they can go to heaven.

Some serious belivers would repeat this 1000s of times, some would go up to 10000s of times a day
That famous islamic beads is in fact used to keep track of how many time they have repeated these "special" words.

These buffoons think by getting this on a bus, they will make a lot of people read it and naturally say it in the process as well, including a lot of christians! which would give them easy access to heaven.

They collect money from muslims in the name of refugees, and donations,
and thats what they use it for. For their personal access to heaven...

This is not about islam, this is about the islamic institutes around the globe.
Most of them, like this one here, are hypocrites, and they deserve to be called out.........
To make it easy for the ignorant, here is the difference, and it is significant.
First, the Koranic view of Jesus is one of the illustrations of its errors. He is viewed as a prophet, but prophets can never be wrong. Jesus, when questioned, stated, "Before Abraham was, I am." He has to be either mad to say that, and therefore not a prophet, or he is what he says, and much more than a prophet.
As for 'God'; what is the 'name' of 'God' for Jews and Christians? Hint, it isn't a name.
That some 'Christians' say "Allah" means nothing; people calling themselves 'Christian' are very frequently in error.
Jesus is also considered a prophet by Christians. Pretending that different religions dont worship the same god because they viewed the importance of Jesus differently is pretty weak. They have the same characters in both religions. To be honest all religions actually come from one source. The Egyptian creation myth of Ausar Auset and Heru.
So, it's gone from 'bullshit' to 'don't know what you're talking about' to 'pretty weak'.
No one is 'pretending' different religions don't worship the same 'god'. The pretending would be that they do. The importance of Jesus, what's more, is precisely the major difference. What is amazing is that someone who knows enough to write about this would write such an obviously fatuous thing. And, to be honest, how can one possibly state that 'all religions' come from Egyptian myth? You could mean that you think the Abrahamic ones do, but that is indefensible as well.
One more point, and this goes to the original theme of this series of posts and your lack of understanding and refusal to investigate. The 'name' given to Moses for the 'God' of Israel was not a noun. It translates into English as 'I am', or 'I will be what I will be', or 'That which is', a verb form. 'Allah' is not Arabic for 'I am'. It does not have the same sense. It does not have the same existential thrust. It is living and moving.It is a name like George or Mohammed, fixed and static.
That the founder of Islam wandered in off the desert without witnesses declaring to have a revelation, and that no one else could have revelations anymore, is a wondrous thing indeed. Joseph Smith had a similar experience.
To make it easy for the ignorant, here is the difference, and it is significant.
First, the Koranic view of Jesus is one of the illustrations of its errors. He is viewed as a prophet, but prophets can never be wrong. Jesus, when questioned, stated, "Before Abraham was, I am." He has to be either mad to say that, and therefore not a prophet, or he is what he says, and much more than a prophet.
As for 'God'; what is the 'name' of 'God' for Jews and Christians? Hint, it isn't a name.
That some 'Christians' say "Allah" means nothing; people calling themselves 'Christian' are very frequently in error.
Jesus is also considered a prophet by Christians. Pretending that different religions dont worship the same god because they viewed the importance of Jesus differently is pretty weak. They have the same characters in both religions. To be honest all religions actually come from one source. The Egyptian creation myth of Ausar Auset and Heru.
So, it's gone from 'bullshit' to 'don't know what you're talking about' to 'pretty weak'.
No one is 'pretending' different religions don't worship the same 'god'. The pretending would be that they do. The importance of Jesus, what's more, is precisely the major difference. What is amazing is that someone who knows enough to write about this would write such an obviously fatuous thing. And, to be honest, how can one possibly state that 'all religions' come from Egyptian myth? You could mean that you think the Abrahamic ones do, but that is indefensible as well.
One more point, and this goes to the original theme of this series of posts and your lack of understanding and refusal to investigate. The 'name' given to Moses for the 'God' of Israel was not a noun. It translates into English as 'I am', or 'I will be what I will be', or 'That which is', a verb form. 'Allah' is not Arabic for 'I am'. It does not have the same sense. It does not have the same existential thrust. It is living and moving.It is a name like George or Mohammed, fixed and static.
That the founder of Islam wandered in off the desert without witnesses declaring to have a revelation, and that no one else could have revelations anymore, is a wondrous thing indeed. Joseph Smith had a similar experience.
I never said it was bullshit but since you mentioned it I do agree its bullshit. I used pretty weak in order to be polite. Moses was never a god. What are you talking about?
To make it easy for the ignorant, here is the difference, and it is significant.
