Pollster Greenberg thinks Warren is Biden's best bet for VP


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard

The Reagan Democrat and Clinton's "new democrat" and Blairs' "new labour guy"

I dunno. I admit on issues, and being ready to step in if Biden can't make it a full term, I've thought Warren the best in terms of skills. The reason for the thread is that Greenberg's poll was a little different, and asked the sample about messages without putting in names of actual possible candidates.

"In measuring several different messages of various candidates without their names attached,
Greenberg told Biden's team that Warren's message about a “rigged” system was “dominant” among the groups Biden needs, such as millennials who may feel disillusioned by the tumult of recent decades."

Warren's goofy no doubt and the Pochontas debacle thing. But she hasn't pondered injecting Lysol or shining light INSIDE patients, or taking Hydroheartattack or publicly pondered taking insulin even though he's not diabetic. Maybe Trump's a vaccine.
Dances with Loons is probably the best choice. I agree.

You really need to have someone be able to look at cameras dead in the lens, and lie about something so obvious without skipping a beat, and probably actually suffer from a psychosis so severely they actually believe their own lies.

Dances with Loons is probably the best choice. I agree.

You really need to have someone be able to look at cameras dead in the lens, and lie about something so obvious without skipping a beat, and probably actually suffer from a psychosis so severely they actually believe their own lies.

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Well that's the thing. No one looks more foolish than Trump. If pochantas is you're thing …. The dems have epic film clips. And Trump is going to try the media assassination anyway. So, does it matter?

Biden said early on his candidacy and presidency would be "a bridge." I look at the VP pool, and none of those people really stand for anything. They haven't done anything. There's no Van Buren, or TR, or Coolidge apparent to me.

The Reagan Democrat and Clinton's "new democrat" and Blairs' "new labour guy"

I dunno. I admit on issues, and being ready to step in if Biden can't make it a full term, I've thought Warren the best in terms of skills. The reason for the thread is that Greenberg's poll was a little different, and asked the sample about messages without putting in names of actual possible candidates.

"In measuring several different messages of various candidates without their names attached,
Greenberg told Biden's team that Warren's message about a “rigged” system was “dominant” among the groups Biden needs, such as millennials who may feel disillusioned by the tumult of recent decades."

Warren's goofy no doubt and the Pochontas debacle thing. But she hasn't pondered injecting Lysol or shining light INSIDE patients, or taking Hydroheartattack or publicly pondered taking insulin even though he's not diabetic. Maybe Trump's a vaccine.
One slight political problem there benny. If a Biden/Warren ticket were to win, Massachusetts has a GOP Governor who would appoint a replacement.
Well that's the thing. No one looks more foolish than Trump. If pochantas is you're thing …. The dems have epic film clips. And Trump is going to try the media assassination anyway. So, does it matter?

Biden said early on his candidacy and presidency would be "a bridge." I look at the VP pool, and none of those people really stand for anything. They haven't done anything. There's no Van Buren, or TR, or Coolidge apparent to me.

Can you seriously say that with a straight face?

NO ONE looks more foolish than Trump?

The dems CREATE epic examples of complete and utter stupidity.

I could literally do this all month and barely scrape the surface, because Biden alone adds a new layer every day. Then you've got AOC, Maxine Waters, Hollywierd.... When it comes to freakishly stupid, you moonbats are breath taking.


The Reagan Democrat and Clinton's "new democrat" and Blairs' "new labour guy"

I dunno. I admit on issues, and being ready to step in if Biden can't make it a full term, I've thought Warren the best in terms of skills. The reason for the thread is that Greenberg's poll was a little different, and asked the sample about messages without putting in names of actual possible candidates.

"In measuring several different messages of various candidates without their names attached,
Greenberg told Biden's team that Warren's message about a “rigged” system was “dominant” among the groups Biden needs, such as millennials who may feel disillusioned by the tumult of recent decades."

