Pollster pulls out of Fla., NC and Va., says Obama can’t win there


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
Suffolk University pollster David Paleologos, whose polls are aggregated into mainstream averages to show where the presidential race stands in the swing states, said he’s finished polling in Florida, North Carolina and Virginia because President Obama has no shot of winning those states.

Pollster pulls out of Fla., NC and Va., says Obama can

Interesting. Wonder if Obama follows suit.
Ok, so you're not on crack.

Yes you are, if you think a single poll that says what YOU want to hear is more up to date and accurate than an average of multiple polls.
Ok, so you're not on crack.

Yes you are, if you think a single poll that says what YOU want to hear is more up to date and accurate than an average of multiple polls.
:lol: You're on crack if you think a single debate can give Romney the White House. The guy is a total loser.
Ok, so you're not on crack.

Yes you are, if you think a single poll that says what YOU want to hear is more up to date and accurate than an average of multiple polls.
:lol: You're on crack if you think a single debate can give Romney the White House. The guy is a total loser.

you really do suck at this.

That single debate completely shifted the vast majority of polls... yet you cling to the 1 that says what you want to hear.
Ok, so you're not on crack.

Yes you are, if you think a single poll that says what YOU want to hear is more up to date and accurate than an average of multiple polls.
:lol: You're on crack if you think a single debate can give Romney the White House. The guy is a total loser.

you really do suck at this.

That single debate completely shifted the vast majority of polls... yet you cling to the 1 that says what you want to hear.
:rolleyes: I'm not clinging to anything. Just pointing out that the person quoted in the OP is pretty stupid. I kind of like what he's saying though, it will certainly demotivate the elderly around here to get off their cans and go vote.
Ok, so you're not on crack.

Yes you are, if you think a single poll that says what YOU want to hear is more up to date and accurate than an average of multiple polls.

If you average in the most recent poll, it changes things slightly. How about we all just agree that Florida is probably very close and will probably be somewhere within a 1.5% margin no matter who wins there?
Obama has completely alienated: Jews (took God and Jerusalem out of Dem Platform), the elderly (threatened them with starvation by withholding SocSec checks unless he got his way in the Debt Ceiling hostage crisis), taxpayers, moderates, independants and anyone with a lick of common sense
It's so bad for Obama that even the pollsters are pulling out. Lol. It's just funny
Pollsters Puzzle Over Suffolk’s Decision to Call Virginia, Florida, and North Carolina for Romney

Looking for some answers, we asked some of Paleologos's fellow pollsters what they thought of the decision. None of them had very flattering things to say.

"I think all three of those states are still toss-ups," Public Policy Polling's Tom Jensen told us. "We’ve already polled Virginia since the debate and Obama was up by 3. I don’t agree with his assessment, and I don’t know why he would have made it without even conducting any polling after the debates."

Gary Langer, who runs the ABC News/Washington Post poll, quipped tartly, "With that kind of foresight, we should find out who he likes in the fifth at Aqueduct."

SurveyUSA CEO Jay Leve was harsher. "This guy from Suffolk is obviously a jackass," he said.
Poll today shows Obama with a four point lead in Floriduh.

Paleologos doesn't seem very bright.

Those polls assume a Democratic turnout of anything that has ever been seen in Florida, and probably won't even be seen in California.

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