Post your Favorite USMB 2012 Election Predictions!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
I'll start:

To all my conservative pals on here...........if you wanna laugh your balls off on election night, make sure to stop in here for sure!!! I'll have some of you crying you'll be laughing so hard!!! Years from now when people ask about great, great days in your will quickly recall Election NIght 2012

The bet, for posterity:

If I made an avie-wager and lost and had to post some disagreeable image as my avie, I'd want to explain it, too.

But it seems difficult for some folks to give you due credit for your action of NOT welching on the bet.

Did you explain?

Haven't lost any avie bet yet.

I don't make them.

My last bet here was to some former regular (he's gone now, but I forget which one it was off the top of my head). The bet wasn't for an avie. It was for staying here or leaving.

I will STAY here after the General Dejections if President Obama loses.

But if he starts serving a second term, I am quitting the Board. For-evah.

That's easier to deal with than having to "wear" SOME avies.

Here's one of my favorites:

President Obama is going to lose. The remaining question is AT WHAT POINT will the die hard USMB true believer delusional libs come to terms with the inevitability of the upcoming Romney victory?

  1. Today? Is today the day they will be able to "let go?"
  2. A week before Election Day when the polls even in the "Swing" states reveal that he is so far behind that he cannot come out of his tailspin?
  3. The DAY before the Election? When the final polling shows just how crushing his defeat is going to be?
  4. Not until the Returns are all in and the last residue of hope is finally gone?
  5. Will they demand a state by state "Florida style recount" and be unable to admit defeat until some cases go to Court?
  6. The Day after Inauguration Day?
  7. Or the start of Mitt's second term?

A public poll.

I could spend all day in this thread.
ftr I'm just going to say that Liability was an idiot for sticking to a bet he made with a poster who is perma-banned.

Actually anyone who bets staying or leaving a board over an election is a dork.
The list is too long, but my favorites are anyone who tried to sell or Dick Morris as being predictive.
Gosh, the board has gone from being ultra-rw to being a pretty nice place to hang around. And all it took was for Obama to win.

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