Pot is becoming illegal in California again

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

People tried Prohibition in the 1930's. How did that work out?

They tried a "zero tolerance War on Drugs" in the 1980's. How did that work out?

All of the substances of which you speak, are both addictive and harmful, and cigarettes and alcohol are still legal. And yet marijuana, which has numerous medical uses and is less harmful that any either cigarettes or alcohol, and has been shown to REDUCE crime in jurisdictions where it is legalized, is still illegal in most of the USA.

Whenever anyone tries to ban cigarettes, conservatives rise up about "personal freedoms", and "nanny state". But you've got 16 excuses for keeping something that is less harmful, illegal. Not to mention, you're sending users to jail, at great expense to the taxpayers.

Democrats would never dream of outlawing tobacco. Federally and locally, they taxed the products to death for their social programs. Without tobacco tax, those programs would all collapse.

Ray, once again, your ignorance knows no bounds. The tobacco companies' products are being taxed to death to pay for the added medical costs of cigarette related medical problems and deaths. The amount of taxes are dwindling as the number of smokers has shrunk. Additionally, the amounts being collected didn't come close to covering the public costs of smoking tobacco. That's why governments won big lawsuits against the tobacco companies.

Tobacco is being phased out and will disappear entirely a generation. No one will miss smokers when it does.

Perhaps in your system of government with socialized healthcare. In our system, when somebody gets ill, they are treated through their insurance company unless they are on Medicare or Medicaid. It's another reason why we don't need your system because then government would be able to dictate our lifestyles. We don't want that here.

The taxes here do not go to anything but social programs--not tobacco related illnesses. Gore's lawsuit went the same way. States like mine that ripped off the tobacco companies didn't send the funds to anything related to tobacco. It was just more fun money to waste on more social programs.

Democrats don't want to see any end to that. Otherwise they would simply outlaw it altogether.

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

People tried Prohibition in the 1930's. How did that work out?

They tried a "zero tolerance War on Drugs" in the 1980's. How did that work out?

All of the substances of which you speak, are both addictive and harmful, and cigarettes and alcohol are still legal. And yet marijuana, which has numerous medical uses and is less harmful that any either cigarettes or alcohol, and has been shown to REDUCE crime in jurisdictions where it is legalized, is still illegal in most of the USA.

Whenever anyone tries to ban cigarettes, conservatives rise up about "personal freedoms", and "nanny state". But you've got 16 excuses for keeping something that is less harmful, illegal. Not to mention, you're sending users to jail, at great expense to the taxpayers.

Democrats would never dream of outlawing tobacco. Federally and locally, they taxed the products to death for their social programs. Without tobacco tax, those programs would all collapse.

Ray, once again, your ignorance knows no bounds. The tobacco companies' products are being taxed to death to pay for the added medical costs of cigarette related medical problems and deaths. The amount of taxes are dwindling as the number of smokers has shrunk. Additionally, the amounts being collected didn't come close to covering the public costs of smoking tobacco. That's why governments won big lawsuits against the tobacco companies.

Tobacco is being phased out and will disappear entirely a generation. No one will miss smokers when it does.

Awesome...fewer cigarette smokers and more of these public liabilities...I mean winners.

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

People tried Prohibition in the 1930's. How did that work out?

They tried a "zero tolerance War on Drugs" in the 1980's. How did that work out?

All of the substances of which you speak, are both addictive and harmful, and cigarettes and alcohol are still legal. And yet marijuana, which has numerous medical uses and is less harmful that any either cigarettes or alcohol, and has been shown to REDUCE crime in jurisdictions where it is legalized, is still illegal in most of the USA.

Whenever anyone tries to ban cigarettes, conservatives rise up about "personal freedoms", and "nanny state". But you've got 16 excuses for keeping something that is less harmful, illegal. Not to mention, you're sending users to jail, at great expense to the taxpayers.

Democrats would never dream of outlawing tobacco. Federally and locally, they taxed the products to death for their social programs. Without tobacco tax, those programs would all collapse.

Ray, once again, your ignorance knows no bounds. The tobacco companies' products are being taxed to death to pay for the added medical costs of cigarette related medical problems and deaths. The amount of taxes are dwindling as the number of smokers has shrunk. Additionally, the amounts being collected didn't come close to covering the public costs of smoking tobacco. That's why governments won big lawsuits against the tobacco companies.

Tobacco is being phased out and will disappear entirely a generation. No one will miss smokers when it does.

Awesome...fewer cigarette smokers and more of these public liabilities...I mean winners.

I happen to think racist assholes are a waste of skin but we have to put up with the likes of you. He's less obnoxious than racist pigs.