Warren's goofy no doubt and the Pochontas debacle thing. But she hasn't pondered injecting Lysol or shining light INSIDE patients, or taking Hydroheartattack or publicly pondered taking insulin even though he's not diabetic. Maybe Trump's a vaccine.
One slight political problem there benny. If a Biden/Warren ticket were to win, Massachusetts has a GOP Governor who would appoint a replacement.
Yeah. It's an issue poll, in terms of issues important to the dem base, and not really a what's a good pol move.

On that basis, the dems are in a tough spot. They are not united, and that's really the point. Who has the credibility on issues to united tem. Harris, Klobacher, and Abrams don't stand for anything but themselves. They've never taken an issue and stood the ground. Obama pretty well squandered his opposition to Iraq moment. Imo Abrams is simply an opportunist, and Demings is a cop. Not that cops are bad, but JFC Orlando's cops had racial issues. If her signature issue is "tough of crime …." LOL
Well that's the thing. No one looks more foolish than Trump. If pochantas is you're thing …. The dems have epic film clips. And Trump is going to try the media assassination anyway. So, does it matter?

Biden said early on his candidacy and presidency would be "a bridge." I look at the VP pool, and none of those people really stand for anything. They haven't done anything. There's no Van Buren, or TR, or Coolidge apparent to me.

Can you seriously say that with a straight face?

NO ONE looks more foolish than Trump?

The dems CREATE epic examples of complete and utter stupidity.

I could literally do this all month and barely scrape the surface, because Biden alone adds a new layer every day. Then you've got AOC, Maxine Waters, Hollywierd.... When it comes to freakishly stupid, you moonbats are breath taking.


oh yeah. The tv ads from the coronavirus and Trump are going to be epic. And photoshopping will not be required.
oh yeah. The tv ads from the coronavirus and Trump are going to be epic. And photoshopping will not be required.

That will be a first for democrooks not to edit video or photos.

Not to say republicrats aren't guilty as well, but we have far more stupid quotes from Biden alone, than we have from the entire GOP for 20 years. When it comes to dangerous weapons grade stupidity, your party has the market cornered, never mind how stupid your voters look.



Breaking News:
Joe Biden was asked if Elizabeth Warren would be a good pick for VP he replied
"As long as she can pass the sniff test".
The VP pick has to be a lady of a certain background.

Mr. Biden was saved by people of that background, so he must show his gratitude -- or else many of them will stay home on election day. They know that there is a very good possibility that the VP will become president unexpectedly, so they want one of their background to move into the Executive Mansion.

Without voters from that super important Democratic constituency, Mr. Biden might not be able to win.

On the other hand, we common folks do not know what is happening behind the scenes. Maybe he is passing the word that he will show his gratitude (not necessarily in the selection of VP) by appointing people of that constituency to, say, three Supreme Court positions and guaranteeing, say, five Cabinet positions. What irony: Mr. Biden's Cabinet will definitely be more diverse than were President Obama's Cabinets!

The Reagan Democrat and Clinton's "new democrat" and Blairs' "new labour guy"

I dunno. I admit on issues, and being ready to step in if Biden can't make it a full term, I've thought Warren the best in terms of skills. The reason for the thread is that Greenberg's poll was a little different, and asked the sample about messages without putting in names of actual possible candidates.

"In measuring several different messages of various candidates without their names attached,
Greenberg told Biden's team that Warren's message about a “rigged” system was “dominant” among the groups Biden needs, such as millennials who may feel disillusioned by the tumult of recent decades."

Warren's goofy no doubt and the Pochontas debacle thing. But she hasn't pondered injecting Lysol or shining light INSIDE patients, or taking Hydroheartattack or publicly pondered taking insulin even though he's not diabetic. Maybe Trump's a vaccine.
But she will bring globalist government to our nation as it continues to be reduced economically. Wait until the payoffs to us are diminished also. Hey hey hey gonna have a good time.. Hey hey hey!

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