Poll: Rush Limbaugh--Hannity--Savage--Levin. A question to their audiences?

For future Ratings & Profit--which President would work best for Rush Limbaugh?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • Republican Nominee

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
He sure did, literally! GWB was his "Butt Buddy."

July 25, 2008

RUSH: This happened to me last August. I had dinner up there in the White House. We had cigars in the Treaty Room up in the residence. I told you about this. He spent 45 minutes taking me around the world...

Rush to brag about smoking in the Oval Office (a Federal Offense) all the time.
Ha! No takers! Rush = Conservative Audio masturbation.

It never fails to amuse me how consistent the principle is which requires that those who claim to be independents, are little more than Leftists without the courage to commit.

It never fails me how people who "listen" to Rush can NEVER tell me about what he said on a daily basis.
You failed the challenge.
It never fails me how people who "listen" to Rush can NEVER tell me about what he said on a daily basis.
You failed the challenge.
Not only that, Porky doesn't even know what he himself said after he reads his GOP script!

February 10, 2012

RUSH: Jerry on Long Island in New York, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Rush, mega, mega dittos from New York. Thank you for taking my call. It's a thrill to be speaking to you.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.

CALLER: A huge thrill. Thank you very much.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: I was telling Snerdley, your opening monologues are usually amazing but this morning's was brilliant, and I think it should be distributed to every high school student in this country. Because it was absolutely conservatism on parade this morning, and if our candidates could talk anywhere near what you said this morning, it would be a landslide in November, don't you think?

RUSH: You know, I've forgotten what I said. I thought I opened up talking about the Obama Health and Human Services, the abortion thing. What did I say that...? I'm not denying it was great. I just don't remember it.

CALLER: I was never really prompted to call anybody. When I heard it I just thought, "This was conservatism." Everything you said, Rush. Just... I don't know what you said, but it was just conservatism.
The pay day is better if Hillary wins.

Why? Simple really.

The more powerful the Democrat, the more entertaining when these guys tear them down. Also, they do not make good defenders of politicians. They are free market attack dogs that need a big ass to tear into.
Hildabeast is a very big and easy target...
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Ha! No takers! Rush = Conservative Audio masturbation.

It never fails to amuse me how consistent the principle is which requires that those who claim to be independents, are little more than Leftists without the courage to commit.

It never fails me how people who "listen" to Rush can NEVER tell me about what he said on a daily basis.
You failed the challenge.
He's an entertainer dumb a$$, he says it all the time and would be the first to tell you.
And the numbers don't lie, what? Are you going to listen to some POS politician... Maybe if you want to go to sleep.
He's an entertainer dumb a$$, he says it all the time and would be the first to tell you.
You Liberal!

December 20, 2007
RUSH: That's a liberal complaint. I'm an entertainer. Don't take me seriously.

December 23, 2007
RUSH: Whoever said those things was essentially repeating the Democrat mantra of all these years: that I am just an entertainer, not an independent thinker

January 10, 2014
RUSH: I'm just doing what I always do. Folks, I observe. I'm a journalist
He's an entertainer dumb a$$, he says it all the time and would be the first to tell you.
You Liberal!

December 20, 2007
RUSH: That's a liberal complaint. I'm an entertainer. Don't take me seriously.

December 23, 2007
RUSH: Whoever said those things was essentially repeating the Democrat mantra of all these years: that I am just an entertainer, not an independent thinker

January 10, 2014
RUSH: I'm just doing what I always do. Folks, I observe. I'm a journalist
It's an opinion program... What more do you want??
A question to Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Mike Savage & Mark Levin, etc. audiences?

Over the years we have heard all about these "Obscene profit" breaks. So my question & poll is: How in the heck are the ring wing radio talk show hosts going to keep up with these OBSCENE profits if Hillary Clinton loses the election? Limbaugh has been blasting her for at least 20 years, non-stop. Who in the heck is he going to be able to talk about if there is a Republican President--& Hillary Clinton is out of the political scene?

Maybe this is why they are all PROMOTING a candidate in Donald Trump, that has absolutely no chance of winning the White House. After he's gone--they'll move to another far right wing candidate that has no chance either, then another, then another--all the way up until the nomination.

Their profits come from the Establishment & Rino groupies who they have to keep at a certain level of hysteria to keep those profits rolling in. A Republican in the oval office--spells a calmer atmosphere and it's going to get real booooring on their radio shows. Those radios are going to get turned off, meaning OBSCENE profits turn into Piddly profits.

This is what happens when you have political discourse associated with RATINGS & MONEY.
well 007 thinks The Donald can win. Ooops!!! I just proved your point :redface:
007 is a retard. He once started a thread in 2012 based on an online poll showing that Obama was going to lose the election.
Ha! No takers! Rush = Conservative Audio masturbation.

It never fails to amuse me how consistent the principle is which requires that those who claim to be independents, are little more than Leftists without the courage to commit.

It never fails me how people who "listen" to Rush can NEVER tell me about what he said on a daily basis.
You failed the challenge.

I can.

All I have is radio and dial up.

My day depending on reception starts with CBC next on CJOB to the Flag out of ND (1100) and I can run with it depending on the weather till I can pick up Savage on WLS out of Chicago that puts me into Levin.

And then I get my favorites on WLS Red Eye Radio dudes. And when I can't get them in my fall back is Coast to Coast.
It never fails me how people who "listen" to Rush can NEVER tell me about what he said on a daily basis.
You failed the challenge.
Not only that, Porky doesn't even know what he himself said after he reads his GOP script!

February 10, 2012

RUSH: Jerry on Long Island in New York, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Rush, mega, mega dittos from New York. Thank you for taking my call. It's a thrill to be speaking to you.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much.

