MS-13 as bad or worse than the Mexican Cartel.

Gotta love the "we're just like the kids next door motto"

MS-13's motto is “mata, viola, controla” – which means "kill, rape, control,"

"watching 3 dealers serve dope fiends in the middle of the street in LA, in broad daylight, and i'm doing my best to figure out how to kill them without gettin caught. at the same time i wanted to make sure that everyone connected to those 3 knows that my bosses, the Arellano Felix brothers, dont take no shit from their enemies.

2 days after the initial recon, 2 of those dealers will have clocked out permanently and the other would die 6 months later from mercury poisoning from the mercury-tipped slugs that i fired into him." - Martin Corona, MS-13 Gang member

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