I have previously posted a list of just a handful of high achieving pot smokers, including the original "stoners", Cheech and Chong, who, despite being the personiciation of tokers, have both separately and together, enjoyed a long and very prosperous career in comedy, TV and the movies, including writing and producing their own movies, and in marketing head supplies, and other market capitalist opportunities. Hardly the useless parasites you're trying to portray pot smokers as.

Steve Jobs, one of the most prolific inventors of the 20th Century, who quite literally changed the way people interface with technology, and how the world communicates.

Here's just a short list compiled by Rolling Stone:

50 Most Successful Marijuana Enthusiasts You Should Know
Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?
Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

People tried Prohibition in the 1930's. How did that work out?

They tried a "zero tolerance War on Drugs" in the 1980's. How did that work out?

All of the substances of which you speak, are both addictive and harmful, and cigarettes and alcohol are still legal. And yet marijuana, which has numerous medical uses and is less harmful that any either cigarettes or alcohol, and has been shown to REDUCE crime in jurisdictions where it is legalized, is still illegal in most of the USA.

Whenever anyone tries to ban cigarettes, conservatives rise up about "personal freedoms", and "nanny state". But you've got 16 excuses for keeping something that is less harmful, illegal. Not to mention, you're sending users to jail, at great expense to the taxpayers.

Democrats would never dream of outlawing tobacco. Federally and locally, they taxed the products to death for their social programs. Without tobacco tax, those programs would all collapse.

Ray, once again, your ignorance knows no bounds. The tobacco companies' products are being taxed to death to pay for the added medical costs of cigarette related medical problems and deaths. The amount of taxes are dwindling as the number of smokers has shrunk. Additionally, the amounts being collected didn't come close to covering the public costs of smoking tobacco. That's why governments won big lawsuits against the tobacco companies.

Tobacco is being phased out and will disappear entirely a generation. No one will miss smokers when it does.

Awesome...fewer cigarette smokers and more of these public liabilities...I mean winners.

I happen to think racist assholes are a waste of skin but we have to put up with the likes of you. He's less obnoxious than racist pigs.

I have previously posted a list of just a handful of high achieving pot smokers, including the original "stoners", Cheech and Chong, who, despite being the personiciation of tokers, have both separately and together, enjoyed a long and very prosperous career in comedy, TV and the movies, including writing and producing their own movies, and in marketing head supplies, and other market capitalist opportunities. Hardly the useless parasites you're trying to portray pot smokers as.

Steve Jobs, one of the most prolific inventors of the 20th Century, who quite literally changed the way people interface with technology, and how the world communicates.

Here's just a short list compiled by Rolling Stone:

50 Most Successful Marijuana Enthusiasts You Should Know

"I know this one guy"
haha...always hiding behind the 1% as if they represent the majority...you Lefties are so weird.
Meanwhile...outside of LibTardia...
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post
Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?
Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

People tried Prohibition in the 1930's. How did that work out?

They tried a "zero tolerance War on Drugs" in the 1980's. How did that work out?

All of the substances of which you speak, are both addictive and harmful, and cigarettes and alcohol are still legal. And yet marijuana, which has numerous medical uses and is less harmful that any either cigarettes or alcohol, and has been shown to REDUCE crime in jurisdictions where it is legalized, is still illegal in most of the USA.

Whenever anyone tries to ban cigarettes, conservatives rise up about "personal freedoms", and "nanny state". But you've got 16 excuses for keeping something that is less harmful, illegal. Not to mention, you're sending users to jail, at great expense to the taxpayers.

Democrats would never dream of outlawing tobacco. Federally and locally, they taxed the products to death for their social programs. Without tobacco tax, those programs would all collapse.

Ray, once again, your ignorance knows no bounds. The tobacco companies' products are being taxed to death to pay for the added medical costs of cigarette related medical problems and deaths. The amount of taxes are dwindling as the number of smokers has shrunk. Additionally, the amounts being collected didn't come close to covering the public costs of smoking tobacco. That's why governments won big lawsuits against the tobacco companies.

Tobacco is being phased out and will disappear entirely a generation. No one will miss smokers when it does.

Awesome...fewer cigarette smokers and more of these public liabilities...I mean winners.

I happen to think racist assholes are a waste of skin but we have to put up with the likes of you. He's less obnoxious than racist pigs.

I have previously posted a list of just a handful of high achieving pot smokers, including the original "stoners", Cheech and Chong, who, despite being the personiciation of tokers, have both separately and together, enjoyed a long and very prosperous career in comedy, TV and the movies, including writing and producing their own movies, and in marketing head supplies, and other market capitalist opportunities. Hardly the useless parasites you're trying to portray pot smokers as.

