Positive News Challenge

:desk: ooh! ooh! I caught one!

Check this out.

>> “We’re in downtown Tulsa and we’re not too far from the homeless shelter,” explains Casey Roebuck, Director of Public Information for the Tulsa Country Sheriff’s Office. “So, we get a lot of transient folks wandering around downtown, but normally they’re wearing shoes.”

This woman, however, was not. And that was simply too much for Deputy Hendrix to take. So, he sprung into action, approaching the woman to ask if he could remedy the situation.

“What was so funny about it was that, when he approached her, she was really afraid she was gonna get arrested,” Roebuck told CBS News.

Far from it. Deputy Hendrix grabbed a fellow law enforcement officer -- as is protocol whenever a male deputy has a female in his car -- and drove the barefoot woman to a local Walmart. There, he let her pick out a pair of shoes that matched her dress and, at checkout, he paid for them.

.... “Nobody goes into law enforcement to make a lot of money and resources are usually tight,” explains Roebuck. “So, we’re very proud that he did this for her.”

What’s more, the story is doing its part to mend badly bruised police-community relations in the area. The last time a Tulsa police officer made national news it was Officer Betty Shelby, who’s facing manslaughter charges for the fatal shooting of 40-year-old Terence Crutcher in September. The incident gave rise to nationwide protests.

“The headlines are full of bad encounters between law enforcement and citizens,” says Roebuck,” but this really shows people that law enforcement officers are human beings and that they really do go into the job because they want to help the community. They’re real people and their hearts are in the right place.” << Cop Stops Homeless Woman on the Street, Buys her Shoes


Thank you........see that wasn't so difficult now was it?

Wasn't "difficult" at all once it found me. That's why I appreciate having this thread to spread the wealth.

I think it's more meaningful to receive than to go looking for it. It's like a Gift. Feels more genuine.

Keep trying. I know you can do it.

I ain't swatting this one. Last time the OP didn't appreciate what I did. Fuggit.

I don't mind if you post something of your belief, just as another poster had, even though it had some negative implications.....to them it would be a positive. What I had a problem with of your posts, was that you had quoted their post & smacked at them directly. See why I wasn't happy with your posts at that point?
There is more than enough negativity in the news, both local & national and even here on USMB to drown an elephant herd and then some. The effects of negativity on the psyche is well known throughout history and it's not good. Our thought processes are influenced by exposures to environment and create habits and behaviors that are reflective of those influences. With such constant bombardment of negativity, there is little wonder to how we've become such an insensitive & violent nation.
With this in mind, I am challenging any and all USMB members to post only positive news, stories, comments, meme's, etc in this thread in order to bring some kind of balance from the 'softer' side. Please feel free to share anything that reflects a more positive view in order to bring some 'humanity'

Video: Cops Called on Groom Practicing Wedding Dance, With Heartwarming Results
People don't post on USMB because they want to discuss what's right with the world. Take a look at any news program. A positive story of people doing good things are used as fillers. Why? Because people like to hear about violence, corruption, disasters, and conflicts. Everyone says they want to hear good news, but in reality they are attracted to the negative. If the candidates in the current election really debated the issues and stayed positive, ratings would fall like a rock.

I heard a reporter once say, good news is bad news.
I don't mind if you post something of your belief, just as another poster had, even though it had some negative implications.....to them it would be a positive. What I had a problem with of your posts, was that you had quoted their post & smacked at them directly. See why I wasn't happy with your posts at that point?
Well they call him Pogo the Nogo for a reason.

More light hearted posts; we did not have the plague of Hurricanes that Global Warming experts said that we would.
People don't post on USMB because they want to discuss what's right with the world. Take a look at any news program. A positive story of people doing good things are used as fillers. Why? Because people like to hear about violence, corruption, disasters, and conflicts. Everyone says they want to hear good news, but in reality they are attracted to the negative. If the candidates in the current election really debated the issues and stayed positive, ratings would fall like a rock.
Yeah, I hear you racist Dimocrats just love posting all that negativity!

There is more than enough negativity in the news, both local & national and even here on USMB to drown an elephant herd and then some. The effects of negativity on the psyche is well known throughout history and it's not good. Our thought processes are influenced by exposures to environment and create habits and behaviors that are reflective of those influences. With such constant bombardment of negativity, there is little wonder to how we've become such an insensitive & violent nation.
With this in mind, I am challenging any and all USMB members to post only positive news, stories, comments, meme's, etc in this thread in order to bring some kind of balance from the 'softer' side. Please feel free to share anything that reflects a more positive view in order to bring some 'humanity'

Video: Cops Called on Groom Practicing Wedding Dance, With Heartwarming Results
People don't post on USMB because they want to discuss what's right with the world. Take a look at any news program. A positive story of people doing good things are used as fillers. Why? Because people like to hear about violence, corruption, disasters, and conflicts. Everyone says they want to hear good news, but in reality they are attracted to the negative. If the candidates in the current election really debated the issues and stayed positive, ratings would fall like a rock.

