Pompeo contradicts Trump on 'deep state' accusation--"There is No Deep State"

The deep state isn't located in a building with an address duh... It is a state of mind, and in that state of mind we see Trump derangement syndrome residing in it's host with a full blown melt down taking place.

Has anybody ever said why they actually hate Donald Trump ?? Can they tell us something specifically (other than him derailing the queen of all race baiters Hilly) ?

I mean we have got to take this nation back from the day care toddlers, and restore it to the daycare staff.

He's a whore monger for one thing.
He's a congenital liar for another.
He's lowered the politics to actual name-calling (talk about day care toddler).
He's threatened to jail his political opponents.
He's called women "pigs"
He's made disparaging comments about POWs
He's made bizarre claims that are clearly not true-which is different from lying-in an attempt to engrandize himself.
That disgusting scene in the Cabinet room where he made people praise him....

Care to address any of them in a honest way?
Yep, and he done it all to drive the LEFTIST, control freak communist completely out of their minds...

Good job Trump. LOL

Yeah, I didn't think you were capable of Honesty...just like Trump
Riiiiiight all those anti Trump FBI texts were imaginary. FISA court warrants also imaginary. DOJ/FBI collusion to give Hillary a pass on breaking the law, also nothing to see here. :icon_rolleyes:

So what? Shoot - people shoot political texts, dissing politicians all the time. But it takes a special kind of stupid to make it out to be some sort of nefarious deep state activity.

FISA court warrents are perfectly LEGIT, and, in case you forgot - Comey deep sixed Hillary's election chances when he announced the reopening of the investigation a week before polls. That's a PASS????
Uh..OK..I think it's all a Trump ginned up fantasy--still, you skipped the question...care to try again?

I mean, even if they spied on Trump's campaign..how does that empower them now?? Just not seeing it.
Well I can't make you believe what you won't believe...but send me a PM when you are convinced because this is just getting started...this will not go away...Trump won't allow it....He will expose and force prosecutions....

You can’t “expose” something that never happened. Nobody spied on Trump's campaign. Nobody wiretapped Trump's Campaign. There is no Deep State. These things only exist in Trump's fevered imagination.
Uh..OK..I think it's all a Trump ginned up fantasy--still, you skipped the question...care to try again?

I mean, even if they spied on Trump's campaign..how does that empower them now?? Just not seeing it.
Well I can't make you believe what you won't believe...but send me a PM when you are convinced because this is just getting started...this will not go away...Trump won't allow it....He will expose and force prosecutions....

You can’t “expose” something that never happened. Nobody spied on Trump's campaign. Nobody wiretapped Trump's Campaign. There is no Deep State. These things only exist in Trump's fevered imagination.

And he is willing to destroy our country to support it.
Several FBI agents want to testify against Comey and Clapper...they want to tell the IG what they know...Caputo is raising money for them via his fund me page to acquire legal representation so they don't have to wait for a Congressional subpoena.....Shit is going to hit the fan......

Riiiight. Any day now.

We’ve been hearing this since Ken Starr was named Special Prosecutor.
You know..I've always thought..if there is a "Deep State" it's composed of White House Staffers who can't stand Trump..and try to screw him at every opportunity.
Hence the leaks...designed to show Trump in all his 'Emperor Has No Clothes' glory.


So that would be the people that Trump personally appointed. That's funny.
You can’t “expose” something that never happened. Nobody spied on Trump's campaign. Nobody wiretapped Trump's Campaign. There is no Deep State. These things only exist in Trump's fevered imagination.
You are the 3rd lib that has said that to me...and the 3rd lib that needs to watch Clapper on the View...he admits there was a spy inside of the Trump Campaign sent in by the FBI to inform and investigate Russian interference in our elections and when asked if there were more than one he said he had no knowledge of more than one.... that is not a no.......but they never told Trump and they continued to spy on the president elect.....and they didn't infiltrate Hillary or Bernie's campaign to look for Russian interference.......and she was the one that was supposedly hacked....Buuuuuuahahahahahahahahaha! Mother of all Backfire's...
You can’t “expose” something that never happened. Nobody spied on Trump's campaign. Nobody wiretapped Trump's Campaign. There is no Deep State. These things only exist in Trump's fevered imagination.
You are the 3rd lib that has said that to me...and the 3rd lib that needs to watch Clapper on the View...he admits there was a spy inside of the Trump Campaign sent in by the FBI to inform and investigate Russian interference in our elections and when asked if there were more than one he said he had no knowledge of more than one.... that is not a no.......but they never told Trump and they continued to spy on the president elect.....and they didn't infiltrate Hillary or Bernie's campaign to look for Russian interference.......and she was the one that was supposedly hacked....Buuuuuuahahahahahahahahaha! Mother of all Backfire's...