Steve Jobs, one of the most prolific inventors of the 20th Century, who quite literally changed the way people interface with technology, and how the world communicates.

Here's just a short list compiled by Rolling Stone:

50 Most Successful Marijuana Enthusiasts You Should Know

That's picking and choosing. Back in the day, there were successful alcoholics as well. There have been many successful opioid users, particularly in the entertainment world. Jimmy Hendrix, John Belushi, Richard Pryor, Robert Downey Jr, Kurt Cobain, Lindsay Lohan........

So success should not be used to condone whatever their addiction is. And yes, pot is addictive for many people.

I've had personal experiences in my life on both ends. I've seen some get hooked on pot and became a paranoid recluse. I've known some that were lawyers and registered nurses.
California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.
the only conspiracy is the right-wing one stealing our money and giving it all to the rich. And lying about it Non-Stop super duper...
California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.
the only conspiracy is the right-wing one stealing our money and giving it all to the rich. And lying about it Non-Stop super duper...
go Bills!....
The bottom line is this: As with everything, moderation is key. Anything can be abused, and everything should be respected. If you have become dependent on marijuana and have tried to stop but failed, even with the threat of going to jail or losing your family, friends or career then yes, I think it's safe to say you have an addiction.

Just like alcohol, some folks can smoke marijuana with little downside. It's those who start to use marijuana as a crutch, who find they must have a hit to get through the day, who cannot go a length of time without getting high, no matter what the costs.... that's when it becomes clear there's a problem. If you are having an issue with family, friends or career, and others believe that marijuana is the cause and you want to prove them wrong, there is an easy way. I tell my patients to stop smoking, completely, for six months. If you can do that, then you are probably okay. If you can't, or won’t, then guess what? You are probably addicted.
Ping pong, probably, I'm old, retired, and have had cancer for some years. Chess? Not a prayer.

The only contest I would ever lose to you is


When researched, all of what you quoted is outed as BULLSHIT put out by the PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, the same one that put out REEFER MADNESS, which you definitely parroted too...
Awesome...fewer cigarette smokers and more of these public liabilities...I mean winners.

According to factless bigot Broke Loser, everyone who uses marijuana is a "stoner" who does nothing except smoke pot all day.

It takes a completely misinformed parrot to attempt to claim that. But that is all their side has, as 65% of Americans know most marijuana users are responsible citizens who use marijuana for specific purposes which work.
People tried Prohibition in the 1930's. How did that work out?

They tried a "zero tolerance War on Drugs" in the 1980's. How did that work out?

All of the substances of which you speak, are both addictive and harmful, and cigarettes and alcohol are still legal. And yet marijuana, which has numerous medical uses and is less harmful that any either cigarettes or alcohol, and has been shown to REDUCE crime in jurisdictions where it is legalized, is still illegal in most of the USA.

Whenever anyone tries to ban cigarettes, conservatives rise up about "personal freedoms", and "nanny state". But you've got 16 excuses for keeping something that is less harmful, illegal. Not to mention, you're sending users to jail, at great expense to the taxpayers.

Democrats would never dream of outlawing tobacco. Federally and locally, they taxed the products to death for their social programs. Without tobacco tax, those programs would all collapse.

Ray, once again, your ignorance knows no bounds. The tobacco companies' products are being taxed to death to pay for the added medical costs of cigarette related medical problems and deaths. The amount of taxes are dwindling as the number of smokers has shrunk. Additionally, the amounts being collected didn't come close to covering the public costs of smoking tobacco. That's why governments won big lawsuits against the tobacco companies.

Tobacco is being phased out and will disappear entirely a generation. No one will miss smokers when it does.

Awesome...fewer cigarette smokers and more of these public liabilities...I mean winners.

I happen to think racist assholes are a waste of skin but we have to put up with the likes of you. He's less obnoxious than racist pigs.

I have previously posted a list of just a handful of high achieving pot smokers, including the original "stoners", Cheech and Chong, who, despite being the personiciation of tokers, have both separately and together, enjoyed a long and very prosperous career in comedy, TV and the movies, including writing and producing their own movies, and in marketing head supplies, and other market capitalist opportunities. Hardly the useless parasites you're trying to portray pot smokers as.

Steve Jobs, one of the most prolific inventors of the 20th Century, who quite literally changed the way people interface with technology, and how the world communicates.

