POTUS Biden's Executive orders through 01-25-2021


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Of course the source for these Executive Orders presented them in a positive light for PROG-viewing. Biden is a hero, probably the GOAT POTUS.

These are any of: Empty, Clearly Pro-establishment, Clearly Con-USA, Clearly Closes Business & Unemployment, Vendetta, Bad Idea, Concerning, Entitlement, N/A, Valuable or May Be Valuable.
A tally is at the bottom:

Freezing approval of rules passed in final days of Trump presidency
Vendetta and/or May Be Valuable - Giving the Xidon the benefit of the doubt, see how that works?

Rejoining the Paris Agreement on climate change Vendetta, Clearly Pro-establishment and Con-USA

promote racial equity Empty

Ending ban on U.S. entry from majority-Muslim countries Vendetta and/or May Be Valuable

Requiring mask-wearing on federal property Empty

coordinating a government-wide Covid-19 response Somewhat empty though has Value too - They're only duplicating Trump admin. or close.

revising immigration enforcement policies Empty

undoing regulatory restrictions on federal agencies Bad Idea & Vendetta, read it, they want their bureaucracy back.

incorporating undocumented immigrants into census Bad Idea, Entitlements & Vendetta. This is code for sanctuary cities receive your tax money for being sanctuary cities, rewarding bad behavior.

refocusing on the climate crisis and canceling the Keystone XL permit. Empty but PROGS entertain climate change has nothing to do with the relationship sun & Earth. Closes Business & Unemployment, picking winners and losers.

banning discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation Empty

revamping regulatory review Bad Idea & Vendetta, read it, they want their bureaucracy back.

mandating ethics pledge for government appointees Empty yet Concerning

pulling funds from border wall Bad Idea & Vendetta

pausing federal student loan payments Entertaining lowest common denominators as usual. Bad Idea & Entitlements. If anything this should be done on an individual basis due COVID economy and the Democrats exploitation of.

Memorandum reinstating deferred enforced departure for Liberians Vendetta

strengthening Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals N/A. This is technically all Obama's fault. Trump went another way and the Xidon brought it back Obama.

promoting Covid-19 safety in domestic and international travel. Empty, they were all doing this, but feel free to surprise.

expanding access to Covid-19 treatments Empty & Valuable, Trump admin. was already doing these things

data-driven response to Covid-19 Empty & Valuable, Trump admin. was already doing these things

supporting states’ use of National Guard in Covid-19 response Concerning, you should read it.

strengthening public health supply chain Empty & Valuable, Trump admin. was already doing these things

establishing the Covid-19 Health Equity Task Force Empty though may be Concerning, you should read it.

supporting the reopening and continuing operation of schools Empty & Valuable, Trump admin. was already doing these things

promoting workplace safety amid the pandemic "such as mask wearing at the workplace", hilarious.....Empty.

establishing a Covid-19 pandemic testing board Empty though Concerning too.

expanding food assistance programs Just PROGS being PROGS pro Entitlements. Probably of Value in places, Con-USA long term.

assisting veterans with debt I'll bet it's Empty because you have to jump through many hoops to get any benefit, unlike their feelings on student debt. Regardless this doesn’t qualify as an Entitlement; they’re Vets – RESPECT & EARNED.

guaranteeing unemployment insurance for workers who refuse work due to Covid-19 WHOLLY FUCK CON_USA, I knew they were trying to dumb & laziest down, they know who support them.

establishing "benefit delivery teams" Probably Empty or something the Trump admin. was already doing.

facilitating delivery of stimulus payments Con-USA & Entitlements. Read it, like the above we're in training for a dumbing down & laziness.

Address Covid-19 economic relief Empty though may have Value, Trump admin. was likely already doing this.

empowering federal workers and contractors Entitlements

reversing transgender military ban Bad Idea and Empty

reinstating Covid-19 travel restrictions Wholly fuck nothing like showing your hand Xidon, Vendetta and contrary, apparently the Xidon has xenophobia issues himself, who’d have thought he’d project.

promoting 'Buy American' agenda Empty

evaluation of Trump’s housing policies Empty though may have Value

end reliance on private prisons Bad Idea though may actually be Empty. The Xidon Admin was using this to declare private institutions RACIST, which is code they seek to pick the winners and losers and desire more govt. run institutions only.

reaffirming commitment to tribal sovereignty Empty

denouncing anti-Asian discrimination and xenophobia Wholly fuck, Empty. Go figure China-Joe has a problem with the Kung-Fu-Flu.


Empty: 25 (one of these is “probably empty”)

Vendetta: 10

Bad Idea: 7

Concerning: 5

Entitlements: 5 (so far)

Clearly Pro-Establishment: 1

Clearly Con-USA: 4

Clearly Closes Business & Unemployment: 1

Valuable: 7 (Note: Trump admin. was already doing this or close).

May Be Valuable: 2

N/A: 1 (Obama's mess)

Concerning, Con-USA, Bad Idea & Pro-Establishment are under represented, one has to read everything to identify more. I suppose you could say the same for Valuable on the assumption you’re under PROG-think, require an entitlement or excuse, and/or ride the race & genitals train.

It’s always a Bad Idea, Con-USA & Pro-establishment to segregate people into race/genital categories, this type of consideration is not reflected by the totals. :auiqs.jpg:
PROGS did a nice job defending the "actions" of their POTUS of choice. Must mean the OP is BS then :abgg2q.jpg:
Of course the source for these Executive Orders presented them in a positive light for PROG-viewing. Biden is a hero, probably the GOAT POTUS.

