Post Pics of Men You find Attractive.....

Why have one.... when you can have two?


Kinky fetish. :lol:

the doublemint twins 2008 style:razz:
ok, here is hot number #1 on my hot hit guy parade. He makes my toes tingle
Jonathan Rhys Meyers

and a new favorite on my favorite new tv show "Life on Mars"
Jason O'Mara

Both Irishmen....I got a thing for the Irishmen.....
especially when they wear kilts :)

Ooo, The Tudors. These pics are getting better and better.
I think he looks like a weakling. He has a weak jaw.

But so does Brad Pitt and he's hot.

I liked Harrison Ford when he was Han Solo and Indiana Jones. I watched the new Indiana Jones with my son, who was all about Indiana Jones, and he was like, "I dont' WANT to watch Indiana Jones be old!"

Ah, well, Harrison is still hot. Love him because he never got into the whole Hollywood thing.

Also love Russell Crowe. He also has a weak chin, he also never got into the whole Hollywood thing, and is such a really good actor.

Love Mel Gibson but he's a little too high maintenence for me.

Harrison Ford is really good looking even now. I love his voice too. He's sexy.
Hmm, i'd have to go with Jonathan Rhys Meyers


And Henry Cavill


Though, i would like to point out that i am not a homosexual, but i can appreciate these men as being attractive.
Well, it seems i am not the only one to put Jonathan Rhys Meyers up as an attractive man, so i do not know why you are laughing.
Sexiest man in American history? Easy question​


Had Ben not been such a sex object to the ladies of French aristocracy, it is unlikely we'd have won the American Revolution.​

Yeah, that's right, ladies... they loved him for his mind.​
Sexiest man in American history? Easy question​


Had Ben not been such a sex object to the ladies of French aristocracy, it is unlikely we'd have won the American Revolution.​

Yeah, that's right ladies, they loved him for his mind.​

The tv show "The Office" has a great bit on a Ben Franklin impersonator. I know you don't watch t.v. editec, but you should try to get it, or maybe I can link it later. Too Funny, kinda goes along with what you just said. ;)
Sexiest man in American history? Easy question​


Had Ben not been such a sex object to the ladies of French aristocracy, it is unlikely we'd have won the American Revolution.​

Yeah, that's right, ladies... they loved him for his mind.​
He was quite the ladies man, and very inventive. Perhaps he invented the condom. :eusa_clap:

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