First, the Koranic view of Jesus is one of the illustrations of its errors. He is viewed as a prophet, but prophets can never be wrong. Jesus, when questioned, stated, "Before Abraham was, I am." He has to be either mad to say that, and therefore not a prophet, or he is what he says, and much more than a prophet.
As for 'God'; what is the 'name' of 'God' for Jews and Christians? Hint, it isn't a name.
That some 'Christians' say "Allah" means nothing; people calling themselves 'Christian' are very frequently in error.
Jesus is also considered a prophet by Christians. Pretending that different religions dont worship the same god because they viewed the importance of Jesus differently is pretty weak. They have the same characters in both religions. To be honest all religions actually come from one source. The Egyptian creation myth of Ausar Auset and Heru.
So, it's gone from 'bullshit' to 'don't know what you're talking about' to 'pretty weak'.
No one is 'pretending' different religions don't worship the same 'god'. The pretending would be that they do. The importance of Jesus, what's more, is precisely the major difference. What is amazing is that someone who knows enough to write about this would write such an obviously fatuous thing. And, to be honest, how can one possibly state that 'all religions' come from Egyptian myth? You could mean that you think the Abrahamic ones do, but that is indefensible as well.
One more point, and this goes to the original theme of this series of posts and your lack of understanding and refusal to investigate. The 'name' given to Moses for the 'God' of Israel was not a noun. It translates into English as 'I am', or 'I will be what I will be', or 'That which is', a verb form. 'Allah' is not Arabic for 'I am'. It does not have the same sense. It does not have the same existential thrust. It is living and moving.It is a name like George or Mohammed, fixed and static.
That the founder of Islam wandered in off the desert without witnesses declaring to have a revelation, and that no one else could have revelations anymore, is a wondrous thing indeed. Joseph Smith had a similar experience.
I never said it was bullshit but since you mentioned it I do agree its bullshit. I used pretty weak in order to be polite. Moses was never a god. What are you talking about?
Oh, boy! Why do I bother?
Ever hear of Mount Sinai? Ever hear of the burning bush (not George)? Ever hear of YHWH? Yes? Then why ask? No? Then why don't you look it up?
To make it easy for the ignorant, here is the difference, and it is significant.
First, the Koranic view of Jesus is one of the illustrations of its errors. He is viewed as a prophet, but prophets can never be wrong. Jesus, when questioned, stated, "Before Abraham was, I am." He has to be either mad to say that, and therefore not a prophet, or he is what he says, and much more than a prophet.
As for 'God'; what is the 'name' of 'God' for Jews and Christians? Hint, it isn't a name.
That some 'Christians' say "Allah" means nothing; people calling themselves 'Christian' are very frequently in error.
Jesus is also considered a prophet by Christians. Pretending that different religions dont worship the same god because they viewed the importance of Jesus differently is pretty weak. They have the same characters in both religions. To be honest all religions actually come from one source. The Egyptian creation myth of Ausar Auset and Heru.
So, it's gone from 'bullshit' to 'don't know what you're talking about' to 'pretty weak'.
No one is 'pretending' different religions don't worship the same 'god'. The pretending would be that they do. The importance of Jesus, what's more, is precisely the major difference. What is amazing is that someone who knows enough to write about this would write such an obviously fatuous thing. And, to be honest, how can one possibly state that 'all religions' come from Egyptian myth? You could mean that you think the Abrahamic ones do, but that is indefensible as well.
One more point, and this goes to the original theme of this series of posts and your lack of understanding and refusal to investigate. The 'name' given to Moses for the 'God' of Israel was not a noun. It translates into English as 'I am', or 'I will be what I will be', or 'That which is', a verb form. 'Allah' is not Arabic for 'I am'. It does not have the same sense. It does not have the same existential thrust. It is living and moving.It is a name like George or Mohammed, fixed and static.
That the founder of Islam wandered in off the desert without witnesses declaring to have a revelation, and that no one else could have revelations anymore, is a wondrous thing indeed. Joseph Smith had a similar experience.
I never said it was bullshit but since you mentioned it I do agree its bullshit. I used pretty weak in order to be polite. Moses was never a god. What are you talking about?
Oh, boy! Why do I bother?
Ever hear of Mount Sinai? Ever hear of the burning bush (not George)? Ever hear of YHWH? Yes? Then why ask? No? Then why don't you look it up?
Yes I have heard of them. What does that have to do with your claim Moses was a god? You do realize that god was actually the one talking to Moses dont you?
The name, when Moses asked, that was given for the voice he heard! How obtuse! Did you really think someone would be saying Moses was 'god'? "The 'name' given to Moses for the 'God' of Israel..." Like, the name given to Tom for the bird he was asking about. Is that clear now?

