Polls look bad for Trump, McSally

ve one go-to: a fluke in the electoral college that let 77,000 spread across 3 states tip the election. Meanwhile, 5 million more people voted for Hillary.

But keep bitterly clinging to the idea that lightning will strike twice. :lol:
People ? Like illegal alien "people" ?
Polls look bad for Trump, OP?.................. I don't think so.

Like I posted on the other thread:

50% seems very good to me!:2up:

Donald J. Trump




Democrats are more patriotic than Republicans.
Democrats have no patriotism whatsoever. They are communist internationalists, devoted to the workers of the WORLD. They are open border globalists, like Obama who supported ISIS, supported TPP, gave China unrestricted access to our market, thereby flooding our stores with stuff Made in China, and is a Muslim devotee of the Uhmma.

Hillary also a globalist -member of globalist organizations - Council on Foreign Relations. and the Trilateral Commission.

Republicans, in contrast, like Trump, are nationalists (another word for PATRIOTS).
Latest Virginia:

Polls are useless at this point.

McSally is an interesting candidate. She's very Arizona...you kinda have to live out here to know what I mean by that.

She has a very likable quality if you can divorce yourself from knowing she's a republican and therefore a tool of Satan. LOL. Kelly looked like a shoo-in for a while but I think McSally will keep her seat and the Senate will stay Red as a result. I probably just gave her a kiss of death there.
Almost all polls are leftist, and get response overwhelmingly from leftists. If a poll like this one says Trump has a 50% approval, the real number is about 75%.

Prove it

What...you don't think the blob has a 75% approval rating? Next you're going to be telling me that a 70 year old man wasn't in combat a few years ago. LOL
I don’t often retweet Meghan “my father” Domenich, but...

McSally lost to Synema, was appointed by Governor after McCain died, and now will lose to Captain Kelly.
Latest Virginia:

Polls are useless at this point.

McSally is an interesting candidate. She's very Arizona...you kinda have to live out here to know what I mean by that.

She has a very likable quality if you can divorce yourself from knowing she's a republican and therefore a tool of Satan. LOL. Kelly looked like a shoo-in for a while but I think McSally will keep her seat and the Senate will stay Red as a result. I probably just gave her a kiss of death there.


Polls say Hillary will win the election in a massive landslide over Trump!! ... :thup:
You dopes have one go-to: a fluke in the electoral college that let 77,000 spread across 3 states tip the election. Meanwhile, 5 million more people voted for Hillary.

But keep bitterly clinging to the idea that lightning will strike twice. :lol:
Fluke? The Electoral College worked just the way it was designed to, Synthaholic! You on the left act like the rules to the election were changed at the last moment and that Trump somehow "stole" an election! The truth is...he ran a better campaign than Hillary did.

Now the question you should be asking yourself is...how did your side end up with Joe Biden as your nominee after years of time to come up with a really good choice? Lightning IS about to strike twice because you morons have a candidate with a lightning rod welded to his hair plugged dome!

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