2020 Election Prediction


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I predict that, prior to the election, the Democrats will plant the Coronavirus in selected areas in order to create a second wave of infections in order to blame Trump and cost him reelection. After all of their previous efforts, it is clear that they will stop at nothing to remove him from office.

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So that's how you're going to explain the increasing death counts that result from your stupid policies? By creating yet another conspiracy theory?

No. The virus will spread because morons ignore lockdowns, social distancing and mask wearing. That's a given, and that will be your fault.

Yes, we expected you to stoop this low. After all, if you could take responsibility for your own actions, you'd be a liberal.
I predict that, prior to the election, the Democrats will plant the Coronavirus in selected areas in order to create a second wave of infections in order to blame Trump and cost him reelection. After all of their previous efforts, it is clear that they will stop at nothing to remove him from office.

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I predict UFOs will sweep in and haul Trump away
So that's how you're going to explain the increasing death counts that result from your stupid policies? By creating yet another conspiracy theory?

No. The virus will spread because morons ignore lockdowns, social distancing and mask wearing. That's a given, and that will be your fault.

Yes, we expected you to stoop this low. After all, if you could take responsibility for your own actions, you'd be a liberal.

You are predicting increasing death counts ? Please tell us how they will increase by ? And where ?
I predict that, prior to the election, the Democrats will plant the Coronavirus in selected areas in order to create a second wave of infections in order to blame Trump and cost him reelection. After all of their previous efforts, it is clear that they will stop at nothing to remove him from office.

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I predict that it6s already far too late for the demodumbasses to do anything to prevent the oncoming red tsunami. Especially after the silly assed bullshit they've tried to pull off so far and got caught red handed. And after their leadership has pulled such stupid stunts as Pelosi tearing up the SOTU address. All of that shit is going to be played over and over and over again in upcoming TV ad spots. Democrats are doomed.
You are predicting increasing death counts ?

That's been a universal prediction.

Please tell us how they will increase by ? And where ?

That depends entirely on what policies are implemented. The worse those are, the higher the count. One projection is 143,000, but those numbers keep changing.

And obviously, the increases will be largest in the states that throw away all restrictions. For example, it will get much worse in Florida and Texas.

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