Possible Solutions To Gun Violence


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

One of the formalities during selection into my last MOS in the military was to take a psych-evaluation. It consists of a 500 question test that asks a series of questions, many are the same question only rephrased to ascertain honest answers. I had to take the test twice but each test was different. This test among others was used to weed Timothy McVeigh out of being selected for Special Forces training.

I believe every gun buyer should have to take such a test as part of an application process.

There are some people that never should be allowed to own a gun. One way that California weeds out possible nut-cases is whenever somebody applies for a concealed carry permit you have to have someone vouch for your mental state and your character and they are legally liable for any harm you may do with that weapon, so the reference knows the he or she may be held responsible. I believe that at least 3 references should be required who aren't relatives to qualify. If you can't find 3 people who will vouch for you then you don't get a gun.

Another thing, questions like "Do you have any special needs children in your home.......do you have any close family members who are felons living with you or are currently undergoing psychological evaluation?"

If you want to buy a semi-auto rifle you should have to go through safety and competency classes and questioning by police officials. Like I said before, some people just should never own a gun. Some soldiers shouldn't be allowed to own guns much less civilians. I don't see the need to own a CAR-15 or an AK-47 other than as a collection piece, nothing more. Unless you have your own private range you can't fire one anywhere other than a military firing range anyway. That's just my opinion. I've had team members that I didn't trust enough to want them armed. Most people don't have the training it takes to be safe and proficient with any kind of weapon. Many take gun ownership too lightly. If this kid's mom had been I believe those kids would be alive today.

I don't think taking everyone's guns will solve anything. It will just cause more problems. The problem with the left on this issue is they don't know when to quit. What they want will not end all violence, it will just force those who turn violent to look for other means to carry out their dark plans. Maybe one of us will become their victims because some ATF agent on orders from an overzealous president took our guns. Many people won't stand for it and will board their windows and eventually become a statistic. The better solution is just try to keep as many guns out of the hands of nut-cases. Let's face it, just about every one of them has been nuts. You'd have to be to do what they've done.
Best solution is changing the hearts and minds of people to be respectful of human life and to be safe when using weapons of any kind.
For every action there is a reaction. If Obama tries to take everyone's gun away he's going to breed more Timothy McVeighs

Best thing is to make it harder to get guns.
Well, Mud, a well thought out and thoughtful post. Thank You.

There are so many assault weopons out there, how do we address the ones in the wrong hands? Your point about the requirements for owning or purchasing one of these weopons is spot on. How do we do it retroactively?

My thoughts on this are that you simply say that if you are caught outside your home with one of these weopons, and no license to carry that weopon, the weopon is confiscated, and destroyed, and you get jail time.

No way do I want to take the standard hunting guns away from the general public. They are not the problem. It is these assault weopons designed only for one purpose, to kill people in large numbers rapidly, that the crazies use.

A second law I would like to see, is that if you store your gun, of whatever type, carelessly, and someone uses it in a crime, you own that crime.

Yes, we have the Second Amendment. But we also have the need to realize the reality of the last ten years. More and more guns out among the public, and more and more mass shootings. There is corelation there, whether the NRA wants to admit it or not.

As a gun owner for 57 years, I am not suggesting taking everyone's guns. I am, however, saying there are types of weopons, present in the millions now, that should require special licenses to purchase and own.

A third point. Mental health availability in this nation. How many times has someone been reported for dangerous actions, and the police state, correctly at present, that we cannot do anything until a crime is committed. A bit late then. Late for the victim, late for the mentally ill person.
Best solution is changing the hearts and minds of people to be respectful of human life and to be safe when using weapons of any kind.

No offense, but that's not realistic.

I gave up thinking that way when I joined the military.

I humbly disagree.

You have that right......but you can't force everyone to respect life just like you can't control violence.

All you can do is try to raise your kids to respect authority and keep them away from all of the filth and the violence that's out there.

Unfortunately even then some slip through the cracks.

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