
8 pages in, and not one poster has been banned... Just wow! Not for the topic mind you; but the personal attacks... Me? I'm just posting because this is the most entertaining thread we've had in a while. Just wait till ChrisL gets here...
I have seven children, noob. Anyone that thinks our 13 year olds are ready for sex would be wise to stay far far away from them...or mom will make sure they do..or even worse.....DAD

It does not matter what you or I think.

If their ball drop of they begin menstruating, then that is natures way of telling them they are ready for sex. Nature's will is superior to that of overbearing mommies.
No it is not because we no longer live in a world that is natural.

Mankind developed its natural state in a world where most people died when they were 30, where rape was more than likely the predominate factor in reproduction and being eaten by predators was a much larger concern than cancer.

The world has changed a lot since then and nature simply does not work on timescales that are that fast. The age of connect being near the age of puberty is nonsensical. Further, it is fact that the brain is not fully matured at that time.
8 pages in, and not one poster has been banned... Just wow! Not for the topic mind you; but the personal attacks... Me? I'm just posting because this is the most entertaining thread we've had in a while. Just wait till ChrisL gets here...
funny, I read ChrisL as Christ the first time over.
I was like yeah, just wait till Christ gets here. LOL
I had many clients that were in the industry. It isn't an easy way to make money. It sounds like it would be but it's not. It is not something that a child could do and live very long. Even as drugged as the adults are they are in a lot of pain most of the time.
I had many clients that were in the industry. It isn't an easy way to make money. It sounds like it would be but it's not. It is not something that a child could do and live very long. Even as drugged as the adults are they are in a lot of pain most of the time.
So you are a lawyer?
I had many clients that were in the industry. It isn't an easy way to make money. It sounds like it would be but it's not. It is not something that a child could do and live very long. Even as drugged as the adults are they are in a lot of pain most of the time.
So you are a lawyer?
Not any more. Not for some years. I got to hating people so much I had to give it up. I went back to school and trained as a dog groomer to keep me away from people as much as possible

But in the day, I had a lot of clients in the porn industry. I went to all the conventions. The big one every year is the AVN awards in Las Vegas.
It's dead. Because internet.

Are you kidding me?

The porn industry did not die. It only adapted. Now it is bigger than ever.
It's dead.
Repeating the same lie does not suddenly make it true.

The porn industry is bigger than it ever has been.
And making money from it has never been harder.

That does not change that it is larger, more diverse and offering more content then it ever has before. What changed was not the industry getting smaller or dying - it was growth and availability leading to fierce competition. It is harder to make money but there is more of it out there.
It's dead. Because internet.

Are you kidding me?

The porn industry did not die. It only adapted. Now it is bigger than ever.
It's dead.
Repeating the same lie does not suddenly make it true.

The porn industry is bigger than it ever has been.
And making money from it has never been harder.

That does not change that it is larger, more diverse and offering more content then it ever has before. What changed was not the industry getting smaller or dying - it was growth and availability leading to fierce competition. It is harder to make money but there is more of it out there.
I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm conceding the point.

However, in my defence I'm citing the OP

It is the weekend, and I figure you all need a break from the incessant political attack threads.

Many US politicians still take negative positions on the porn industry. What is your opinion on the pornographic industry in regards to policy?
The industry was a lot more diverse early on. Every guy with a hot wife, an idea and a camera had a website. As the big fish got bigger they bought out or sued out all the little guys. Men and women that just had novel or entertaing ideas got stepped on just to remove the idea and the competition. Porn stopped being about sex and started being only about money. The same way chickens in a factory farm are less about food and more of a product. It becomes okay to nail chicken feet to the cage floor.

Porn today sells a product, that product is sexual excitement, no matter how you have to get it. Making a porn movie is like making sausage, you don't want to see how it's done.
Hmm, puberty is your age of consent. Seems absurd to me to think that because a child by legal definition has reached puberty they automatically have the mental maturity to make decisions regarding pornograpghic sexual behavior.

Slight misrepresentation.

I explicitly stated that I was referring to a philosophical definition. Puberty is the bodies way of indicating that you should be sexually active; Therefore I believe an individual that hits puberty should be treated as being capable of making decisions regarding sex.

I certainly would not my 13 year old child to be at the age of consent with respect to being in a skin flick. The idea of it is somewhat sickening in a perverted sort of way.

Why would you allow your 13 year old child to star in a skin flick?

I don't think you comprehend well, might be a side effect of your perversion.
Totally agree, anyone that thinks a 10-14 year old is ready to make life decisions or sexual choices has no business around children

Every culture before the last 100 years treated the age around puberty as adulthood.

Actually it is probably closer to 70 years, since 14 year olds were getting married before WW2. Somehow we have gotten more regressive, despite youth being more conscious and educated on sex.

Regressive? Why do you consider it regressive? And why are you comparing marriage to porn? Perversion must play hell on the ability to reason.
The EXTREMELY disturbed mind of a liberal. My oldest is hitting puberty and no she is in absolutely no way ready to make ANY kind of adult decisions. Just disgusting.

Okay, well do not let your daughter make adult decisions at an adult age. It is between you and her.

There are already twelve and thirteen year olds fucking each other. It is not the end of the world, and personally I believe it is better that individuals become sexually active at a young age rather than being confused, inexperienced, and having stunted development at the end of puberty.

If you are not already, I am sure you will end up as a registered sex offender.
The industry was a lot more diverse early on. Every guy with a hot wife, an idea and a camera had a website. As the big fish got bigger they bought out or sued out all the little guys. Men and women that just had novel or entertaing ideas got stepped on just to remove the idea and the competition. Porn stopped being about sex and started being only about money. The same way chickens in a factory farm are less about food and more of a product. It becomes okay to nail chicken feet to the cage floor.

Porn today sells a product, that product is sexual excitement, no matter how you have to get it. Making a porn movie is like making sausage, you don't want to see how it's done.
perhaps the professional side of things, I could see what you are talking about. The amateur side is massive though. There still is a sea of people out there that have a camera and go to town. There are many ways to post content that you make for free to distribute to virtually anyone also for free.
You do realize that you are a sick sick individual don't you?

No. I see the truth beyond the social abstractions.

That makes me a very enlightened individual.

Seek help, see someone, a psychiatrist could be of help. It might be as simple as a non invasive medication that could help you.

This is obvious deflection because you realize my arguments are sound, and you have no idea how to refute them.

I get that this is controversial and people shut down in the face of controversy. Your mind is clinging to basic social abstractions that are valued higher than logic.

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