I heard a reporter once say, good news is bad news.

People don't post on USMB because they want to discuss what's right with the world. Take a look at any news program. A positive story of people doing good things are used as fillers. Why? Because people like to hear about violence, corruption, disasters, and conflicts. Everyone says they want to hear good news, but in reality they are attracted to the negative. If the candidates in the current election really debated the issues and stayed positive, ratings would fall like a rock.
Yeah, I hear you racist Dimocrats just love posting all that negativity!


ok you guys, not here.

I realize & partake myself in the negativity on this board. There are hundreds of thousands of threads aimed toward the negative news and a good majority usually end with personal attacks and fighting. My aim with this ONE thread is to have a positive tone throughout, similar to the threads devoted to music, food, pets, etc. I hadn't seen any other place to put this thread other than current events. So if you don't mind, I'd like to keep it positive. :2up:
There is more than enough negativity in the news, both local & national and even here on USMB to drown an elephant herd and then some. The effects of negativity on the psyche is well known throughout history and it's not good. Our thought processes are influenced by exposures to environment and create habits and behaviors that are reflective of those influences. With such constant bombardment of negativity, there is little wonder to how we've become such an insensitive & violent nation.
With this in mind, I am challenging any and all USMB members to post only positive news, stories, comments, meme's, etc in this thread in order to bring some kind of balance from the 'softer' side. Please feel free to share anything that reflects a more positive view in order to bring some 'humanity'

Video: Cops Called on Groom Practicing Wedding Dance, With Heartwarming Results
People don't post on USMB because they want to discuss what's right with the world. Take a look at any news program. A positive story of people doing good things are used as fillers. Why? Because people like to hear about violence, corruption, disasters, and conflicts. Everyone says they want to hear good news, but in reality they are attracted to the negative. If the candidates in the current election really debated the issues and stayed positive, ratings would fall like a rock.

I heard a reporter once say, good news is bad news.

People don't post on USMB because they want to discuss what's right with the world. Take a look at any news program. A positive story of people doing good things are used as fillers. Why? Because people like to hear about violence, corruption, disasters, and conflicts. Everyone says they want to hear good news, but in reality they are attracted to the negative. If the candidates in the current election really debated the issues and stayed positive, ratings would fall like a rock.
Yeah, I hear you racist Dimocrats just love posting all that negativity!


ok you guys, not here.

I realize & partake myself in the negativity on this board. There are hundreds of thousands of threads aimed toward the negative news and a good majority usually end with personal attacks and fighting. My aim with this ONE thread is to have a positive tone throughout, similar to the threads devoted to music, food, pets, etc. I hadn't seen any other place to put this thread other than current events. So if you don't mind, I'd like to keep it positive. :2up:
I was just joking, but I wont joke in that way any more on this thread.

:desk: ooh! ooh! I caught one!

Check this out.

>> “We’re in downtown Tulsa and we’re not too far from the homeless shelter,” explains Casey Roebuck, Director of Public Information for the Tulsa Country Sheriff’s Office. “So, we get a lot of transient folks wandering around downtown, but normally they’re wearing shoes.”

This woman, however, was not. And that was simply too much for Deputy Hendrix to take. So, he sprung into action, approaching the woman to ask if he could remedy the situation.

“What was so funny about it was that, when he approached her, she was really afraid she was gonna get arrested,” Roebuck told CBS News.

Far from it. Deputy Hendrix grabbed a fellow law enforcement officer -- as is protocol whenever a male deputy has a female in his car -- and drove the barefoot woman to a local Walmart. There, he let her pick out a pair of shoes that matched her dress and, at checkout, he paid for them.

.... “Nobody goes into law enforcement to make a lot of money and resources are usually tight,” explains Roebuck. “So, we’re very proud that he did this for her.”

What’s more, the story is doing its part to mend badly bruised police-community relations in the area. The last time a Tulsa police officer made national news it was Officer Betty Shelby, who’s facing manslaughter charges for the fatal shooting of 40-year-old Terence Crutcher in September. The incident gave rise to nationwide protests.

“The headlines are full of bad encounters between law enforcement and citizens,” says Roebuck,” but this really shows people that law enforcement officers are human beings and that they really do go into the job because they want to help the community. They’re real people and their hearts are in the right place.” << Cop Stops Homeless Woman on the Street, Buys her Shoes


Thank you........see that wasn't so difficult now was it?