These are any of: Empty, Clearly Pro-establishment, Clearly Con-USA, Clearly Closes Business & Unemployment, Vendetta, Bad Idea, Concerning, Entitlement, N/A, Valuable or May Be Valuable.
A tally is at the bottom:

Freezing approval of rules passed in final days of Trump presidency
Vendetta and/or May Be Valuable - Giving the Xidon the benefit of the doubt, see how that works?

Rejoining the Paris Agreement on climate change Vendetta, Clearly Pro-establishment and Con-USA

promote racial equity Empty

Ending ban on U.S. entry from majority-Muslim countries Vendetta and/or May Be Valuable

Requiring mask-wearing on federal property Empty

coordinating a government-wide Covid-19 response Somewhat empty though has Value too - They're only duplicating Trump admin. or close.

revising immigration enforcement policies Empty

undoing regulatory restrictions on federal agencies Bad Idea & Vendetta, read it, they want their bureaucracy back.

incorporating undocumented immigrants into census Bad Idea, Entitlements & Vendetta. This is code for sanctuary cities receive your tax money for being sanctuary cities, rewarding bad behavior.

refocusing on the climate crisis and canceling the Keystone XL permit. Empty but PROGS entertain climate change has nothing to do with the relationship sun & Earth. Closes Business & Unemployment, picking winners and losers.

banning discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation Empty

revamping regulatory review Bad Idea & Vendetta, read it, they want their bureaucracy back.

mandating ethics pledge for government appointees Empty yet Concerning

pulling funds from border wall Bad Idea & Vendetta

pausing federal student loan payments Entertaining lowest common denominators as usual. Bad Idea & Entitlements. If anything this should be done on an individual basis due COVID economy and the Democrats exploitation of.

Memorandum reinstating deferred enforced departure for Liberians Vendetta

strengthening Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals N/A. This is technically all Obama's fault. Trump went another way and the Xidon brought it back Obama.

promoting Covid-19 safety in domestic and international travel. Empty, they were all doing this, but feel free to surprise.

expanding access to Covid-19 treatments Empty & Valuable, Trump admin. was already doing these things

data-driven response to Covid-19 Empty & Valuable, Trump admin. was already doing these things

supporting states’ use of National Guard in Covid-19 response Concerning, you should read it.

strengthening public health supply chain Empty & Valuable, Trump admin. was already doing these things

establishing the Covid-19 Health Equity Task Force Empty though may be Concerning, you should read it.

supporting the reopening and continuing operation of schools Empty & Valuable, Trump admin. was already doing these things

promoting workplace safety amid the pandemic "such as mask wearing at the workplace", hilarious.....Empty.

establishing a Covid-19 pandemic testing board Empty though Concerning too.

expanding food assistance programs Just PROGS being PROGS pro Entitlements. Probably of Value in places, Con-USA long term.

assisting veterans with debt I'll bet it's Empty because you have to jump through many hoops to get any benefit, unlike their feelings on student debt. Regardless this doesn’t qualify as an Entitlement; they’re Vets – RESPECT & EARNED.

guaranteeing unemployment insurance for workers who refuse work due to Covid-19 WHOLLY FUCK CON_USA, I knew they were trying to dumb & laziest down, they know who support them.

establishing "benefit delivery teams" Probably Empty or something the Trump admin. was already doing.

facilitating delivery of stimulus payments Con-USA & Entitlements. Read it, like the above we're in training for a dumbing down & laziness.

Address Covid-19 economic relief Empty though may have Value, Trump admin. was likely already doing this.

empowering federal workers and contractors Entitlements

reversing transgender military ban Bad Idea and Empty

reinstating Covid-19 travel restrictions Wholly fuck nothing like showing your hand Xidon, Vendetta and contrary, apparently the Xidon has xenophobia issues himself, who’d have thought he’d project.

promoting 'Buy American' agenda Empty

evaluation of Trump’s housing policies Empty though may have Value

end reliance on private prisons Bad Idea though may actually be Empty. The Xidon Admin was using this to declare private institutions RACIST, which is code they seek to pick the winners and losers and desire more govt. run institutions only.

reaffirming commitment to tribal sovereignty Empty

denouncing anti-Asian discrimination and xenophobia Wholly fuck, Empty. Go figure China-Joe has a problem with the Kung-Fu-Flu.


Empty: 25 (one of these is “probably empty”)

Vendetta: 10

Bad Idea: 7

Concerning: 5

Entitlements: 5 (so far)

Clearly Pro-Establishment: 1

Clearly Con-USA: 4

Clearly Closes Business & Unemployment: 1

Valuable: 7 (Note: Trump admin. was already doing this or close).

May Be Valuable: 2

N/A: 1 (Obama's mess)

Concerning, Con-USA, Bad Idea & Pro-Establishment are under represented, one has to read everything to identify more. I suppose you could say the same for Valuable on the assumption you’re under PROG-think, require an entitlement or excuse, and/or ride the race & genitals train.

It’s always a Bad Idea, Con-USA & Pro-establishment to segregate people into race/genital categories, this type of consideration is not reflected by the totals. :auiqs.jpg:
signing a executive order giving transgender men and boys the right to compete in women's sports and use their bathrooms. Yea that is alzheimer's joe
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