Here's just a short list compiled by Rolling Stone:

50 Most Successful Marijuana Enthusiasts You Should Know

"I know this one guy"
haha...always hiding behind the 1% as if they represent the majority...you Lefties are so weird.
Meanwhile...outside of LibTardia...
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post

There is no question that for the lowest echelon of intellect in American Society, there exist total idiots who "dope up" any way they can..... and of what they "dope up" with, marijuana is by far the least damaging....

None of that changes the facts....

the vast majority of marijuana users are good productive citizens.
keeping marijuana illegal does nothing but enrich and empower criminals, and pack our prisons with non-violent types.
Democrats would never dream of outlawing tobacco. Federally and locally, they taxed the products to death for their social programs. Without tobacco tax, those programs would all collapse.

Ray, once again, your ignorance knows no bounds. The tobacco companies' products are being taxed to death to pay for the added medical costs of cigarette related medical problems and deaths. The amount of taxes are dwindling as the number of smokers has shrunk. Additionally, the amounts being collected didn't come close to covering the public costs of smoking tobacco. That's why governments won big lawsuits against the tobacco companies.

Tobacco is being phased out and will disappear entirely a generation. No one will miss smokers when it does.

Awesome...fewer cigarette smokers and more of these public liabilities...I mean winners.

I happen to think racist assholes are a waste of skin but we have to put up with the likes of you. He's less obnoxious than racist pigs.

I have previously posted a list of just a handful of high achieving pot smokers, including the original "stoners", Cheech and Chong, who, despite being the personiciation of tokers, have both separately and together, enjoyed a long and very prosperous career in comedy, TV and the movies, including writing and producing their own movies, and in marketing head supplies, and other market capitalist opportunities. Hardly the useless parasites you're trying to portray pot smokers as.

Steve Jobs, one of the most prolific inventors of the 20th Century, who quite literally changed the way people interface with technology, and how the world communicates.

Here's just a short list compiled by Rolling Stone:

50 Most Successful Marijuana Enthusiasts You Should Know

"I know this one guy"
haha...always hiding behind the 1% as if they represent the majority...you Lefties are so weird.
Meanwhile...outside of LibTardia...
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post

There is no question that for the lowest echelon of intellect in American Society, there exist total idiots who "dope up" any way they can..... and of what they "dope up" with, marijuana is by far the least damaging....

None of that changes the facts....

the vast majority of marijuana users are good productive citizens.
keeping marijuana illegal does nothing but enrich and empower criminals, and pack our prisons with non-violent types.


I post facts from reliable sources along with the working links.

You post... .

THREE successive posts to tell the world what a great member of society is a stoner!

Got it!

Democrats would never dream of outlawing tobacco. Federally and locally, they taxed the products to death for their social programs. Without tobacco tax, those programs would all collapse.

Ray, once again, your ignorance knows no bounds. The tobacco companies' products are being taxed to death to pay for the added medical costs of cigarette related medical problems and deaths. The amount of taxes are dwindling as the number of smokers has shrunk. Additionally, the amounts being collected didn't come close to covering the public costs of smoking tobacco. That's why governments won big lawsuits against the tobacco companies.

Tobacco is being phased out and will disappear entirely a generation. No one will miss smokers when it does.

Awesome...fewer cigarette smokers and more of these public liabilities...I mean winners.

I happen to think racist assholes are a waste of skin but we have to put up with the likes of you. He's less obnoxious than racist pigs.

I have previously posted a list of just a handful of high achieving pot smokers, including the original "stoners", Cheech and Chong, who, despite being the personiciation of tokers, have both separately and together, enjoyed a long and very prosperous career in comedy, TV and the movies, including writing and producing their own movies, and in marketing head supplies, and other market capitalist opportunities. Hardly the useless parasites you're trying to portray pot smokers as.

Steve Jobs, one of the most prolific inventors of the 20th Century, who quite literally changed the way people interface with technology, and how the world communicates.

Here's just a short list compiled by Rolling Stone:

50 Most Successful Marijuana Enthusiasts You Should Know

"I know this one guy"
haha...always hiding behind the 1% as if they represent the majority...you Lefties are so weird.
Meanwhile...outside of LibTardia...
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post

There is no question that for the lowest echelon of intellect in American Society, there exist total idiots who "dope up" any way they can..... and of what they "dope up" with, marijuana is by far the least damaging....

None of that changes the facts....

the vast majority of marijuana users are good productive citizens.
keeping marijuana illegal does nothing but enrich and empower criminals, and pack our prisons with non-violent types.

You don't end up in prison for pot unless it's an attached crime to something more serious. Selling may be a different situation, but I would imagine that depends on how much you are caught with. Anyway, illegal pot sellers are still around in states with legalized pot. They simply compete in price to get the customers, so legalization doesn't change that.

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