Wasn't "difficult" at all once it found me. That's why I appreciate having this thread to spread the wealth.

I think it's more meaningful to receive than to go looking for it. It's like a Gift. Feels more genuine.

Keep trying. I know you can do it.

I ain't swatting this one. Last time the OP didn't appreciate what I did. Fuggit.

I don't mind if you post something of your belief, just as another poster had, even though it had some negative implications.....to them it would be a positive. What I had a problem with of your posts, was that you had quoted their post & smacked at them directly. See why I wasn't happy with your posts at that point?

No. You completely lost me there.

I saw a troll come in and turned him off -- on your behalf, since I agree with your intent here. But you didn't appreciate it, so the next troll that came in ----- you're on your own. I ain't doing you any favors any more, learned my lesson.
When Her Son Started Asking for Two Lunches, This Mom Was Blown Away By the Reason

When Her Son Started Asking for Two Lunches, This Mom Was Blown Away By the Reason

When your "cup runneth over," you don't question an opportunity to help others, which is exactly the thinking that inspired one Albuquerque family's generosity.


This school year, when Josette Duran's 14-year-old son, Dylan, began asking for an extra lunch, she thought he was just more hungry than usual, until he explained what he was really doing: giving the additional sandwich and snacks to his classmate who couldn't afford lunch.

"There's a little boy at school. He only eats a fruit cup," Dylan said. "[He has] no money. Can you make two lunches?" Without a doubt in her mind, Josette started packing double lunches complete with encouraging notes for both students.

"To us, we were just doing something normal," Josette said. "We never questioned it. I know we are busy parents but ask, 'Are you doing okay in school? Is someone else [you know] not doing okay in school?' Keep your eyes and ears open."

Sadly, Josette is onto something: Over 13.1 million children across the country go hungry every day and live without enough food at home, according to Feeding America. In fact, Dylan's home state of New Mexico has the highest rate of children who live in households without enough access to food.

Up until last week, Josette never probed to learn more about Dylan's classmate, and instead, gave the student privacy and left it up to her son to pass along the meals. "I didn't ask, 'What does he look like? Show me,'" she said. "I didn't even care at that point." She didn't learn the child's identity until the kid's mom approached Josette to thank her for her generosity. She even offered Josette money to pay for the previous lunches, but Josette refused. "Thank you for feeding him. He's doing better in school," the mom said to Josette. Dylan is her son's best friend at school, the mom added.

"I'm so proud of my son's heart. He is so kind," Josette wrote on Facebook. He's an example to us all!
Stolen from newly posted threads but deserving here:

Not much to see directly in the video but the backstory given is that this owl was found in the woods with two broken wings, which of course is a slow death sentence. So the finder took her to the vet where they spent four months healing her wings and set her free to a new life.
>> One woman in Los Angeles was out for a walk when she spotted a mangy creature skulking along a gutter. The creature was in horrible condition: it was scared, its hair was clumped, and it was covered in wounds. Except for the shredded lead around her neck, you’d never know she’d belonged to anyone. Who could treat a living animal the way she’d been treated?

Not willing to risk her own safety by trying to capture the imposing stray, the woman did the next best thing and contacted “Hope for Paws,” sending in a snapshot with the location so the rescue could attempt to retrieve the stray themselves. A team quickly assembled and scoured the South Central area, looking for what appeared to be a wolf hybrid.

They eventually found the dog and managed to get her into an enclosed yard. After some time and lots of reassuring words and treats, the rescuers managed to loop a lead over the dog’s head and “Julia” was caught.

As the team got closer and closer to the dog, they realized she was in deplorable condition. While bathing her at the vet’s, the water slicked her fur down and it became clear how pathetic her state really was. Julia was suffering from mange and infections. She was in bad shape. Her skin was riddled with sores and scabs, so much so that when the team bathed her, her coat turned red from all the blood. The poor pup let her rescuers treat her, but she couldn't bring herself to wag. Exhausted, running on empty, and sick, all she could manage was a thankful lean against the arms of her caretakers.

Over time her fever abated, her skin started to heal, and her fur began growing back. She started to trust people again, thanks to the time and effort of people like Eldad Hagar, who works with Hope for Paws.

Curious, and convinced that her wolf-like appearances couldn't be merely coincidence, Julia was given a DNA test once she regained her strength. Surprise, surprise, though: she turned out to be a husky/German shepherd mix!

Fortunately for Julia and all involved, she has found her forever home with the Snook family. She looks fabulous now and is clearly doing much better than when she was found. She's an estimated 16 months old and has a lot of life ahead of her! << (link)​

Our local diner, which used to be closed on Thanksgiving, opened at noon and fed 250 people a free Thanksgiving dinner. They also raised over $2,000 for a local charity in their donation jar.

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