CALLER: A huge thrill. Thank you very much.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: I was telling Snerdley, your opening monologues are usually amazing but this morning's was brilliant, and I think it should be distributed to every high school student in this country. Because it was absolutely conservatism on parade this morning, and if our candidates could talk anywhere near what you said this morning, it would be a landslide in November, don't you think?

RUSH: You know, I've forgotten what I said. I thought I opened up talking about the Obama Health and Human Services, the abortion thing. What did I say that...? I'm not denying it was great. I just don't remember it.

CALLER: I was never really prompted to call anybody. When I heard it I just thought, "This was conservatism." Everything you said, Rush. Just... I don't know what you said, but it was just conservatism.

He's a mega smart ass.

Putting up bits and pieces of his diatribes means nothing to those who listen.
He's an entertainer dumb a$$, he says it all the time and would be the first to tell you.
You Liberal!

December 20, 2007
RUSH: That's a liberal complaint. I'm an entertainer. Don't take me seriously.

December 23, 2007
RUSH: Whoever said those things was essentially repeating the Democrat mantra of all these years: that I am just an entertainer, not an independent thinker

January 10, 2014
RUSH: I'm just doing what I always do. Folks, I observe. I'm a journalist
It's an opinion program... What more do you want??
What do all liberals want to do with opposing opinions? Silence them of course...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Actually he does, but without actually saying he endorses them so when they lose, and they always lose, his waning influence is not obvious to his gullible DittoTards.
By "like and don't like" your MessiahRushie means "endorse and don't endorse."

January 4, 2008
RUSH: People need leadership. It's one of my mantras. They want leadership. And to a lot of these people, I am their leader. And they think that I am AWOL on leadership because I don't come out and endorse a candidate, and because I don't come out and go through the candidates' particulars and suggest this is good, this is bad. I have actually been doing that; if anybody listens regularly, they shouldn't really be having a tough time figuring out who I like and who I don't like.

CALLER: Totally.

RUSH: But nevertheless, maybe that kind of subtlety is not powerful enough to get through.

I have been on political boards for 15 years. The ones I notice that so are so totally ill-informed on issues are right wing radio listeners. They never read anything. Certainly never do their own homework on the candidates they support.

They carry around the Rush Limbaugh bible with them and that's it.

Here is a great article on the mentality of a Trump supporter.

Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

I notice that liberal idiots like you are always making totally unfounded a wrong claims about Rush's audience. Studies have show that his audience is one of the most educated of any media outlet.
Yeah, just as sure as he has a CERTIFIED "accuracy" rating of 99.8% :cuckoo:

You're obviously too stupid to get the joke.
And you missed the point, your MessiahRushie's audience being educated is just as much a "joke."

Only a lib would claim the facts are a "joke."
A question to Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Mike Savage & Mark Levin, etc. audiences?

Over the years we have heard all about these "Obscene profit" breaks. So my question & poll is: How in the heck are the ring wing radio talk show hosts going to keep up with these OBSCENE profits if Hillary Clinton loses the election? Limbaugh has been blasting her for at least 20 years, non-stop. Who in the heck is he going to be able to talk about if there is a Republican President--& Hillary Clinton is out of the political scene?

Maybe this is why they are all PROMOTING a candidate in Donald Trump, that has absolutely no chance of winning the White House. After he's gone--they'll move to another far right wing candidate that has no chance either, then another, then another--all the way up until the nomination.

Their profits come from the Establishment & Rino groupies who they have to keep at a certain level of hysteria to keep those profits rolling in. A Republican in the oval office--spells a calmer atmosphere and it's going to get real booooring on their radio shows. Those radios are going to get turned off, meaning OBSCENE profits turn into Piddly profits.

This is what happens when you have political discourse associated with RATINGS & MONEY.


You are posting like a tween ager

What did they do when Bush Jr won?
I have been on political boards for 15 years. The ones I notice that so are so totally ill-informed on issues are right wing radio listeners. They never read anything. Certainly never do their own homework on the candidates they support.

They carry around the Rush Limbaugh bible with them and that's it.

Here is a great article on the mentality of a Trump supporter.

Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

I notice that liberal idiots like you are always making totally unfounded a wrong claims about Rush's audience. Studies have show that his audience is one of the most educated of any media outlet.
Yeah, just as sure as he has a CERTIFIED "accuracy" rating of 99.8% :cuckoo:

You're obviously too stupid to get the joke.
And you missed the point, your MessiahRushie's audience being educated is just as much a "joke."

Only a lib would claim the facts are a "joke."
Only a DittoTard would expect to hear a fact from your MessiahRushie.

June 23, 2014
RUSH: How many people not working are on unemployment compensation into their fourth year of it?
Those four guys are essentially running the party right now. The echo chamber started with them.

Scott Walker was the darling of the GOP until Rush & Hannity stopped talking about him and got boners for Trump. Voila. Toast. Here comes Trump.

Listen to their shows for a couple of days and then read the posts here. Pretty obvious.
Liberal talk-radio station Air America files for bankruptcy, will go off the air

Air America, the liberal talk-radio network that helped boost the careers of Al Franken and Rachel Maddow, said Thursday that it was declaring bankruptcy and going off the air.

The company, founded in 2004 and based in New York, strove to provide left-leaning commentary and call-in programs as an alternative to such popular conservative radio talkers as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage.

It was troubled almost from the start. The company had difficulty lining up affiliates and attracting a sizable audience. It filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy-court protection just 30 months after its inception and was resold to an investor group in early 2007 for $4.25 million.

Poor things...........couldn't get sponsors and hardly anyone was listening to them.............

Oh wait a minute...............Right wing Radio gets good ratings and sponsors.................oops................And will continue to do so if the Hildabeast loses.
It's because right wing radio is all entertainment, not news, not serious discussions of serious topics. Seems the masses prefer entertainment. As usual.

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