Popular Conservative Television Show Cancelled for Political Reasons.


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
TIm Allen's, "Last Man Standing" was cancelled despite high ratings and popular support. I guess it didn't have the right message like designated survivor and every other show that has a liberal bias that is shoved down our throats. So even popular shows like this are cancelled and we shouldn't be concerned? It's disturbing at best.
No gay characters? No Republican bashing? No tranny praising?

***c a n c e l e d***
High ratings and popular support?

So it was cancelled?

Sorry moron, shows get cancelled from low ratings and lack of support.
Something like 30 shows were cancelled. Stop being little bitches, righties.
It went from a 3 share, to a 20-plus share, what would you do? Hint: that equates to millions of dollars in Lost advertising Revenue per episode.
Something like 30 shows were cancelled. Stop being little bitches, righties.

The second highest rated comedy on the network with complete surprise by the actors?
Shows are cancelled all the time. You got 6 seasons. Stop being a little bitch.

It was a Friday night show, which means the network never gave a shit about it anyways.
Grimm was insanely successful. It was replaced by an Ellen Degeneres dating show. The media sees itself moving into more control.
"i'm stunned and blindsided by the network i called home for the last 6 years" - Tim Allen
No gay characters? No Republican bashing? No tranny praising?

***c a n c e l e d***
Actually there were a couple of gay characters. A lesbian couple comes to the house in season one and Eve's best friend Cammie comes across as one too in a later season.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Go here to sign the ongoing petition to keep the show going.
A ton of shows were cancelled this season. Top rated shows get cancelled all the time. CSI:Miami had good ratings when it was cancelled. Sometimes it comes to production cost and a host of other reasons.

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