Pope denounced by self appointed preacher

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Maybe Mr Graham could debate the matter with the Pontiff ? It seems to me that the Popes stance has more basis in Christianity than that of Mr Graham.
150 years ago Mr Grahams predecessors were big fans of slavery but now not so much. I think this story points up how much of an outlier sect this branch of American Christianity is.
The Pope was denounced by high ranking Cardinals and Bishops also.....Tommy Twinkie

Give it a fckn rest, lady boy

why should he?

it's not like he watched his wife repeatedly bang another dude or anything christiany like that....

Maybe Mr Graham could debate the matter with the Pontiff ? It seems to me that the Popes stance has more basis in Christianity than that of Mr Graham.
150 years ago Mr Grahams predecessors were big fans of slavery but now not so much. I think this story points up how much of an outlier sect this branch of American Christianity is.
Since when do you state worshiping wanks give a hoot in hell about the Pope?
self appointed preacher
Maybe Mr Graham could debate the matter with the Pontiff ?
Seems to me, under America's freedom of religion, anyone is free to open the Bible and open his mouth preach what he feels is right. It's not Graham's responsibility to engage in debate with the Catholic Pope or seek permission from the Vatican to speak.
And yet he's fluffed off Trump's multiple affairs.

Trump's not Catholic....why would the lousy Pope care?

This Pope is a disaster....I can't count Catholics who've agreed

Franklin did that.

No the Pope did... I'm devout but this clown needs to go

Graham Says Stormy Daniels Is ‘Nobody’s Business’

Thread is on the Pope, nincompoop
And yet he's fluffed off Trump's multiple affairs.

Trump's not Catholic....why would the lousy Pope care?

This Pope is a disaster....I can't count Catholics who've agreed

Franklin did that.

No the Pope did... I'm devout but this clown needs to go

Graham Says Stormy Daniels Is ‘Nobody’s Business’

Thread is on the Pope, nincompoop

Thread is on Franklin Graham. Did you not even bother to read the link?

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.

Matthew 5:21-22
And yet he's fluffed off Trump's multiple affairs.

Trump's not Catholic....why would the lousy Pope care?

This Pope is a disaster....I can't count Catholics who've agreed
John Paul 2,the Pope from Poland... when he first visited the United States in the 1970's called us a beacon. Before his death he lamented that we lost our way.
Do it again Playtime I'll report you, look at the rules. Use
The Pope was denounced by high ranking Cardinals and Bishops also.....Tommy Twinkie

Give it a fckn rest, lady boy

why should he?

it's not like he watched his wife repeatedly bang another dude or anything christiany like that....

Go fck yerself

How's that....and lose the funny.

You're no Catholic and have no say
Do you praise Jesus with that foul mouth of yours ?

That's none of your concern....overused Fatass.

Nobody will ever convince me you're not a queer.

My personal relationship with God is my business and His....so back your Fatass up and sit down.

Or go blow the fake Popienss....you would.....Twinkie.

Everyone here knows it.

But I did notice you had no idea high ranking officials denounced you fake Pope
For those who actually took five minutes to explore the Pope's unchanged position:

(1) There is NO CHANGE in the Church's unambiguous condemnation of homosexual sodomy,
(2) This Pope recognizes the difference between "being gay" and homosexual sodomy. One is morally neutral and one is morally abhorrent. Figure out which is which.
(3) The Pope has said that he wants seminaries, going forward, to screen out homosexual applicants.
(4) The Pope most recently said that just because one is a homosexual he should not be denied the comfort of being a part of a "family." Hence, he endorsed homosexual civil unions. But see (1) above.

The Rev. Graham and thousands of other Catholic and non-Catholic clerics around the world castigated the Pope for stating (4) publicly, which gave the false impression that (1) had been repealed. It has not.

It's not all that complicated. The Pope, and the Catholic Church, believe that with the grace of God, one can overcome temptation and seek out joy in life without giving in to the universal tendency to sin.

For the record, the moral constraints on homosexuals are the same as on heterosexual men (and women). No sex outside of a legal, consecrated marriage.

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