Where was he "INSIDE " the campaign? Not sure how anyone can be embedded in a campaign if they were never part of it.
And he is willing to destroy our country to support it.
Honey...we barely escaped total destruction under Obama.....thank God he had a GOP House and senate to hold him in check....

Try and find an empty for lease storefront....or pick up the inflated want ads and take a look...things are great and Trump is the one making things great...

Under 4% unemployment and record amounts projected for the treasury....

Trump is trying to bring down the cost of drugs...especially expensive medications like hormone medications and rings for women that are suffering because the cost is so high and not covered....

Pay better attention to what the man is doing and stop participating in the CNN hate parade...
And he is willing to destroy our country to support it.
Honey...we barely escaped total destruction under Obama.....thank God he had a GOP House and senate to hold him in check....

Try and find an empty for lease storefront....or pick up the inflated want ads and take a look...things are great and Trump is the one making things great...

Under 4% unemployment and record amounts projected for the treasury....

Trump is trying to bring down the cost of drugs...especially expensive medications like hormone medications and rings for women that are suffering because the cost is so high and not covered....

Pay better attention to what the man is doing and stop participating in the CNN hate parade...

What holds Trump in check?
Where was he "INSIDE " the campaign? Not sure how anyone can be embedded in a campaign if they were never part of it.

What position did the "spy" hold in the campaign?

Stefan Halper, suspected FBI informant in Trump campaign, sought role in administration: Report

Back up buddy. He never became a member of the campaign, which is what we are talking about, and never became a member of the administration either. Just because one of Trump's people recommended him doesn't mean he actually tried to get the job. Hard to infiltrate an organization when you never become part of it. Of course, if you can come up with credible proof that he did, I would have to accept that. I doubt you can do that though.
What holds Trump in check?
OMG...he has been under investigation since he announced his campaign and has endured constant scrutiny from the media and still is getting more done than the younger golfing Obama ever did...can't argue with progress....
Back up buddy. He never became a member of the campaign, which is what we are talking about, and never became a member of the administration either. Just because one of Trump's people recommended him doesn't mean he actually tried to get the job. Hard to infiltrate an organization when you never become part of it. Of course, if you can come up with credible proof that he did, I would have to accept that. I doubt you can do that though
The FBI wasn't the only agency that had a mole in the Trump circle....just wait dupes if you are anything resembling a patriot you will be shocked at what has taken place....Trump is the outsider if he succeeds the establishment changes forever...don't be a dupe for that kind of corruption....its all falling apart and will eventually lead to Obama's white house.....5/23/2018......
What holds Trump in check?
OMG...he has been under investigation since he announced his campaign and has endured constant scrutiny from the media and still is getting more done than the younger golfing Obama ever did...can't argue with progress....

Spygate is getting Trump-0 down, but it doesn't slow down his golfing. He has additional security when he plays, so it's hard to tell exactly how often he plays, but considering how often he is at the golf courses amd how often his type security is used, he has played 95 times compared to Obama's 38 at this point in his presidency. Spygate is the perfect name for Trump's dealings with Russian Spies.
What holds Trump in check?
OMG...he has been under investigation since he announced his campaign and has endured constant scrutiny from the media and still is getting more done than the younger golfing Obama ever did...can't argue with progress....

Actually, no. He wasn't. He was given a huge leeway from serious critical media until he became a serious contender. They treated him like a celebrity not a poltician. Compare that to Clinton - who has been investigated for one thing or another since well before she was a candidate. Compared to Clinton Trump had it easy. Not to mention he's outgolfed Obama :lol:

So WHAT and WHO is holding Trump in check? It sure isn't Congress.

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