Moses is god...sheesh!
The name, when Moses asked, that was given for the voice he heard! How obtuse! Did you really think someone would be saying Moses was 'god'? "The 'name' given to Moses for the 'God' of Israel..." Like, the name given to Tom for the bird he was asking about. Is that clear now?

Moses is god...sheesh!
Youre not making sense. Gods name according to you means "I am". The Islamic religion came later and decided to call god Allah. How is that a conflict?
The generic name 'god' is not the name of the monotheistic 'God' in Hebrew. "Allah" has become the generic name in Islam, and apparently for others who don't know better. Elohim or adonai are more generic terms in Hebrew. YHWH became too holy to say or even write, which is why today we only have the consonants and don't really know how it was pronounced. So, Allah means adonai, if you will. YHWH represents a more transcendent concept. Perhaps the nuance is wasted on some, but it exists.
Of course, this poster holds to no specific religion and all this is only meant to be instructive. Some people seem to be looking at this objectively and inquisitively. This is for them.
The generic name 'god' is not the name of the monotheistic 'God' in Hebrew. "Allah" has become the generic name in Islam, and apparently for others who don't know better. Elohim or adonai are more generic terms in Hebrew. YHWH became too holy to say or even write, which is why today we only have the consonants and don't really know how it was pronounced. So, Allah means adonai, if you will. YHWH represents a more transcendent concept. Perhaps the nuance is wasted on some, but it exists.
Of course, this poster holds to no specific religion and all this is only meant to be instructive. Some people seem to be looking at this objectively and inquisitively. This is for them.
You typed a lot of words and tried your best but it still boils down to the fact that the islamic religion and the christian religion call "god" by different names but they are referencing the same entity.
Glad to see you recognize your mistake.
Good to see you admit you made a mistake.

"Imhotep, Greek Imouthes (born 27th century bce, Memphis, Egypt) vizier, sage, architect, astrologer, and chief minister to Djoser (reigned 2630–2611 bce), the second king of Egypt’s third dynasty, who was later worshipped as the god of medicine in Egypt and in Greece, where he was identified with the Greek god of medicine, Asclepius."
Nietzsche and Plato were philosophers so they are the same, O.K.
Arabic and English are both languages, so the Arabic word 'Allah' means 'Yahweh' in both. That's your argument, the error of which you properly identified.
As they say, "Thanks for playing".
Nietzsche and Plato were philosophers so they are the same, O.K.
Arabic and English are both languages, so the Arabic word 'Allah' means 'Yahweh' in both. That's your argument, the error of which you properly identified.
As they say, "Thanks for playing".
Youre so confused you are replying to your own post. Apples and oranges are both fruits but what does that have to do with the fact that Allah, God, and Yahweh all point to the same god?

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